gsps ca technol olog ogy c create tes new ew oppor ortu
play Technol olog ogy c create tes new ew oppor ortu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Our Community ~ Our Commitment Notre Communaut ~ Notre Engagement Technol olog ogy c create tes new ew oppor ortu tuniti ties f for crim imin inals ls 1. 1. Cyber er C Crime me is is expan anding 2. 2.

  1. Our Community ~ Our Commitment ● Notre Communauté ~ Notre Engagement

  2. Technol olog ogy c create tes new ew oppor ortu tuniti ties f for crim imin inals ls 1. 1. Cyber er C Crime me is is expan anding 2. 2. Cyber er C Crime me requires n s new w way ays o s of polic licin ing 3. 3.

  3. • Global, l, N Natio ional, l, P Provin incia ial a l and L Local a l appro roaches • Review t typ ypes o s of t technology gy b base ased c crimes • Case se s studies • Pro Provide a an o overv rview o of GSPS PS S Stra rategies • Highlig light storage age/disc sclosu sure r requirements • Outlin line curre rent l legis isla latio ion • The G GSPS p prevention ap approach • Business Pla Plan lin links • How y you c u can h n help

  4. “Cyb yber C Criminals p pay ay no at attention t to Nat ational B Boundaries, s, a a joint ap approach i is s vital”– Oliver Gower, UK National Cyber Crime Unit

  5. “Canad ada’ a’s d s digital al l lan andsc scap ape s shows t s the r rising t g technical comple lexit xity, s sophis istic icatio ion, a and e expansio ion o of Cyber r Crim ime. While d dif ifficult to m measure re, t these C Cri rimes s show n no s sig ign o of slowing i g in C Can anad ada” – RMCP Cyber Crime: An overview of incidents and issues in Canada


  7. Ontario io P Provin incia ial l Stra rategy t to Pro Protect C Childre ren f fro rom • Sexu xual A l Abuse a and Explo loit itatio ion o on the I Intern rnet OPP ad added Online ne U UC c compone nent nt t to cov overt t opera ratio ions • and inte ternet t intellig lligence Tor oron onto o Po Poli lice S Serv rvice crea eated C ed Cyber er Crim ime Unit t •


  9. Domestic V c Violence ce Identity F Id Frau aud Child P Pornogr grap aphy Cyber b bully llyin ing Crim imin inal H l Harassment Sext xtin ing Any c An crime u usi sing a a compu mputer er o or mobile e devi vice ce

  10. • Ash Ashley M Mad adison e email sc scam • Dating w g websi site s scam ams • Money s y scam ams

  11. Opera ratio ion – Communi unity I Intervent ntion f n for Children’ n’s Safety ( y (CIC ICS) Mobyliz lize/Celle llebrit rite c cell ll p phone forensic ic software re Traini ning ng - CPC/O /OPC/I C/Internal Pa Part rtners rships Mobile D Data t a terminal als/ s/Au Automat ated L Licence P Plate Read ader/ S Smar art p phones

  12. • Siz ize o of file iles • Tim imelin lines f for imagin ing a and fore rensics • Cata talog oguing o of infor formati tion on • Po Poli licy a and p pro rocedure res

  13. • R v v. Spen encer er – Product ction on Ord rders rs • R v. v. Fearon on – Examina nation o n of cell p ll phone • R v v. More relli lli – Computers a s are a p a place (Sup upreme C Cour urt)

  14. ICE C E Com ommitt ttee – as as a a resu sult o of Operation C CIC ICS Can anad adian an A Anti-Frau aud C Center Can anad adian an C Center f for C Child P Protection Cyb

  15. Reaf affir irming our commit itment to crim ime pre revention an and the collab llaborat ative • pro rovision of vic ictim as assis istan ance pro rogram rams Reducing in incid idents of vio iole lent crim rime through in incre reas ased an analyt alytic ics, pre revention • an and in interventio ion tech echniques Expan andin ing yo youth crim rime in init itiat iatives through communit ity y an and yo youth • emp mpowerme ment Detai aile led efficie iency y an and effectiv iveness re reviews an and ongoin ing best prac ractic ice • re resear arch to ad advan ance le levels of excelle lence in in all all as aspects of our r serv rvice pr prov ovision on Ensure fac acilit ilitie ies an and equip ipment meets the needs of our me memb mbers •

  16. • Chan ange ge device p passw swords s routinel ely a and k d keep ep them em t to yo yourse self • Monit itor y your c child ildre ren’s o onlin line activ ivit itie ies • Never re r respond t to re requests f for r mone ney • Repor ort t suspici ciou ous i incidents t to polic lice • If you a are re not s sure re – ask ask so someone yo you t trust st • REMEM EMBER ER – If f it t sounds too too good ood to to b be tr true…it i t is!!!

  17. Our Community ~ Our Commitment ● Notre Communauté ~ Notre Engagement



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