grover mixers for qaoa shifting complexity from mixer

Grover Mixers for QAOA: Shifting Complexity from Mixer Design to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-UR-20-28071 Grover Mixers for QAOA: Shifting Complexity from Mixer Design to State Preparation you joint work with Stephan Eidenbenz Andreas Brtschi nt CCS-3 Information Sciences wo

  1. Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-UR-20-28071 Grover Mixers for QAOA: Shifting Complexity from Mixer Design to State Preparation you joint work with Stephan Eidenbenz Andreas BΓ€rtschi nt CCS-3 Information Sciences wo IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE20) October 12 – 16, 2020 Managed by Triad National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

  2. Los Alamos National Laboratory QAOA Variants October 12, 2020 | 2

  3. Los Alamos National Laboratory QAOA QAOA is a heuristic for combinatorial optimization. It prepares a state 𝜸, 𝜹 = 𝑉 ! 𝛾 " 𝑉 # 𝛿 " β‹― 𝑉 ! 𝛾 $ 𝑉 # 𝛿 $ 𝑉 % 0 from which one would like to sample good solutions with high probability. QAOA is specified by β€’ an initial state preparation unitary 𝑉 % , preparing some superposition of feasible states. β€’ a phase separator unitary 𝑉 # (𝛿) , phasing basis states |π‘¦βŸ© proportional to their objective value by 𝑓 &' ( )*+(-) . β€’ a mixer unitary 𝑉 ! 𝛾 preserving and interfering feasible solutions, β€’ π‘ž rounds with individual angle parameters 𝛾 $ , … , 𝛾 " , 𝛿 $ , … , 𝛿 " . October 12, 2020 | 3

  4. Los Alamos National Laboratory Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Farhi, Goldstone, Gutmann (2014) U S U P ( Ξ³ 1 ) U M ( Ξ² 1 ) U M ( Ξ² p ) | 0 i e βˆ’ i Ξ² 1 X e βˆ’ i Ξ² p X H Ξ³ i | 0 i e βˆ’ i Ξ² 1 X e βˆ’ i Ξ² p X H Ξ² , Ξ³ Ξ³ Ξ² Ξ³ | H C | Ξ² ... | 0 i e βˆ’ i Ξ³ 1 H C e βˆ’ i Ξ² 1 X e βˆ’ i Ξ² p X H Ξ³ Ξ² , Ξ³ | 0 i e βˆ’ i Ξ² 1 X e βˆ’ i Ξ² p X H Ξ² h Ξ² | 0 i e βˆ’ i Ξ² 1 X e βˆ’ i Ξ² p X H P 1 | x i √ 2 n | {z } all x p rounds with angles Ξ³ 1 , Ξ² 1 ,..., Ξ³ p , Ξ² p October 12, 2020 | 4

  5. Los Alamos National Laboratory Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz Hadfield, Wang, O’Gorman, Rieffel, Venturelli, Biswas (2017) U S | 0 i Ξ³ i | 0 i Ξ³ Ξ² , Ξ³ Ξ² Ξ³ | H C | Ξ² ... | 0 i U M ( Ξ² 0 ) U P ( Ξ³ k ) U M ( Ξ² k ) Ξ² , Ξ³ Ξ³ | 0 i Ξ² h Ξ² | 0 i | {z } some feasible | x i p rounds with angles Ξ³ 1 , Ξ² 1 ,..., Ξ³ p , Ξ² p October 12, 2020 | 5

  6. Los Alamos National Laboratory Grover Mixer QAOA U M ( Ξ² k ) = e βˆ’ i Ξ² k | F ih F | | 0 i Ξ³ i | 0 i Ξ³ Ξ² , Ξ³ Ξ² Ξ³ | H C | Ξ² U † . . . | 0 i U S U P ( Ξ³ k ) U S S Ξ³ Ξ² , Ξ³ | 0 i Ξ² h Ξ² | 0 i Z οΏ½ Ξ² k / Ο€ P 1 p | x i | {z } | F | x 2 F p rounds with angles Ξ³ 1 , Ξ² 1 ,..., Ξ³ p , Ξ² p P October 12, 2020 | 6

  7. Los Alamos National Laboratory Grover Mixer QAOA II For constraint optimization problems for which there is an efficiently implementable unitary 𝑉 % to prepare a superposition of all feasible states 𝐺 , 1 𝑉 % 0 = 𝐺 ≔ 5 𝑦 , 𝐺 -∈0 we can efficiently implement a Grover Mixer 𝑉 ! 𝛾 = 𝑓 &' 1 |0⟩⟨0| = 𝐽𝑒 βˆ’ (1 βˆ’ 𝑓 &' 1 )|𝐺⟩⟨𝐺|. Caveat: Likely not always possible, e.g. for Maximum Independent Set. October 12, 2020 | 7

  8. Los Alamos National Laboratory Agenda GM-QAOA Illustration β€’ Densest 𝑙 -Subgraph β€’ Equal Amplitudes for Equal-valued States Advantages of GM-QAOA β€’ Permutation-based optimization problems β€’ Teaser: Maximum 𝑙 -Vertex Cover, Portfolio Rebalancing October 12, 2020 | 8

  9. Los Alamos National Laboratory GM-QAOA Illustration October 12, 2020 | 9

  10. Los Alamos National Laboratory Densest k-Subgraph Given an π‘œ -vertex graph 𝐻, maximize the number of Edges in a subgraph induced by 𝑙 vertices (here 𝑙 = 3 , π‘œ = 4 ). 𝑉 % : Prepare superposition |0111⟩ 3: π‘Ÿ0: of all 4 feasible states: |1110⟩ 1 2: π‘Ÿ1: 6 = 𝐸 5 5 |π‘¦βŸ© 4 -∈ 7,$ ! |1101⟩ π‘Ÿ2: - 95 |1011⟩ 𝑉 # 𝛿 : Phase according to 1: π‘Ÿ3: objective value. Equal amplitudes for equally good basis states: The Grover Mixer 𝑉 ! 𝛾 = 𝐽𝑒 βˆ’ (1 βˆ’ 𝑓 &' 1 )|𝐸 5 6 ⟩⟨𝐸 5 6 | will also retain the same amplitudes among all basis states of the same objective value. October 12, 2020 | 10

  11. Los Alamos National Laboratory Advantages of GM-QAOA October 12, 2020 | 11

  12. Los Alamos National Laboratory Permutation-based optimization problems Optimization problems such as the Traveling Salesperson Problem, the Quadratic Assignment Problem or Maximum Common Edge Subgraph ask for a maximum/minimum-valued permutation (or bijection) of π‘œ elements. State preparation of 𝟐 𝒐! βˆ‘ π’šβˆˆπ‘» 𝒐 |π’šβŸ© Permutation Matrix 0 0 1 0 city 1 1 0 0 0 β€’ Conceptually easier than designing a mixer that city 2 0 0 0 1 city 3 mixes between all permutations / rows of the 0 1 0 0 city 4 matrix / ... β€’ Grover Mixer simultaneously mixes all tour position 1 tour position 2 tour position 3 tour position 4 permutations, no need for partial mixers / Trotterization. β€’ Improvement in the number of gates. October 12, 2020 | 12

  13. Los Alamos National Laboratory Permutation-based optimization problems Optimization problems such as the Traveling Salesperson Problem, the Quadratic Assignment Problem or Maximum Common Edge Subgraph ask for a maximum/minimum-valued permutation (or bijection) of π‘œ elements. State preparation of 𝟐 𝒐! βˆ‘ π’šβˆˆπ‘» 𝒐 |π’šβŸ© Permutation Matrix 0 0 1 0 city 1 { x | x = x n 2 οΏ½ 1 . . . x 1 x 0 such that 1 0 0 0 city 2 0 0 0 1 X 8 0 ο£Ώ c < n : x j = 1 (col. constraints) city 3 0 1 0 0 city 4 j ⌘ c mod n tour position 1 tour position 2 tour position 3 tour position 4 X 8 0 ο£Ώ r < k : x i = 1 (row constraints) b i/n c = r X r = n οΏ½ 1: x i = n οΏ½ k (bitmask) } b i/n c = r October 12, 2020 | 14

  14. Los Alamos National Laboratory Permutation-based optimization problems | 0 i | 0 i W 4 | 0 i | 0 i | 0 i | 0 i | 0 i | 0 i | 0 i W 2 W 2 W 2 | 0 i W 3 W 3 W 3 W 3 W 2 W 2 | 0 i W 3 W 2 W 2 | 0 i W 2 W 2 | 0 i | 0 i | 0 i | 0 i Fig. 5. State Preparation : (left) Initialization of the first row in a -state and in the bitmask in the last row, followed by a bitmask update. October 12, 2020 | 15

  15. Los Alamos National Laboratory Other Applications (Teaser, see the paper) Maximum 𝒍 -Vertex Cover Portfolio Rebalancing Grover Mixer can be used for fixed Discrete Portfolio Rebalancing Hamming Weight subspaces (so far only with feasible subspaces given π‘Œπ‘ -Model Mixers known). by ”bands” defined by fixed difference of Ring-Mixer ( π‘Œπ‘ interactions along a β€’ β€’ number of long positions, ring of qubits), performance not great, β€’ number of short positions. 𝑃(π‘œ) -depth circuit on LNN. β€’ Grover Mixer based on Dicke States, β€’ Grover Mixer is the first 𝑃(π‘œ) -depth circuit on LNN, evidence Mixer to mix between for intermediate performance. different bands, Clique-Mixer ( π‘Œπ‘ interactions along a β€’ β€’ Initial total amplitude of clique of qubits), performance good, bands can be controlled. no circuit implementation known. October 12, 2020 | 16


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