happiness is passionate personal inquiry

Happiness isPassionate, Personal Inquiry BCTELA PSA Conference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Happiness isPassionate, Personal Inquiry BCTELA PSA Conference October 24, 2014 Joanne Panas jpanas@sd38.bc.ca Create a model of happiness What is it? How do you define happiness? What is it not? Where is it? How does it

  1. Happiness is…Passionate, Personal Inquiry BCTELA PSA Conference October 24, 2014 Joanne Panas jpanas@sd38.bc.ca

  2. Create a model of happiness • What is it? – How do you define happiness? What is it not? Where is it? • How does it work? – How do people become happy or attain happiness? Are they born that way? Is it a choice? Do they earn it? Is there some other mechanism?

  3. Analyze your model • What does your model imply about how you should live your life? • Is there anything contradictory or illogical about your model?

  4. Research Others’ Ideas • Read the text provided. • What are the key ideas about happiness, especially what it is and how it works? • What other ideas stand out for you or impact you? What questions do you have? • Be ready to share with your group and with another group .

  5. Evaluate and Apply • How do the texts compare in their key ideas about happiness? • What does your research make you think about your own model of happiness? Would you change it? How so? Do you want to keep it the same? Why? • Share your thoughts with your group.

  6. Inspired by Shelley Wright: • Educator & blogger from Saskatchewan • Wright’s Room: shelleywright.wordpress.com • May 29, 2012 entry: “Flipping Bloom’s Taxonomy”

  7. Inquiry Methods Compared Shelley W’s Method Standard Inquiry Method (primarily for sciences) • Create a model based on background knowledge • Develop background knowledge &/or questions • Analyze model • Develop hypothesis & do • Do research research (recursive) • Compare model to research • Create project • Revise model into project • Share project, respond, • Share project, possibly possibly develop further develop further questions &/ questions &/or actions or actions

  8. English 12 Happiness Inquiry Unit Overview Stage of the Unit Assessment (F=Formative, S=Summative) 1. Create a model or image of happiness as None (see below). you understand it or think about it now. Use the questions developed in class to help you. 2. Analyze your model/image. Use the Write out your (S) analysis of your original model in a questions developed in class to help you, as paragraph. Include the (F) model of happiness. well as the perspectives of others. 3. Consider what others say about happiness. Have 2-3 practice (F) group discussions leading to a Some whole-class materials will be final (S) group discussion . provided, and these will be discussed in (F) Respond to the materials used on the chart class. Research a variety of other sources provided; choose 1 to develop into a deeper (S) and track your data on a chart (provided— response . can be modified to your own specifications). Choose 1 text from your chart to (S) analyze : summarize and compare it to your own thinking so far. 4. Compare your original model about None (see below). happiness to others’ thinking. Use the questions developed in class to help you. 5. (Re) express your ideas about happiness Finalize a model of happiness that works for you. (S) and how happiness works as you understand Present your model , why/how you came to your it after inquiring into the concept. thinking, and your sources; audience to be determined.

  9. Supporting Diverse Learners Different ways of thinking about happiness

  10. Choice of texts PBS.org “Wings” “The Happy Man” “In Selfish Pursuit”

  11. Supporting Diverse Learners • Ways of thinking about happiness • Choice of texts • Practice & feedback • Adapting the final project • Allowing re-writes for some tasks

  12. Adapting the Inquiry Model Advertising/media (idea from Shelley W.)

  13. Adapting the Inquiry Model Film study unit

  14. Adapting the Inquiry Model Darkness in humanity unit

  15. What’s sparking for you?

  16. Work Time: Try It Out • Create a model based on background knowledge • Analyze model • Do research • Compare model to research • Revise model into project • Share project, possibly develop further questions &/or actions

  17. Photo/Image Credits • Clockwork brain: http://pro4sports.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ technology-sociology-psychology-research.jpg • Clear shampoo ad: http://www.fashnx.in/2013/12/asin-in-all-clear-anti- dandruf-sampo.html • ipod 4 ad: Graphicdesignblender.com • Haagen-Dazs ads: http://barrymwong.com/campaign.php • Kenneth Chan storyboard: https://acomp.stanford.edu/tutorials/ storyboarding • Storyboard sample 2: http://ranjeetm64mc.wordpress.com/2010/04/10/ storyboarding-2/ • Darkness of night image: http://modeoflife.org/2012/12/01/parable-of- the-good-samaritan-lk-1025-37-a-lesson-in-humanity-and-living-faith/ darkness-of-night/ • Bloom’s 21: http://shelleywright.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/flipping- blooms-taxonomy/


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