GRB: Making it Happen in Malaysia
GRB in Malaysia 2004: Pilot GRB: Led project with by MWFCD UNDP & 5 @ Federal Ministries GRB Manuals & training Treasury circulars
GRB in Malaysia 9 th Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) Thrust 2: TO RAISE THE CAPACITY FOR KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION AND NURTURE 'FIRST CLASS MENTALITY' Chapter 13: Women and development 13.40: “Training will be provided to increase the effectiveness of gender focal points in public agencies to ensure the inclusion of the gender perspective in policies, strategies and programmes of these agencies. Gender sensitive budget analysis and sensitization programmes will continue to be implemented for policy makers and planners. Greater efforts will also be undertaken to ensure the systematic collection and compilation of gender disaggregated data to facilitate effective analysis, monitoring, impact assessment and policy formulation. In addition, the implementation of gender sensitive budgets will be expanded in stages to other ministries .”
GRB in Malaysia In 2010, the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, civil society organization’s (CSO) and the UN Gender Theme Group submitted a Memorandum to the Deputy Finance Minister II with recommendations on how to strengthen the implementation of GRB in Malaysia. In 2013, MOF with the support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and in cooperation with MWFCD: Implemented a training workshop on GRB with the 5 pilot ministries mentioned above Began a dialogue on how GRB can be implemented within the Outcome- Based Budgeting (OBB) Began the development of a toolkit to provide guidelines on how GRB can be included in OBB
GRB in Malaysia Based on the ADB intervention, the language of the Budget 2014 Treasury Circular (with substantive input from UNDP) stated: “ Pendekatan Bajet Responsif Gender 28. Dalam memastikan keberkesanan kesaksamaan gender dalam perancangan dan pembangunan negara, kementerian/agensi hendaklah menyediakan bajet menggunakan pendekatan analisis bajet gender. Dalam hal ini, kementerian/agensi hendaklah memastikan analisis keperluan pelanggan perlu mengambil kira kesan yang berbeza terhadap lelaki dan wanita (termasuk kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan) dalam perancangan program dan aktiviti. Isu-isu gender yang dikenal pasti harus dikaitkan dengan analisis keperluan pelanggan dan petunjuk prestasi utama (Key Performance Indicator - KPI). 29. Analisis keperluan pelanggan dan KPI yang ditentukan oleh kementerian/agensi harus berasaskan data mengikut pecahan jantina sebagaimana yang diarahkan oleh Ketua Setiausaha Negara melalui surat bertarikh 16 Oktober 2008. Bagi tujuan ini, kementerian/agensi perlu mengemaskinikan data tersebut dari semasa ke semasa bagi membantu proses penyediaan bajet. Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat akan membimbing dan membantu kementerian/agensi dalam mengenal pasti isu-isu gender di peringkat kementerian/agensi .”
GRB in Malaysia Challenges Despite such a conducive environment to implement gender responsive budgeting through the training of budget officers in the five pilot Ministries and the treasury call circulars; there is little evidence which shows that gender responsive budgeting has taken place in Malaysia. And this appears to be the case for the 2014 Budget announced on 25 October 2013.
GRB in Malaysia Analysis of Budget 2014 Budget 2014 still allocates separate funds for women’s issues. There was only one clear evidence of how “gender” considerations have been made in Budget 2014. There was evidences of gender biasness. There are instances of “neutrality” which could have mainstreamed gender for better targeting.
GRB in Malaysia Opportunities 11 Malaysia Plan 2015-2019 Budget 2015 Analisis Gender 21. Dalam memastikan keberkesanan kesaksamaan gender yang berterusan dalam perancangan dan pembangunan negara, kementerian/agensi perlu menyediakan perancangan bajet menggunakan pendekatan analisis gender. Dalam hal ini, kementerian/agensi perlu memastikan analisis keperluan pelanggan mengambil kira impak yang berbeza terhadap kumpulan sasar masing-masing (jantina, kanak- kanak lelaki dan perempuan, kumpulan umur, pendidikan, pendapatan, bandar dan luar bandar) dalam perancangan Program dan Aktiviti. Isu gender yang berkenaan harus dikaitkan dengan analisis masalah/keperluan pelanggan dan outcome. 22. Bagi membantu penyediaan bajet dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis gender, Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat akan membimbing dan membantu kementerian/agensi mengenal pasti isu gender di peringkat kementerian/agensi.
GRB in Malaysia GRB: Making it Happen External Operational Internal Procedures Organizational Procedures Steps needed to mainstream Changes needed within gender into development organizations to embrace the goals and values of operations such as design, gender mainstreaming and implementation and GRB and to alter systems evaluation and which also and procedures to meet provides resource allocations these goals. Changes may at the start. Specialized include more structural gender technical input such elements such as changing as gender analysis and the “culture” of the technical assistance for the organization through design, implementation and gender equality mandates evaluation phases as well. to make the work place more egalitarian.
GRB in Malaysia Malaysia: Planning Process
GRB in Malaysia Malaysia: Planning Process
GRB in Malaysia Challenges Huge gap between policy commitments and actual implementation. Most do not even taken the first step of using gender analysis to inform policies and programs. Shortcoming at the start of the process is reflected throughout planning design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes because lack of gender mainstreaming comes the expectation that officers should be gender aware and responsive, conversant with gender issues and knowledgeable about them. Often, they do not have this knowledge and may express the sentiment that this is a personal obstacle in addressing gender issues. Staff may be reluctant to take on additional work or they may feel they lack the knowledge and skills for it. They may lack motivation because they may not see a connection between incorporating gender considerations and their own work goals and plans Training may not be helpful to make institutional changes especially since trainees usually junior officers.
GRB in Malaysia Success Factors Clearly articulated gender policy Support from top leadership Gender embraced in its fullest application to both sexes Political will backed by policies and directives Applied multifaceted strategies for gender mainstreaming Technical capacity built within and outside organization Consistent monitoring of indicators
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