gravitational wave and lensing inference from the cmb

Gravitational wave and lensing inference from the CMB polarization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gravitational wave and lensing inference from the CMB polarization Ethan Anderes : (UC Davis Statistics Department) Joint with Marius Millea (UC Berkeley) and Ben Wandelt (Institut dAstrophysique de Paris) : Research supported by: IHES-IHP

  1. Gravitational wave and lensing inference from the CMB polarization Ethan Anderes : (UC Davis Statistics Department) Joint with Marius Millea (UC Berkeley) and Ben Wandelt (Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris) : Research supported by: IHES-IHP CARMIN Fellowship, NSF DMS-1252795 and DMS-1812199 Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  2. Back story Gravitational waves and the CMB Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  3. Gravitational Waves September 14, 2015 LIGO detected a gravitational wave as it passed by earth Big result for physics Ý Ñ 2017 Nobel Prize Confirmed a prediction from Einstein’s theory of relativity.... ... also marked the beginning of gravitational wave astronomy, i.e. the probing of the universe through propagating distortions of space-time rather than just electromagnetic waves Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  4. Gravitational Waves At around the same time (2014) the BICEP team from the South Pole Telescope announced a detection of gravitational waves in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)... ...which are predicted by a theory called cosmic inflation and imprint a specific signature on the polarization of the CMB photons Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  5. Gravitational Waves However the BICEP results was a false detection The problem was insufficient statistical quantification of the emission from interstellar dust grains spinning in galactic magnetic fields So, the hunt is still on for the gravitational wave signatures in the CMB... ... is a major goal of the next generation Stage IV CMB experiments (planning underway, a projected $400M effort) Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  6. Gravitational waves and lensing of the CMB ... the basics Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  7. Cosmic Microwave Background The cosmic microwave background is a light that, for the most part, last interacted with matter only a few hundred thousand years after the big bang. Measuring the intensity of the CMB light as a function of position gives this (Planck 2015): Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  8. Cosmic Microwave Background To give you a sense of the special nature of these observations ... It is basically the boundary of our observable universe We have highly accurate physical models from linear theory since it was generated so near the big bang Probes large relativistic scales and small quantum scales simultaneously Already it has been used to: - map the projected dark matter density fluctuations in our sky - determine that the mean curvature of space is much larger than the radius of the observable universe Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  9. To get a handle on the problem of primordial gravitational wave detection, lets talk about a simplified flat-sky model of the CMB and the data In this setting the CMB polarization is characterized by a 2-d vector field x ÞÑ p Q p x q , U p x qq where x ranges over a compact region of R 2 p Q p x q , U p x qq is a headless vector field, called spin 2 Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  10. Simplified flat-sky data model for CMB polarization d q p x q “ Q p x ` ∇ φ p x qq ` F q p x q ` N q p x q d u p x q “ U p x ` ∇ φ p x qq ` F u p x q ` N u p x q looooooomooooooon lo omo on lo omo on lensed polarization foregrounds noise N q p x q and N u p x q denote instrumental noise F q p x q and F u p x q denote foreground emission from our own galaxy. E.g. emission from interstellar dust grains spinning in galactic magnetic fields φ p x q models the slight distortion of the CMB due to the gravitational influence of intervening matter (most of which is “dark matter“) on the CMB light, This distortion is called “gravitational lensing“ Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  11. Simulated U p x q on a „ 0 . 3% patch of the sky. The middle plot shows the lensing effect U p x ` ∇ φ p x qq ´ U p x q . The last plot shows a simulation of the foreground thermal emission from galactic dust. unlensed U ( x ) lensing effect 40 x Dust Note: the dust emission is multiplied by a factor of 40 to make it visible on the same color scale. Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  12. The smoking gun of inflation First consider a particular unitary linear transformation of p Q , U q : „ Q p x q  „ Q k  „ cos p 2 ϕ k q  „ Q k  „ E p x q  ´ sin p 2 ϕ k q FT IFT Ý Ñ Ý Ñ Ý Ñ U p x q U k sin p 2 ϕ k q cos p 2 ϕ k q U k B p x q Analogous to divergence and curl of a vector field, but accounting for spin 2 ϕ k denotes the phase angle of frequency vector k P R 2 The simplest models of inflation and the standard cosmological model predict that E p x q and B p x q are isotropic Gaussian random fields Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  13. The smoking gun of inflation „ Q p x q  „ Q k  „ cos p 2 ϕ k q  „ Q k  „ E p x q  ´ sin p 2 ϕ k q FT IFT Ý Ñ Ý Ñ Ý Ñ U p x q sin p 2 ϕ k q cos p 2 ϕ k q B p x q U k U k If cosmic inflation did not occur, and no primordial gravitational waves were produced, then B p x q is predicted to be zero. Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  14. The smoking gun of inflation „ Q p x q  „ Q k  „ cos p 2 ϕ k q  „ Q k  „ E p x q  ´ sin p 2 ϕ k q FT IFT Ý Ñ Ý Ñ Ý Ñ U p x q sin p 2 ϕ k q cos p 2 ϕ k q B p x q U k U k If primordial gravitational waves were present, they distort space in such a way that induces non-zero B p x q fluctuations Quantified by a single parameter: tensor-to-scalar ratio r Showing r ą 0, i.e. B p x q has non-zero fluctuations, is often termed the smoking gun for inflation Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  15. The smoking gun of inflation Simplified flat-sky data model for CMB polarization d q p x q “ Q p x ` ∇ φ p x qq ` F q p x q ` N q p x q d u p x q “ U p x ` ∇ φ p x qq ` F u p x q ` N u p x q looooooomooooooon lo omo on lo omo on lensed polarization foregrounds noise The difficulty, to see this in the data, is that both lensing and foregrounds generate non-zero B fluctuations. „ F q p x q  „ F q , k  „ cos p 2 ϕ k q  „ F q , k  „  ´ sin p 2 ϕ k q * FT IFT Ý Ñ Ý Ñ Ý Ñ F u p x q F u , k sin p 2 ϕ k q cos p 2 ϕ k q F u , k B ą 0 Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  16. The smoking gun of inflation Simplified flat-sky data model for CMB polarization d q p x q “ Q p x ` ∇ φ p x qq ` F q p x q ` N q p x q d u p x q “ U p x ` ∇ φ p x qq ` F u p x q ` N u p x q looooooomooooooon lo omo on lo omo on lensed polarization foregrounds noise The difficulty, to see this in the data, is that both lensing and foreground generate non-zero B fluctuations. « ff « ff  « ff „ cos p 2 ϕ k q „  r r r Q p x q ´ sin p 2 ϕ k q * Q k Q k FT IFT Ý Ñ Ý Ñ Ý Ñ r r r sin p 2 ϕ k q cos p 2 ϕ k q B ą 0 U p x q U k U k where r Q p x q “ Q p x ` ∇ φ p x qq and r U p x q “ U p x ` ∇ φ p x qq Even when p Q , U q has zero B fluctuations. Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  17. Field operator description of the data (no foregrounds) d “ A L p φ q f ` n ` ˘ 0 , C ff p r q Unlensed polarization field f „ GRF with covariance operator C ff p r q which depends on the tensor-to-scalar ratio r ` 0 , C φφ ˘ Lensing potential φ „ GRF which operates on f in the QU basis via L p φ q f p x q “ f p x ` ∇ φ p x qq ` 0 , C nn ˘ Experimental noise n „ GRF Operator A “ K M B for beam B , pixel space mask M and frequency cut K Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  18. f Bandpowers E unlensed B unlensed 10 3 10 1 1 10 10 3 10 5 noise power E bandpowers B bandpowers 10 7 20 10 0 10 20 0.1 0.0 0.1 10 1 10 2 10 3 K K Figure: Unlensed polarization on 455 deg 2 patch of sky with r “ 0 . 025. Note: r determines the amplitude of the unlensed B fluctuations. Dashed ? line on the right corresponds to 2 µ Karcmin QU noise with a knee at ℓ “ 100 Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  19. L p φ q f Bandpowers E lensed B lensed 10 3 10 1 10 1 10 3 10 5 noise power E bandpowers B bandpowers 10 7 20 10 0 10 20 2 1 0 1 2 10 1 10 2 10 3 K K Figure: Lensed polarization. Qualitatively given by a phase distortion of E and a high frequency additive foreground corruption of B due to E fluctuations leaking into B fluctuations. Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  20. L p φ q f ` n Bandpowers E data B data 10 3 10 1 10 1 10 3 10 5 noise power E bandpowers B bandpowers 10 7 20 10 0 10 20 2 0 2 10 1 10 2 10 3 K K Figure: Here is what the data looks like without beam, masking or foreground emission. B is buried under lensing and noise corruption. However, since the main contribution of the lensing to B is from E leakage it seems possible one can estimate and remove a some of the lensing “noise”in B, a process called delensing . Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis

  21. Sampling the Bayesian Posterior ... on r , φ and f given d Ethan Anderes University of California at Davis


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