Governance at the Open University TITLE Lisa French & Charlotte Boardman
Agenda • What is Governance? • Governance Committees • Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members • Accessing Papers - SharePoint
What is Governance? Decision making and oversight by the right people at the right time with the right information • Setting strategic aims and objectives • Ensuring accountability and effective scrutiny • Monitoring and measuring performance • Appointing and ensuring the effectiveness of the head of institution
What is Governance? Academic Governance Ensuring University’s programmes of study, admissions, research, teaching and awards meet all the relevant requirements (internal strategy and external compliance) Academic Management Implementing agreed strategies, policies, plans and being accountable for delivery.
Governance Triangle - OU Council The governing body responsible for institutional strategy, finances, property and staff CAMPAIGN ASSETS Senate The academic authority responsible for teaching, learning and research Vice- Chancellor’s Executive strategy, academic standards, the A management meeting, award of degrees and student policy advisory to the VC and discipline.
Officers at the University External Officers CAMPAIGN ASSETS Chancellor Pro-Chancellor Treasurer Martha Lane-Fox Malcolm Sweeting Caroline Stockmann
Officers at the University Internal Officers CAMPAIGN ASSETS Vice-Chancellor Pro-Vice Chancellor Pro-Vice Chancellor University Secretary Mary Kellett Students (Acting) Research, Enterprise Jonathan Nicholls & Scholarship Liz Marr Kevin Hetherington
Governance Committees
Council The Council has ultimate authority within the University, but to respect the views of the Senate in academic matters Membership is 21 Must have a majority of external members It also has internal members: e.g. the Vice Chancellor, staff and students The Council is supported by a number of sub-committees
What is Governance? Strategic Planning and COUNCIL SENATE Resources Committee Audit Committee Academic Staff Redundancy Committee Finance Committee Academic Governance Governance Structure & Nominations (See separate chart ) Committee Nominating Advisory Committee Remuneration Committee Negotiating Committees
Senate The academic authority of the University, but is subject to the powers of the Council as the University’s governing body. Membership of 108 Determines academic strategy and policy frameworks, as well as plans and priorities The Senate is supported by a number of sub-committees
STRATEGIC PLANNING AND RESOURCES What is Governance? SENATE COMMITTEE Academic Staff Promotions Committee Chair and Readership Subcommittee Academic Staff Promotions Appeals Committee Academic Quality and Governance Committee Special Appeals Committee Honorary Degrees Committee Central Disciplinary Committee Module Results Approval and Qualification Classifications Panel Research Committee Education Committee Human Research Ethics Research Degrees Qualifications and Student Experience Curriculum Partnerships Assessment Teaching Committees Research Degrees Exam Master of Research Associate Lecturers Result Approval Award Board Assembly Associate Lecturers Executive
Faculty Senate Academic Quality and Education Committee Governance Committee Student Qualifications Curriculum Experience & Assessment Partnerships Committee Committee Committee Teaching Assembly Committee Institutional Governance Departments and other Academic Unit Governance groups – including Boards of Studies Academic Unit Internal Structure (required) research Academic Unit Internal Structures (variable)
Committee Constitutions Each Committee has a constitution which outlines: • Terms of Reference • Membership This can be accessed on the SharePoint site
Roles & Responsibilities – Committee Member
7 Principles of Public Life Must act in accordance with acceptable standards of behaviour in public life: • Selflessness • Integrity • Objectivity • Accountability • Openness • Honesty • Leadership
Collective Responsibility • Members have a corporate responsibility. Decisions are taken collectively, by all members of the body, in the interests of the institution as a whole • Not act in a personal or individual capacity or as a representative of a constituency • Be bound by decisions made by the committee
Role & Responsibilities • Be committed to the University’s values • Consider issues from a strategic perspective • Question intelligently, debate constructively, challenge rigorously and decide dispassionately. • Listen to the views of others • Take decisions with proper concern for the University’s reputation and standards, and for the principles of academic freedom • Attend regularly and participate, read papers and seek briefing if needed
Accessing Papers – SharePoint
Committee Papers • Papers are published on the Governance SharePoint site at least 6 working days before the meeting • Members are responsible for reading all papers
Signing in to SharePoint
Security For extra security, you will be asked to provide a phone number on first sign in. You will then be sent a text message with a code to verify your account.
The Governance Site
How to find a past paper 1. Go to Committee Papers 2. Select the filter button 3. Refine by year 4. Refine by meeting
For example, if you are looking for a past paper from the first meeting of Senate in January 1. Select the Filter icon on the top right 2. Click the arrow on the left of the year. This will open the drop down of meetings 3. Select the relevant meeting 4. The list will be refined to papers from meeting 01
Using the Committee Forum The Forum feature in SharePoint is used for meetings by correspondence.
Using the Committee forum
Getting in touch If you are having trouble with SharePoint, or have any questions, please get in touch with us at:
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