Ideas for M erging M U Se and the C ollege of C harleston kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Faculty Meeting May 2012 COLLEGEo{ C ihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA HARLEST0N Muse: By the Numbers • Founded 1824 II PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA • Renamed 1969 ur Tsa • Six Colleges (e.g., 8T,lTE UF M UV·••H.C&R •••• N •••• Medicine, Nursing, ~EOTU:a.:mB Pharmacy) O N A N A T O M Y . J. IDW ARDS HOLBROOK, m. D. • Enrolled UGs: 198 , • Grad. Students: 2,480 cffw> _ jII, ,If, ,Y;~"", H • • Char/uron, NOt"""bor 1853-<1. • Faculty: 207 • FY10 Operating Budget: iiMUSC $587 million MEDICAL UNIVERSITY '/ SOUTH CAROI.INA 1
H istory of M erger C onversations kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA • 1824 • 1968 ~':;i:.;.->.~'''~IV-ll Johft''''' • 1973 Sl"~ r.&ll<.~.~" •• d.or Tru",<" • h.". ~~~,;~. ;:':':,~'~~' ll"d ••• ,d ~M dh. CII.:l""'''~. S~,,'hC.rQIl •• • 1975~1978 ~:::."",,:'~:::::';::. ":l:::~ ~~:!~·l·;;;'~~:"':'<' ~/. 7::'/:: ••• H O M U .""'''''.~. ".~ u"" • .,. c/. l'.;'N .I., • 1981~1982 Cd':.;~:::,;~~T;;:.~:,,:'~:~ !!;~':' /;':'::. ~:i~"~;,~~:F;:~~:n~~:::":E.~::~:~~:i~~~~~,. • 1991~1992 ~.. ri.";!~:'~~;~;~'::"k7.~:~':/ "';::~;:~:~ zr: '<p<>'U 'Woo' 10•••• t<I •••• '.:.~ :~. :;H :'1- •• ~., •• ~:.""- •••••••••••.•• ,Or. J~~Z." •••. • 1995 • 1998~2000 ••••• "';:, ••••• 1>0,' I',..I~·M • 2013 ihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA co· 0 •. '0"'11'.'''' ~\,C~,~ ~"n.''''••.. "". ~. c,,,,,'. I·"·.~t~~, ~"."." ".~. "'.,. S. " ~."'I' 0 •• s...•• COLLEGEof C HARLEST0N "I am a realist and in the face of financial constraints, editorial opposition, and a parochial mentality on the part of certain persons, the creation of a university at Charleston is impossible at this time." Dewey Wise, State Senator January 26, 1982 2
Past Proposals for the R elationship kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA • Clear Separation "CI A .. " • ose ssociation • Graduate Consortium • Merger o Confederation u Consolidation C urrent C ollaboration w ith M U SC • Student Advising • Undergraduate Research at MUSC • Cross-appointed Faculty • Research ihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA & Teaching Collaborations o Biology o Chemistry o Mathematics o Physics o Other Disciplines • Joint Grant/Fellowship Programs 3
COLLEGEof C ihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA HARLEST0N SCHOOL OF SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS SNAPSHOT OF SSM 1840 majors PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA B IO L + M B IO 1022 C H E M + B lO C 221 C S C I + D IS C + C ITA + 303 IN FS G E O L 108 M A TH 98 P H Y S +A S TP +A S TR 88 Graduate Programs: Marine Biology, Environmental Studies, Computer Science, Math COLLEGEof C HARLEST0N SCHOOL OF SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS U N D E R G R A D U A TE D E G R E E S , A Y 2010-2011 use- Col. CofC Clemson Biology + Marine Biology 182(3) 215 399 Chemistry + Biochemistry 58 (1) 51 41 Computer Science 33 (3) 64 22 11 11 Geology 25 (1) Math 15 (3) 36 36 Physics & Astronomy 8(2) 13 5 Total S & M (% grads) 321 (15.9%) 390 (11.8%) 545 (12.2%) 4462 Total Graduates 2025 3318 4
I DCBA SSM C ofC / M U SC C ollaborations College of Charleston Students going to Medical School to medical school) kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 22 (to MUSe) 2010 47 (students accepted 2011 41 22 2012 44 24 11 MUSC Faculty Teaching or Advising CofC Students 11 CofC Faculty Advising MUSC Students Cof C & MUSC Faculty Collaborations 13 - 25 20 Undergraduate Research Collaborations External Funding 2 Other Active Collaborations 2 I E H H P C ofC /M U SC C ollaborations PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Life (Being Developed with HSS) M asters in C hild Faculty C onsulting w ith M U S C to Im prove Teaching & Learning at M U S C & R esidents S trong 15 year P artnership w ith O rthopediatc Faculty E xternal Funding P artnerships 3 grants recently submitted N um ber of Joint A ppointm ents 5
C om m ittee on C ollaboration kjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA • Membership u CofC: Dan Ravenel, Demetria Clemons, George W. Hynd, Steve Osborne o MUSC: Two Trustees, Mark S. Sothmann ihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA & Lisa P. Montgomery • Purpose: To explore existing and future collaborations that build on each institutions strengths COLLEGEof HARLESTON PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA C M use COLLEGEof C HARLESTON 6
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