graphs polymorphisms and multi sorted structures

Graphs, Polymorphisms, and Multi-Sorted Structures Ross Willard - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Graphs, Polymorphisms, and Multi-Sorted Structures Ross Willard University of Waterloo NSAC 2013 University of Novi Sad June 6, 2013 Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 1 / 26 Background Structure :

  1. Graphs, Polymorphisms, and Multi-Sorted Structures Ross Willard University of Waterloo NSAC 2013 University of Novi Sad June 6, 2013 Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 1 / 26

  2. Background Structure : A = ( A ; ( R i )). Always finite and in a finite relational language . A c = A A = ( A , ( { a } ) a ∈ A ); “ A with constants .” Relations definable in A . I.e., definable by a 1st-order logical formula in the language of A . We are interested only in primitive-positive (pp) formulas: ∃ y [ � atomic ( u ) ] ϕ ( x ) of the form ↑ vars from x , y A relation is ppc-definable in A if it is definable by a pp-formula with parameters (i.e., in A c ). Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 2 / 26

  3. Let A , B be finite structures. Assume for simplicity that R ⊆ B 2 , S ⊆ B 3 . B = ( B ; R , S ) , Definition B is ppc-interpretable in A if, for some k ≥ 1, there exist ppc-definable relations U , E , R ∗ , S ∗ of A of arities k , 2 k , 2 k , 3 k such that E is an equivalence relation on U . R ∗ ⊆ U 2 , S ∗ ⊆ U 3 . R ∗ , S ∗ are invariant under E . / E ) ∼ ( U / E ; R ∗ / E , S ∗ = B . Notation : B ≤ ppc A , B ≡ ppc A . In particular, A c ≡ ppc A . Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 3 / 26

  4. In the usual fashion, ≤ ppc and ≡ ppc determines a poset: [ A ] = { B : B ≡ ppc A } . [ B ] ≤ [ A ] iff B ≤ ppc A . P ppc = ( { all finite structures } / ≡ ppc ; ≤ ). [ 2 3 SAT ] = [ K 3 ] 2 3 SAT = ( { 0 , 1 } ; R 000 , R 100 , R 110 , R 111 ) where R abc = { 0 , 1 } 3 \ { abc } K 3 = ( { 0 , 1 , 2 } ; � =) P ppc = [( 1 , ∅ )] [ 1 ] 1 = ( { 0 } ; ) Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 4 / 26

  5. Constraint Satisfaction Problems Fix a finite structure A . CSP ( A c ) Input : An =-free, quantifier-free pp-formula ϕ ( x ) in the language of A c (i.e., allowing parameters). Question : Is ∃ x ϕ ( x ) true in A c ? Connection to ≤ ppc : Theorem (Bulatov, Jeavons, Krokhin 2005; Larose, Tesson 2009) If B ≤ ppc A , then CSP ( B c ) ≤ L CSP ( A c ) . Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 5 / 26

  6. Corollary I P = { [ A ] : CSP ( A c ) is in P } is an order ideal of P ppc . F NPC = { [ A ] : CSP ( A c ) is NP-complete } is an order filter. [ 2 3 SAT ] F NPC The CSP Dichotomy Conjecture asserts that this region is empty (if P � = NP). I P The Algebraic CSP Dichotomy Conjecture asserts that I P = P ppc \ { [ 2 3 SAT ] } (if P � = NP). [ 1 ] Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 6 / 26

  7. Connection to algebra Fix a finite structure A . Definition A polymorphism of A is any operation h : A n → A which preserves the relations of A (equivalently, is a homomorphism h : A n → A ). h : A n → A is idempotent if it satisfies h ( x , x , . . . , x ) = x ∀ x ∈ A . The polymorphism algebra of A is PolAlg ( A ) := ( A ; { all polymorphisms of A } ) . The idempotent polymorphism algebra of A is IdPolAlg ( A ) := ( A ; { all idempotent polymorphisms of A } ) PolAlg ( A c ) . = Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 7 / 26

  8. Fix a set Σ of formal identities in operations symbols F , G , H , . . . . Assume that Σ ⊢ F( x , x , . . . , x ) ≡ x , G( x , x , . . . , x ) ≡ x , . . . . (I.e., Σ is idempotent .) Definition An algebra A = ( A ; F ) satisfies Σ as a Maltsev condition if there exist (term) operations f , g , h , . . . of A such that ( A ; f , g , h , . . . ) | = Σ. Definition A structure A admits Σ if IdPolAlg ( A ) satisfies Σ as a Maltsev condition. Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 8 / 26

  9. Fix an idempotent set Σ of identities. Theorem (Bulatov, Jeavons, Krokhin) Suppose B ≤ ppc A . If A admits Σ , then so does B . Hence { [ A ] : A admits Σ } is an order ideal of P ppc . [ 2 3 SAT ] { [ A ] : A admits Σ } [ 1 ] In fact, A ≡ ppc B iff A , B admit the same (finite) idempotent sets of identities. ≤ ppc has a similar characterization. Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 9 / 26

  10. In this way, P ppc is “stratified” by idempotent Maltsev conditions arising in universal algebra. omit type 1 ≡ WNU omit types 1,5 omit types 1,2 omit types 1,4,5 CM CM ≡ � k ≥ 2 k -perm P ppc = 2-permutable CD ≡ NU CD ≡ NU = “Maltsev”: P( x , x , y ) ≡ y ≡ P( y , x , x ) majority = 3-NU: Shaded: CSP ( A c ) proved in P M( x , x , y ) ≡ M( x , y , x ) ≡ M( y , x , x ) ≡ x (Warning: not to scale!) Where are you favorite structures (relative to these Maltsev conditions)? Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 10 / 26

  11. Aims of this talk My goals of this lecture are to: 1 Say some things about bipartite graphs and where they fit in the picture. 2 Argue that multi-sorted structures are not evil. 3 Give a connection between (1) and (2). Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 11 / 26

  12. Multi-sorted structures Multi-sorted structure : A = ( A 0 , A 1 , . . . , A n ; ( R i )). 0 , 1 , . . . , n are the sorts ; A k is the universe of sort k . Each R i is a sorted relation : e.g., R 1 ⊆ A 2 × A 0 × A 0 . (Sorted) Relations definable in A . Adapt 1st-order logic in the usual way (every variable has a specified sort; an equality relation for each sort). Ppc-interpretations of one 2-sorted structure in another, i.e., B ≤ ppc A . each universe B i of B is realized as a U i / E i where U i , E i are (sorted) ppc-definable relations of A . each sorted R relation of B is realized as R ∗ / “the appropriate E i ’s.” Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 12 / 26

  13. Example Let A be the (1-sorted) structure ( A ; E 0 , E 1 ) pictured at right, where E 0 , E 1 are the indicated equivalence relations on A . Let B = ( B 0 , B 1 ; R ) be the 2-sorted structure pictured below. 0 1 6 5 1 3 5 B 1 = 2 4 B 0 = 3 0 2 4 6 A = ( A ; E 0 , E 1 ) B = ( B 0 , B 1 ; R ) E 0 = blocks R ⊆ B 0 × B 1 E 1 = blocks Claim: B ≤ ppc A . Proof: define U 0 = U 1 = A and ( x , y ) ∈ R ∗ ⇐ ⇒ ∃ z [ xE 0 z & zE 1 y ]. B ∼ = ( A / E 0 , A / E 1 ; R ∗ Then / E 0 × E 1 ). Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 13 / 26

  14. Just as in the 1-sorted case, ≤ ppc gives a poset: P + ppc = ( { all finite multi-sorted structures } / ≡ ppc ; ≤ ) . [ 2 3 SAT ] [ 2 3 SAT ] P + P ppc = ppc = ??? [ 1 ] [ 1 ] Fact : P + ppc = P ppc . I.e., for every multi-sorted B there exists a 1-sorted A ≡ ppc B . Moral : Multi-sorted structures have no value. Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 14 / 26

  15. Let’s be immoral. CSP ( A c ) can be defined for a multi-sorted A . Inputs are now multi-sorted quantifier-free pp-formulas. The BJK-LT connection to ≤ ppc is remains true for multi-sorted A , B : If B ≤ ppc A , then CSP ( B c ) ≤ L CSP ( A c ) Polymorphisms of multi-sorted A are more complicated. Definition (Bulatov, Jeavons 2003) Let A = ( A 0 , A 1 , . . . , A n ; ( R i )). An m -ary polymorphism of A is a tuple ( f 0 , . . . , f n ) of m -ary operations f k : A m k → A k which “jointly preserve” the relations of A . E.g., if R 1 ⊆ A 1 × A 0 , then ∀ ( a 1 , b 1 ) , . . . , ( a m , b m ) ∈ R 1 , need ( f 1 ( a ) , f 0 ( b )) ∈ R 1 . Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 15 / 26

  16. Polymorphism “algebra” Fix A = ( A 0 , A 1 , . . . , A n ; ( R i )). Let Pol ( A ) = { all polymorphisms � f = ( f 0 , f 1 , . . . , f n ) of A } . Define ( A 0 ; ( f 0 : � = f ∈ Pol ( A )) A 0 ( A 1 ; ( f 1 : � A 1 = f ∈ Pol ( A )) . . . ( A n ; ( f n : � A n = f ∈ Pol ( A )) . A 0 , A 1 , . . . , A n are (ordinary) algebras with a common language. Definition (Bulatov, Jeavons 2003) The polymorphism “algebra” of A is the tuple ( A 0 , A 1 , . . . , A n ) of algebras defined above. Similarly for IdPolAlg ( A ). Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 16 / 26

  17. Fix an idempotent set Σ of formal identities. Definition Let A be a multi-sorted structure and IdPolAlg ( A ) = ( A 0 , . . . , A n ) its corresponding idempotent polymorphism “algebra.” A admits Σ if { A 0 , . . . , A n } satisfies Σ as a Maltsev condition. The characterizations of ≡ ppc and ≤ ppc remain true for multi-sorted A , B . A ≡ ppc B iff A , B admit the same idempotent sets of identities. B ≤ ppc A iff every such Σ admitted by A is admitted by B . Immoral Moral : Nothing bad will happen if we embrace multi-sorted structures. Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 17 / 26

  18. Bipartite graphs in P ppc Question : How “dense” in P ppc are graphs, digraphs, posets, etc? Theorem (Kazda (2011)) Let D be a finite digraph. If D admits the Maltsev identities P( x , x , y ) ≡ y ≡ P( y , x , x ) for 2-permutability, then D admits the majority (or 3-NU ) identities M( x , x , y ) ≡ M( x , y , x ) ≡ M( y , x , x ) ≡ x . Theorem (Mar´ oti, Z´ adori (2012)) Let P be a reflexive digraph (e.g., a poset). If P admits identities for congruence modularity, then P admits the k-ary near unanimity (NU) identities for some k ≥ 3 . Ross Willard (Waterloo) Graphs, Polymorphisms, Multi-Sorted Struc NSAC 2013 18 / 26


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