Graph-based analysis of JavaScript source code repositories Gábor Szárnyas Graph Processing devroom @ FOSDEM 2018
JAVASCRIPT Latest standard: ECMAScript 2017
STATIC ANALYSIS Static source code analysis is a software testing approach performed without compiling and executing the program itself. Codacy, Static CodeClimate, analysis etc. Version Control Development System Unit and Compilation integration tests
STATIC ANALYSIS TOOLS C JavaScript o lint -> linters o ESLint o Facebook Flow Java o Tern.js o FindBugs o TAJS o PMD
PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS Checking global rules is computationally expensive Slow for large projects, difficult to integrate even to CI ☆ ☾ ☆ ☼ Unit tests Code analysis Workaround #1: no global rules (ESLint) Workaround #2: batching (e.g. 1/day) Unit tests Code analysis Workaround #3: custom algorithms (e.g. Flow)
PROJECT GOALS Goal Static analysis for JavaScript applications Design considerations Custom analysis rules o Both global and local o Extensible High-performance o “real - time” responses
PROPOSED APPROACH Design considerations Custom analysis rules High-performance Δ 2.-1. 1. Approach analyzer Use a declarative query language Use incremental processing o in lieu of batch execution o file-granularity o maintain results
ARCHITECTURE VCS Workspace Abstract Syntax Abstract Semantic Tree Graph . +--- discoverer +--- ChangeProcessor.js +--- CommandParser.js . +--- FileIterator.js +--- iterators +-------DepCollector.js +-------FileDiscoverer.js +-------InitIterator.js Main.js | ++---- +--- Main.js +--- whitepages Dependency.js . | +++++- +--- ConnectionMgr.js . Fiterator.js . | ---- +--- DependencyMgr .js . Parser.js | ++ Analysis rules Analysis server Graph database <!> <?> Validation report <.> Client
CODE PROCESSING STEPS CODE forráskód code tokenizer tokenizer a sequence of statements: tokenek tokens parser parser var foo = 1 / 0 AST AST scope analyzer scope analyzer ASG ASG
CODE PROCESSING STEPS TOKENS tokens : the shortest meaningful character sequence code var foo = 1 / 0 tokenizer tokens Token Token type parser var VAR (Keyword) foo IDENTIFIER (Ident) AST = ASSIGN (Punctuator) 1 NUMBER (NumericLiteral) scope analyzer / DIV (Punctuator) ASG 0 NUMBER (NumericLiteral)
CODE PROCESSING STEPS AST Abstract Syntax Tree o Tree representation of Module o the grammar structure of items code VariableDeclarationStatement o sequence of tokens. declaration tokenizer VariableDeclaration declarators tokens VariableDeclarator binding init parser BindingIdentifier BinaryExpression name = "foo" operator = "Div" AST left right scope analyzer LiteralNumericExpression LiteralNumericExpression value = 1.0 value = 0.0 ASG
CODE PROCESSING STEPS ASG Abstract Semantic Graph o Not necessarily a tree astNode Module Module GlobalScope o Has scopes & items items code children semantic info declaration declaration variables tokenizer o Cross edges declarators declarators tokens references binding binding declarations init init parser AST left right left right node scope analyzer ASG
AST VS. ASG var foo = 1 / 0 1 LOC -> 20+ nodes
PATTERN MATCHING Declarative graph patterns with Cypher VariableDeclarator binding be BindingIdentifier BinaryExpression name = "foo" operator = "Div" Match result LNExpression right LNExpression value = 1.0 value = 0.0 MATCH (binding:BindingIdentifier) <-[:binding]-()--> (be:BinaryExpression) -[:right]->(right:LNExpression) WHERE be.operator = 'Div' AND right.value = 0.0 RETURN binding
WORKFLOW Version source code control system tokenizer tokens transformation Developer’s IDE graph parser database AST scope analyzer traceability ASG Java, Cypher Neo4j Git, Visual Studio Code ShapeSecurity Shift
USE CASES TYPE INFERENCING function foo(x, y) { return (x + y); } function bar(a, b) { return foo(b, a); } var quux = bar("goodbye", "hello"); Source:
USE CASES GLOBAL ANALYSIS Reachability: dead code detection async/await (ECMAScript 2017) potential division by zero
FIXPOINT ALGORITHMS Lots of propagation algorithms „ Run to completion ” scheduling o Mix of Java code and Cypher
EFFICIENT INITIALIZATION Initial build of the graph with Cypher was slow Generate CSV and bulk load Two files: nodes, relationships $NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j-admin import --database=db --nodes=nodes.csv --relationships=relationships.csv 10× speedup
REGULAR PATH QUERIES Transitive closure on certain combinations Workaround: o Start transaction o Add proxy relationships o Calculate transitive closure o Rollback transaction A B * openCypher proposal for path patterns (:A)-/[:R1 :R2 :R3]+/->(:B)
OPENCYPHER SYSTEMS „ The openCypher project aims to deliver a full and open specification of the industry’s most widely adopted graph database query language: Cypher. ” (late 2015) Research prototypes o Graphflow (Univesity of Waterloo) incremental processing o ingraph (incremental graph engine) (Source: Keynote talk @ GraphConnect NYC 2017)
STATE OF INGRAPH IN 2018 Cover a substantial fragment of openCypher o MATCH , OPTIONAL MATCH , WHERE o WITH , functions, aggregations o CREATE , DELETE Features on the roadmap o MERGE , REMOVE , SET o List comprehensions J. Marton, G. Szárnyas, D. Varró: Formalising openCypher Graph Queries in Relational Algebra, ADBIS, Springer, 2017 G. Szárnyas: Incremental View Maintenance for Property Graph Queries, SIGMOD SRC, 2018
JQASSISTANT Code comprehension: software to graph Dirk Mahler, Pushing the evolution of software analytics with graph technology, Neo4j blog, 2017
SLIZAA slizaa uses Neo4j/jQAssistant and provides a front end with a bunch of specific tools and viewers to provide an easy-to-use in-depth insight of your software's architecture. Gerd Wütherich, Core concepts, slizaa
SLIZAA: XTEXT OPENCYPHER Xtext-based grammar Used in the ingraph compiler Now has a scope analyzer Works in the Eclipse IDE and web UI
PUBLICATIONS Dániel Stein: Graph-based source code analysis of JavaScript repositories, Master ’s thesis, 2016 Soma Lucz: Static analysis algorithms for JavaScript, Bachelor’s thesis, 2017
CONCLUSION Some interesting analysis rules require a global view of the code Good use case for graph databases o Property graph o Cypher language Very good use case for incremental queries o Incrementality on multiple levels
RELATED RESOURCES Codemodel-Rifle ingraph engine Shape Security’s Shift parser Slizaa openCypher Xtext Thanks to Ádám Lippai, Soma Lucz, Dániel Stein, Dávid Honfi and the ingraph team.
VISUAL STUDIO CODE INTEGRATION Language Server Protocol (LSP) allows portable implementation
USE CASES CFG Control Flow Graph o graph representation of error o every possible statement statement sequence statement Basis for type condition if inferencing and statement statement test generation statement done statement
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