F ORWARD L OOKING ST AT E ME NT S T his pr e se ntation c ontains, or may be de e me d to c ontain “for war d- looking state me nts” within the me aning of the “Safe Har bor ” pr ovisions of the Unite d State s Pr ivate Se c ur itie s L itigation Re for m Ac t of 1995. F or war d- looking state me nts ar e subje c t to r isks and unc e r taintie s that may c ause Cine mar k’s ac tual r e sults to diffe r mate r ially fr om the e xpe c tations indic ate d or implie d by suc h state me nts. Suc h Risk F ac tor s ar e se t for th and e xpr e ssly qualifie d in the ir e ntir e ty in the Company’s filings with the SE C, inc luding the most r e c e ntly file d Annual Re por t on F or m 10- K. T he Company unde r take s no obligation to public ly update or r e vise any for war d- looking state me nts. T his pr e se ntation may inc lude c e r tain non- GAAP financ ial me asur e s. A r e c onc iliation of the se non- GAAP me asur e s to the most dir e c tly c ompar able financ ial me asur e s c alc ulate d and pr e se nte d in ac c or danc e with GAAP c an be found within the Company’s most r e c e ntly file d Annual Re por t on F or m 10- K and on the Company’s we bsite at www.inve stor s.Cine mar k.c om. 2
NORT H AME RICAN INDUST RY BOX OF F ICE T RE NDS Re c e ssio n ye a r Re c line rs a nd e nha nc e d fo o d Dig ita l pro je c to r c o nve rsio n Inve stme nts ... DVD pla ye r dro ps to $100 (DVD he y-da y) Ma ss OT T stre a ming a do ptio n ... F ina nc ia l c risis E xhib itio n b a nkruptc ie s/ c o nso lida tio n Me g a ple x a nd sta dium se a ting Inte rne t b e g ins to g o ma instre a m VHS b e g ins to ra mp po st b e ta -ma x 1.57B pa tr ons 1.38B pa tr ons 1.3B pa tr ons $11.9B $2.6B 1.1B pa tr ons 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018 VCR Inte r ne t DVD Str e aming 4
NORT H AME RICAN INDUST RY T RE NDS VS. CINE MARK NA Industry Box Office CNK US Adj. EBITDA Margin 24.3% 2008 - 2018 Avg. CNK US Adj. EBITDA Margin $11.9B +2.1% 10-yr industry $11.4B box office CAGR $11.1B $11.1B $10.9B $10.8B $10.6B $10.6B $10.4B $10.2B $9.6B 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Industry 0.0% 10.0% (0.2)% (3.8)% 6.0% 1.2% (4.8)% 6.9% 2.3% (2.5)% 6.9% Y/Y Growth
2 0 2 0 BO X O FFIC E 6
NORT H AME RICAN INDUST RY BOX OF F ICE T RE NDS Q1 Universal Warner Bros. Fox Disney - Pixar Warner Bros. Disney Live Action Q2 Wonder Woman “Top Gun” United Artist Disney - Marvel Universal Warner Bros. Disney - Pixar Paramount Ghostbusters Q3 UNTITLED SEQUEL “Spider-Man Universe” Universal Sony Warner Bros. Disney Live Action Warner Bros. Sony Steven Spielberg’s Q4 Warner Bros. Warner Bros. Disney - Marvel Disney Animation Fox Universal
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