green task force update green task force update city

Green Task Force Update Green Task Force Update City Commission - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Green Task Force Update Green Task Force Update City Commission Workshop City Commission Workshop March 8, 2011 March 8, 2011 Purpose of Meeting Purpose of Meeting Provide a status report regarding the City's and the Green

  1. Green Task Force Update Green Task Force Update City Commission Workshop City Commission Workshop – March 8, 2011 March 8, 2011

  2. Purpose of Meeting Purpose of Meeting • Provide a status report regarding the City's and the Green Implementation Advancement Board's (GIAB) goals & accomplishments: – Roles & Principles of the Green Implementation Advancement Board – Technical Training & Professional Development – Recommendations Provided to the City by the GIAB y y – Review Green & Sustainable City Projects ‐ In Progress & Successes • Review 2011/2012 Green & Sustainable City & GIAB Projects/Events – GIAB ICON Projects GIAB ICON Projects – Earth Day on The Avenue – Saturday, April 9, 2011 – Hometown Connection – Sustainability Report – May 2011 • City Commission Green & Sustainable Goals • • Commission Questions/Comments Commission Questions/Comments

  3. Roles Roles & Principles of the & Principles of the Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board • Resolution #24 ‐ 09 Established Established the the Green Green Task Task Force Force (later (later renamed renamed the the Green Green Implementation Advancement Board – Resolution #15 ‐ 10) 7 Regular & 2 Alternate Members Appointed by the City Commission • • • 2 Year Staggered Terms 2 Year Staggered Terms – Annual Appointments Annual Appointments • Responsible for reviewing City operations and policies toward achieving Delray Beach’s green goals and providing recommendations to the City regarding seven (7) principles : recommendations to the City regarding seven (7) principles : – Ways to improve the environmental sustainability of City programs, services, equipment and facilities – Strategies for improving the environmental sustainability of the community Incentives for residents, businesses, and organizations to practice environmental – conservation including recycling – Proposed means to enhance water and energy conservation Ideas for promotion for tree planting and xeriscaping – – Best practices to be considered for implementation in Delray Beach, including long ‐ term strategies – Proposed revisions to City ordinances to address Green technologies

  4. Roles Roles & Principles of the & Principles of the Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board • Double Bottom Line Approach GIAB membership has taken on the additional responsibility to consider GIAB membership has taken on the additional responsibility to consider the cost and environmental implications related to any potential recommendation to the City Commission, City Manager and/or Staff (Unanimously Approved April 5, 2010). The GIAB’s consideration, known (U a ous y pp o ed p 5, 0 0) e G s co s de at o , o as the “ Double Bottom Line ” approach, includes: – Financial (Total Cost) ‐ Is funding available and is the payback within a reasonable timeframe (5 ‐ 8 years)? bl i f (5 8 )? – Environmental ‐ Is the recommendation good for the environment within the City of Delray Beach and does it improve the City’s overall within the City of Delray Beach and does it improve the City s overall quality of life?

  5. Delray Beach’s Delray Beach’s Technical Training & Professional Development Technical Training & Professional Development Technical Training & Professional Development Technical Training & Professional Development Green & Sustainable Expertise City Engineer received LEED AP Accredited Sustainability Officer working towards achieving LEED y g g Green Associate Credential Offer numerous Green & Sustainability webinars & training opportunities to all City Staff training opportunities to all City Staff Developing partnerships with external experts, vendors and consultants

  6. Recommendations Provided by the Recommendations Provided by the Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board Green Implementation Advancement Board During 2010/2011, the GIAB has made the following recommendations to the City Commission, Staff and the CRA: Recommended amending the City’s LDR’s to permit urban farming (i.e., . chickens) within defined residential areas and with significant and specific conditions . R Recommended developing a Community Garden PILOT Project on City d d d l i C it G d PILOT P j t Cit property within the Southridge Road area . Recommended participating with the Wyland Living Green Fair – October 30, 2011 – to promote water & environmental resources preservation . Developed and recommended a definition for Green Jobs to be used by the City’s Economic Development Director and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for various economic development incentive programs p g . Recommended the development of a Green Jobs/Industry Summit . Recommended that the City request FP&L to complete an Energy Audit on all facilities at no cost to the City . Recommended that a Request for Proposals (RFP) be issued for a privately ( ) funded, turnkey Public Bike Sharing Program at no cost to the City

  7. Review Green & Sustainable City Projects Review Green & Sustainable City Projects In In Progress & Successes In In ‐ Progress & Successes Progress & Successes Progress & Successes • Partnered with Planet Footprint – at a minimal cost funded by the EECBG Grant ‐ to track the City’s Sustainability progress (results) and EECBG Grant to track the City s Sustainability progress (results) and transparency of costs by measuring energy use, water use, waste disposal and greenhouse gas emissions on a monthly, quarterly and/or year ‐ to ‐ year basis. Data that will be collected and measured includes: – Annual reclaimed water usage – Average daily water usage per capita – Annual average residential recycled materials – Annual City facility recycled materials – Annual average solid waste collected – Annual kWh of electricity used in City facilities – Annual cost of electricity in City facilities Annual cost of electricity in City facilities – Carbon footprint from City facilities/operations

  8. Review Green & Sustainable City Projects Review Green & Sustainable City Projects In In Progress & Successes In In ‐ Progress & Successes Progress & Successes Progress & Successes Garbage ‐ Tons Recycle ‐ Tons 2000 600 1800 500 1600 1400 400 1200 1200 1000 300 2008 Garbage 800 2008 600 200 2009 Garbage 400 2009 200 100 2010 Garbage 2010 0 0 ary ary rch pril May une uly ust ber ber ber ber Ju Augu Janua Februa Ap Septemb Octob Novemb Decemb Mar M Ju 300 Wastewater ‐ Flows Reclaim Water Flows 100 250 80 FY 06 FY 06 FY 06 200 200 60 FY 07 FY 07 150 40 100 FY 08 FY 08 20 50 FY 09 FY 09 0 0 FY 10 FY 10 FY 11 FY 11

  9. Review Green & Sustainable City Projects Review Green & Sustainable City Projects In In Progress & Successes In In ‐ Progress & Successes Progress & Successes Progress & Successes Green & Sustainability Partnerships Partnering with Florida Atlantic University (FAU) ‐ at no cost to the City – to complete a baseline measurement of greenhouse gas emissions that are directly generated from the City of Delray Beach’s day ‐ to ‐ day operations Partnered with the Network of Energy Sustainable Communities (NESC) with their 1st Regional Workshop in Palm Beach County to provide feedback on coordinating bulk purchasing, sharing provide feedback on coordinating bulk purchasing, sharing innovations and best practices, evaluating alternative financing mechanisms and reinvesting energy savings into sustainability. Meeting with Sustainability Officers from around Palm Beach County on a regular basis Started with application process for EECBG – worked together to ensure grant funded cities completed applications accurately and has evolved into an opportunity to discuss similar issues/problems/resolutions, p p partnerships, p networking, g professional p development.

  10. Review Green & Sustainable City Projects Review Green & Sustainable City Projects In In ‐ Progress & Successes Progress & Successes & Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Federal Stimulus Funding Pompey Park Outdoor Athletic Field Lighting Project: . Federal stimulus grant funding ‐ EECBG . Replaced 116 lighting fixtures with 82 new, green fixtures . Expected to lead to $15,000 to $20,000 in energy cost d l d $ $ savings annually (and more than $300,000 is expected over a 20 year period) City Building Retrofit Project – Police Department: City Building Retrofit Project – Police Department: . Replacing approximately 226 existing overhead lights with T ‐ 8 bulbs and electronic ballasts . Installing motion sensors . Installing programmable thermostats I t lli bl th t t . Expecting electric savings of almost $30,000 annually . Similar energy efficient improvements have been/will be completed within all City facilities (which will also be funded by the EECBG Federal grant) that are expected to lower the City’s overall electric budget


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