guided pat hways cor e gr oup

Guided Pat hways Cor e Gr oup Monday, March 25 th 3pm-5pm Hall of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Guided Pat hways Cor e Gr oup Monday, March 25 th 3pm-5pm Hall of Fame AGENDA DA Spring 201 9 Core Group Focus Updates on the Onboarding Process Recap of Academic Engagement Center Vision and Mission Vision and Mission Activity

  1. Guided Pat hways Cor e Gr oup Monday, March 25 th 3pm-5pm Hall of Fame

  2. AGENDA DA  Spring 201 9 Core Group Focus  Updates on the Onboarding Process  Recap of Academic Engagement Center Vision and Mission  Vision and Mission Activity and Discussion  Recap of Academic Engagement Center: Roles/ Responsibilities of Student Success Teams  Development of an Academic Engagement Center Communication Plan  Next Steps and Timeline 2

  3. Cor e Gr oup Spr ing ‘ 1 9 Focus Updates on Guided Pathways  Refine Student Success Team Roles/  Responsibilities Create an Academic Engagement Center  Communication Plan 3

  4. ONBOARDING Spr ing Upda tes 4

  5. The Dif f er ence bet ween vision and mission The Vision n Statement nt focuses on the future; it is a source of inspiration and motivation. It often describes an organization’s direction. It is aspirational. RCC Vision S Statement: Riverside City College will expand on its tradition as a premier community college recognized for excellence in education, innovation, and service. The Mission S Statement describes what an organization currently does; it concentrates on the present. It often defines the population served and current activities. RCC Mission S Statement: Riverside City College provides a high-quality affordable education and engages with a diverse community of learners by offering pre-college, transferable, and career-technical courses leading to locally-approved and state- approved certificates, associate degrees, associate degrees for transfer, and transfer. Based on a learner-centered philosophy, the College fosters critical thinking; develops information competency and technological literacy; expands communication skills; and promotes self-development and global awareness. To encourage student success, the College provides comprehensive learning and student support services; co-curricular activities; and community and Arts programs. RCC supports and empowers students as they work toward individual achievement, intellectual curiosity, and life-long learning. 5

  6. VISION AND MISSION ACTIVITY instr uctions S tatements on the boards around the room were developed at the winter strategic planning retreat. Our task is to refine the statements for both the Vision and Mission of the Academic Engagement Centers. Place an Place a BLUE UE Compilation of ORANG G Edot E results will be Dot next to a next to a forwarded to statement DISCUSSION statement ISS that should Committee for that you be eliminated completion really like 6

  7. 2 . Aca demic E nga gement Center CO COMMUNCA CATION Pl an 7

  8. communicat ion pl an: W HEN? W HO? Activity a nd instr uctions HOW ? Group with Review W rite Down others who Identify Roles/ Communication have the Your Role that is delivered Responsibilities same Role from your Role handout in the room Deans, Do you Communication for Position or Department/ Campus Counselors currently have Title & Educational any additional Communication for Advisors, responsibilities students Faculty Liaison, that are not Classified Staff, listed? Management, etc. 8

  9. 3 . Next Steps a nd Timel ine impl ementa tion 9

  10.  Vision and mission r ef inement submit t ed t o I ntegr a ted Student Suppor t Committee  MAY 1 7 t h : St udent Success Tea m R et r ea t  I mpl ement a t ion of communica t ion pl a n f or enga gement cent er s  Ma r ch 29 t h : St r a t egic Pl a nning R et r ea t- Focus on Pil l a r 4 (Tea ching a nd l ea r ning) 1 0

  11. T ha nk You! Any questions? Email me: monique.greene@ Call me: 951 -222-8490 Come See me: CAK 204G 1 1


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