gondwana alive Biodiversity Publications, Projects, Jobs & Skills Annual Report (2015) Prepared by: CEO, Dr Tracey Phillips, 28 March 2016
Contents • Purpose • Impact – ecological, social, economic, institutional • Progress: – Publications – Projects – Research – Visibility – Fundraising • Plans for 2016
Purpose of the AGM • To report on progress and impact this past year (2015) • To reflect on plans for the year ahead (2016)
“Small but Impactful” This is how Dr Tanya Abrahamse, CEO of the South African National Biodiversity Institute, described Gondwana Alive (GA) at a recent Groen Sebenza award ceremony.
IMPACT Ecosystems are healthier Jobs & skills have been developed & vulnerable communities uplifted Revenue is 33% higher Partnerships have been developed & Institutions have been strengthened
Ecological Impact GA’s intended impacts are aligned with the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals GA Desired Impact Millennium Development Goal Healthy ecosystems and biodiversity Reverse loss of biodiversity and other resources Actual: 6 new hotspots Target: 2 new hotspots per year • Namaqualand – Kamiesberg • Cape Flats – Khayelitsha • Cape South Peninsula – Baskloof NR, Scarborough, Red Hill • Magaliesberg Biosphere Reserve (Cradle Peak Park) • Mpumalanga – Kruger NP & Ezemvelo NR Continued work in: • Cape Fold Mountains – RIM of Africa • Grootvadersbosch Conservancy • Cape West Coast - !Khwa ttu, Biosphere Reserve TOTAL since 2010 = 12, ~280km 2 Monitored, rehabilitated, managed
Social Impact GA’s intended impacts are aligned with the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals GA Desired Impact Millennium Development Goal People and Communities Uplifted Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty, improve education and gender equality Actual: 4 new communities Target: 2 new communities/year • Red Hill • Khayelitsha (50+) • Klein Swartberg (23) • Leliefontein community (53 farmers) Continued work with: • !Khwa ttu San community & alumni (100 people) • Suurbrak and Heidelberg communities (126 people) TOTAL since 2010 = 26 communities, 100-200 people annually since 2013 Mentored, trained, employed through our own, and partner projects we support Jobs Permaculture Education
Economic Impact GA’s intended impacts are aligned with the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals GA Desired Impact Millennium Development Goal Sustainable Economic Development Integrate the principles of sustainable development Actual: Target: Contribution growing at 10% per year • !Khwa ttu – helped secure ~R3 million, largely spent locally. • Grootvadersbosch WES project – donated R300 000 which is spent locally. • Cape West Coast Biosphere Reserve Trails – secured R700k from Lottery which will be spent locally. TOTAL since 2010 = ~R14 million largely spent locally Through project development & grant raising services
Institutional Impact GA’s intended impacts are aligned with the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals GA Desired Impact Millennium Development Goal Sustained, capacitated effort Build a global partnership for development Actual: 33% increase Target: GA turnover growing at 10% per year • R1 million in 2014 to R1.5 million in 2015 • GA Team – 8 experienced associates, 5 young graduates • Partnerships grew from 44 to 58 • Pretoria gathering – 23 fellows Total revenue since 2010 = R5.2 million Total partners 2010 = 58
Publications: Spreading our Message When we destroy our biodiversity we destroy our life support system – we need to promote diversity and stem the “Sixth Extinction” • Since 1999 a global audience of thousands of scientists has been reached through journals and symposia. Over 100 scientists are engaged and contributing to more popular publications. • An audience of over 1000 schools and 25000 children reached. Twenty top students engaged in Arusha. • Tracey Phillips and Etienne Basson have made contributions and GA is acknowledged for our contribution.
Publications (2015) • Biodiversity & Extinction – 6 of a 12 part series published in Supernova, a magazine reaching some 5000children
Africa Alive Corridors – HSC (2015) Contributions from over 100 scientists
Projects: Promoting sustainable practice Biodiversity celebration, restoration, jobs & kills There are very few hunter-gatherers left in the world today. There is a need to share and restore the heritage of San hunter-gatherers before we loose the lessons of living close to the land. !Khwa ttu celebrates San spirit past and present for a better future. Heritage restitution is the key purpose of the evolving !Khwa ttu San Museum. • As a contribution to maintaining cultural diversity, and learning from the past to live more sustainably in future, GA provides several services to !Khwa ttu including - mentorship, training, facilitation, environmental management, project development & grant writing and project management. This includes managing the Museum design phase which was completed in 2015.
Groen Sebenza Human capital development is one of the key goals of the National Biodiversity Strategy. To ensure succession, the biodiversity sector needed a mass infusion of skilled young people. • A R300 million Jobs Fund project to incubate, mentor, train and place 800 young matriculants and graduates in jobs. • 44 partners from the sector involved • GA - 7 ‘pioneers’ incubated, mentored and trained over 2.5 years. • 2 have gained employed beyond GA • 5 have been contracted by GA • Partnership as a whole – nearly 700 placed • Very successful, mass infusion of much needed human capital
RIM OF AFRICA There is a need to conserve our mountain wilderness and essential catchments. RIM of AFRICA is a 600km trail dedicated to the exploration & conservation of the Cape Fold Mountains. GA’s relationship with RIM goes back several years. We assist them with project development & grant submissions, and in 2015 Etienne Basson assisted with project coordination.
GROOTVADERSBOSCH CONSERVANCY The Grootvadersbosch Conservancy in the Overberg consists of 35 000ha of private land, where the lowland vegetation (fynbos & forest) is threatened by the expansion of agricultural activities, over-grazing of veld and incorrect fire regimes. The Grootvadersbosch Conservancy also lies within a mountain catchment area. Mountain catchments provide critical provisioning services for improving water supply to downstream users. • GA is currently supporting the Conservancy by administering a donation of R1.5 million for alien clearing & forest rehabilitation. Over 2200 hectares have been cleared, 500 indigenous trees planted and 20km of river cleared. • We also shared expertise to help develop a trail network which was launched in February • And GA Directors Richard Cock, Alex Anderson and Jenny Anderson are playing a central role in developing the Silver Mountain Music Event , due to be held from the 16-19 th June.
www.silvermountainmusic.co.za 16-19 June 2016
Networking, PR, Linked-in, Blogs Twitter, Facebook To grow the audience we need funding to advertise posts R1 / like
Fundraising for Donations One of the biggest challenges GA faces is the difficulty in building up a reserve fund. There was lively conversation around this in 2015 and a new business plan was developed for 2016-2018. Experienced fundraiser, Margaret Abbot, has kindly volunteered to help guide us with this process – thank you Margaret. We have had several conversations and explored this from different directions, and at the moment it seems to be about: • Building blocks (website, social media, CRM, photos, video, copy) • Building an audience • Continuing the fundraising conversation – what approach will work for GA? What is the plan? • Resourcing – we need a dedicated, equipped fundraiser, we should not go down the path until we have the necessary resources
Plans for 2016 • It is going to take generations to heal this planet, so we need to build an organization that lasts generations. • This is the baton we need to take up together 2016. • We all have slightly different approaches and thoughts on how to do build an organization that lasts. • My job is to facilitate that conversation over the course of the next year, and to implement our new business plan for 2016-2018, and our exciting new projects (KT Gearing for Growth, KT Museum Construction & Curation, Baskloof Private Nature Reserve, Green Gardens & Paths) • Lastly, a huge THANK YOU to all the Directors and my team for all the time, money, effort and passion you have put into GA. Thank You
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