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GREENWICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS Greenwich, CT September 20, 2018 Board of - PDF document

GREENWICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS Greenwich, CT September 20, 2018 Board of Education Meeting Addendum to Agenda Item: E003 Academic Achievement Report PowerPoint presented at the meeting Revised April 2019: Corrected and updated Table 13. Greenwich

  1. GREENWICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS Greenwich, CT September 20, 2018 Board of Education Meeting Addendum to Agenda Item: E003 Academic Achievement Report PowerPoint presented at the meeting Revised April 2019: Corrected and updated Table 13.

  2. Greenwich Public Schools 2018 Achievement Academic Achievement Highlights Strategic Plan Tiles (1-5) “New”” State Report Card - Next Generation Accountability

  3. Tile Outcome Metric Target SY15 SY16 SY17 SY18 86 th (SBA) 80 th (SBA) A1 English Students meet or exceed 92 nd 90 th 81 st (SBA) 67 th (SAT) 77 th (SAT) Language Arts CT standards in ELA (SBA, Percentile 88 th (SAT) SAT) 90 th (SBA) A2 Mathematics Students meet or exceed 92 nd 90 th 82 nd (SBA) 90 th (SBA) 88 th (SAT) 77 th (SAT) CT standards in Math Percentile 89 th (SAT) (SBA, SAT) A3 Science Students meet or exceed 89 th 69 th 75th 80th Field test CT standards in Science Percentile NGSS. No (CMT,CAPT) scores. A4 Individual Students meet or exceed 90% of 84% 84% 84% 82% Student Growth projected academic students growth (STAR, SBA, SAT) A5 College Advanced Placement 80% of tested 79% 89% 90% 91% Preparation exams qualified for students Rigor college credit (a score of 3, 4, or 5)

  4. Tile A1 and A2 - State ranking based on proficiency

  5. Table 1. English Language Arts (ELA) Percent Meeting/Exceeding Benchmark All Students 2016 2017 2018 All students Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds English 77.6% 76.3% Grades 1-2 (STAR) 68.0% Language Grades 3-8 (SBA) 75.9% 75.6% 78.0% Grade 11 (SAT) 81.2% 84.6% 86.3% Arts - Table 2. English Language Arts (ELA) Percent Meeting/Exceeding Benchmark Benchmark High Needs Students (Qualifying for ELL, F/R, or Special Education services) 2016 2017 2018 High Needs Students Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Grades 1-2 (STAR) 48.1% 50.6% 52.2% Grades 3-8 (SBA) 42.9% 43.4% 49.7% 42.5% Grade 11 (SAT) 53.8% 65.7%

  6. Table 4. 2016 - 2018 MATH Percent of Students Meeting/Exceeding Expectations All Students 2016 2017 2018 Math - Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds 75.1% 79.2% Grades 1-2 (STAR) 74.3% Grades 3-8 (SBA) 66.3% 70.7% 71.4% Benchmark Grade 11 (SAT) 64.2% 62.1% 68.9% Table 5. 2016 - 2018 MATH Percent of Students Meeting/Exceeding Expectations High Needs 2016 2017 2018 Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Grades 1-2 (STAR) 53.3% 51.3% 55.7% Grades 3-8 (SBA) 30.8% 36.7% 41.7% 23.9% Grade 11 (SAT) 18.0% 39.5%

  7. Growth (Tile A4) 1. ECRA - How do I perform relative to other students in GPS? 2. CT State - State “report card” - How much growth do I need in order to reach or remain at benchmark within 5 years? Two different frameworks - answer two different questions

  8. CT SDE Growth Achieved Model How much do I need to grow to reach benchmark within 5 years?

  9. Toledo Ohio (635 miles) Benchmark 3000 miles

  10. State Growth Model: How many students travelled 635 miles? -- 70% What was the average # of miles travelled? 380 miles or 60% (APTA) 3000 miles Benchmark

  11. State Growth Model - ELA Table 7. 2016 - 2018 SBA ELA % of students Grades 3-8 who met/exceeded State SBA Growth Targets NGAI ELA Academic Growth Indicator 2a and 2b ● Improved on both Greenwich Public Schools Growth and APTA. 2016 2017 2018 ● Improved for All Meets/Exceeds (APTA) Meets/Exceeds (APTA) Meets/Exceeds (APTA) Students and High % of All 53.9% (71.8%) 46.5% (64.0%) 52.9% (70.6%) Needs. Students (% APTA) ● Well above State % of High Needs 40.8% (62.7%) 36.0% (57.7%) 44.1% (66.1%) Average in all statistics Students (% APTA) for 3 years State of Connecticut % of All 43.1% (63.8%) 35.9% (55.4%) 40.3% (60.7%) Students (% APTA) % of High Needs 35.2% (68.3%) 28.0% (49.8%) 33.0% (55.6%) Students (% APTA)

  12. State Growth Model - Math Table 10. 2016 - 2018 SBA Math % of students who met/exceeded State SBA Growth Targets ● % of students meeting NGAI Math Academic Growth Indicator 2c and 2d growth targets declined Greenwich Public Schools (ALL and HN) State Growth 2016 2017 2018 ● APTA increased for ALL Targets - Math Meets/Exceeds (ATPA) Meets/Exceeds (ATPA) Meets/Exceeds (ATPA) students % of All 55.8% (74.0%) 59.0% (64.0%) 54.4% (70.6%) Students (% APTA) ● Well above State % of High Needs 44.8% (63.8%) 43.9% (64.3%) 42.0% (62.4% ) Average in all statistics Students (% APTA) for 3 years State of Connecticut % of All 43.9% (65.0%) 41.5% (61.7%) 41.7% (61.4%) Students (% APTA) % of High Needs 35.7% (57.4%) 32.9% ( 53.7%) 34.1% (54.9%) Students (% APTA)

  13. ECRA Growth Model How did I perform relative to other GPS students? What is projected for me this year?

  14. 2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 Propensity & Fall Projection of benchmark where each child SBA will be in 2018 (Projections are relative to the ECRA Composite childs personal history. There is no relationship to Benchmark.) Achievement Score (Propensity)

  15. Propensity 100 36 164 116 84

  16. Propensity --> SBA Projections 100 84 164 36 116

  17. Post SBA: Did they perform as expected? 4/5 or 80% of students met projections. Aggregate statistic: normal GPS distribution - -> 84% of students should meet/exceed. Individually, did a student meet ECRA expectations for the student 100 84 164 36 116

  18. Table 8. 2016 - 2018 ELA % of Students Meeting/Exceeding ECRA Growth projections ECRA Growth All Students 2016 2017 2018 ● ELA All Students Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds ● 84% is “expected” 83.2% 82.0% Grades 1-2 (STAR) 83.2% Grades 3-8 (SBA) 83.5% 83.6% 82.5% ● Softening across all students Grade 11 (SAT) 84.6% 85.9% 80.6% ● High Needs are up in Primary and GHS Table 9. English Language Arts (ELA) % of students meeting/exceeding ECRA Growth projections High Needs Students (Qualifying for ELL, F/R, or Special Education services) High Needs Students 2016 2017 2018 Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Grades 1-2 (STAR) 75.3% 74.9% 77.3% Grades 3-8 (SBA) 83.2% 83.0% 81.4% 74.2% Grade 11 (SAT) 79.1% 84.6%

  19. Table 11. 2016 - 2018 Math Percent of Students Meeting/Exceeding ECRA Growth projections ECRA Growth All Students 2016 2017 2018 ● Math Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds 85.3% 85.3% ● Softening on 1-8 All Grades 1-2 (STAR) 82.6% students Grades 3-8 (SBA) 83.5% 83.7% 78.9% Grade 11 (SAT) 84.4% 84.5% 89.4% ● High Needs growth on SAT Table 12. 2016 - 2018 Math % of students meeting/exceeding ECRA Growth projections High Needs Students (Qualifying for ELL, F/R, or Special Education services) High Needs 2016 2017 2018 Students Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Meets/Exceeds Grades 1-2 (STAR) 79.7% 77.4% 78.5% Grades 3-8 (SBA) 79.8% 79.4% 73.4% 74.2% Grade 11 (SAT) 79.1% 89.4%

  20. Key differences: two growth metrics ECRA State ● Sets goal for student ● Projects expected performance ● Based on students prior year SBA ● Based on multiple observations of a students personal history in the prior year ● Must have taken SBA prior year ● Must have been with GPS over entire year ● Allows benchmarking across state ● Growth goals for grades 4-8 only ● GPS normed, not state. ● Transparent and public goals ● All Grades 1-8, 11 ● Complex proprietary growth calculation

  21. Tile A5: AP Results NAGI: CCR Index (11th and 12th) On track for graduation (rising 10th)

  22. Table 13. GPS AP Tests 2014 - 2018 (Tile A5) STEM Humanities Total # tests % score 3+ # tests % score 3+ # tests % score 3+ 2014 598 79% 1,137 86% 1,983 85% 2015 773 70% 1,219 82% 2,211 79% 2016 677 89% 1,211 87% 2,142 89% 2017 583 91% 1,175 88% 2,018 90% 2018 617 92% 1,279 89% 2,138 91% Preparation for CCR (NGAI Indicator 4) and On Track for Graduation (NGAI Indicator 5) On track for grad (rising 10th) % taking CCR (11th & 12th) % passing CCR (11th & 12th) 94% Target 75% Target 75% Target 2015 96.4% 93.0% 66.0% 2016 95.9% 93.1% 69.3% 2017 97.1% 93.6% 70.4%

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