9/7/2017 God’s Gift of Sacrament “A Visible Symbol of an Invisible Grace” Symbols • What is a symbol? – A symbol is a concrete action or object that has a deeper meaning and often makes an emotional impact on us. – Anything can be a symbol in a certain context, but not all things are always symbols! • What about signs? – Signs often give limited, specific information. Their meanings are literal and do not have the same depth of significance. 1
9/7/2017 Sign or Symbol? • American Flag • Olympic Rings • Women’s Restroom Figure • Water in a Sink • Water in a Baptismal Font • The “recycle triangle” • Wedding Rings Symbols • American Flag • Olympic Rings • Women’s Restroom Figure • Water in a Sink • Water in a Baptismal Font • The “Recycle Triangle” • Wedding rings 2
9/7/2017 What is your symbol? • In your notebook, think about what symbol you would use to represent yourself. It could be any concrete object! (An animal, a sporting object, an important family artifact, etc.) • In an 8-10 sentence paragraph, explain why you chose this as your symbol. Make sure to make references to the object’s meaning and purpose to explain yourself. What is a Sacrament? • A Sacrament is made up of three things: – A symbol (concrete object or action) given to us by Jesus – Used by the Church – To transmit Grace • In other words, a Sacrament is a visible symbol of God’s invisible Grace . 3
9/7/2017 What is Grace? • Grace is God’s gratuitous gift of himself. Let’s break that down. – Grace is gratuitous. This means that it is given freely and not earned! We do nothing to deserve Grace but it is given freely anyway. – Grace is a gift. God did not create an economy of love, whereby his love would be merely exchanged for ours. His love is therefore not a reward for good behavior or work, but simply a gift. – Grace is God himself. When we receive grace as a gift, we receive it in the form of God’s Divine Life, which is love. Jesus as Sacrament • Many things in creation can be symbols for God. • However, unlike all other things, Jesus shows God perfectly. Jesus is the perfect symbol for God because Jesus is God. • Therefore, Jesus is the primary giver of grace because he gives God most completely in his life, ministry, death, and resurrection. 4
9/7/2017 Jesus’ Ministry • If Jesus is the primary giver of God’s grace, than we should look to his ministry to see how God sought to give himself away. • Jesus’ ministry was focused on the sufferings of certain groups of people, those that were: – Poor – Sinners – Outcast • Therefore, he made it clear that God aims to provide his love to those people who are most vulnerable in society. To Summarize The Seven Sacraments of the Church are: 1. Gifts from Jesus… 2. That the Church uses… 3. To give God’s Grace… 4. During the most vulnerable moments of our lives. 5
9/7/2017 When are we most vulnerable? 1. Birth 2. Growing Up 3. When Hungry 4. Broken Relationships 5. Severe Illness 6. Love 7. Finding our Vocation/Serving How is Jesus Present in these Moments? 1. Birth Baptism 2. Growing Up Confirmation 3. When Hungry Eucharist 4. Broken Relationships Reconciliation 5. Severe Illness Anointing of the Sick 6. Love Matrimony 7. Finding our Holy Orders Vocation/Serving 6
9/7/2017 Review 1. What is a symbol? 2. How is it different than a sign? 3. What is a Sacrament? 4. What is Grace? 5. How is Jesus the primary Sacrament of God? 6. When are we most vulnerable in life? 7. How is Jesus present to us in these moments of vulnerability? 7
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