Grid Computing By William Maples
What is Grid Computing? • Geographically diverse • Heterogeneous hardware and software • Large-scale resource sharing • Uniform, abstract access
Why is it called a “Grid”? Because of the “Power Grid Metaphor” Describes a hope for the future Sounds better than “Super-DUPER-Computing
Why is this necessary? • Research is outpacing computing power • To connect more scientists with the computing power they need • Eventually corporations and maybe indivduals
Ok, ok, let’s see some Grids already!
TerraGrid – National Science Foundation
TerraGrid Information • 14 Petabytes Storage • 40 Teraflops of computation • 27-40 Gb/S Network • Across 9 different sites, with more to be added
CICT at NASA (Computing, Information and Communications Technology)
Asian Pacific Grid Project
Major Hurdles for Grids • Accurate Grid-wide Information • Accessing resources in a uniform fashion • Moving and accessing data across the grid • Security that is not tied to individual sites • Grid-aware scheduling
The answer for now? Middleware • Cactus • CORBA • Enterprise JavaBeans
Tomorrow’s Answer? • Grid-aware applications • global Grid compilation system – able to compile and optimize a Grid-aware application to a target Grid configuration • NSF - Grid Application Development Software (GrADS)
And after that? • Who knows? • Grid-enabled VoIP • Super-sized file-swapping?
Any Questions?
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