gnu linux for safety related systems sil2linuxmp

GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < > January 28, 2016 Outline GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Context Outline Process

  1. GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < > January 28, 2016

  2. Outline GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Context Outline Process Context Conclusions

  3. Goal of SIL2LinuxMP GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Generic qualification approach Suitable for up to SIL2 (IEC 61508 Ed 2) Outline Context Support multicore systems Mainline kernel + glibc + tools Methods suitable for pre-existing SW intensive systems

  4. SIL2LinuxMP Context GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Outline Context

  5. The Goal GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Outline Context

  6. Basic constraints GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Minimize kernel < - > follow mainline Nicholas Mc Guire Minimize safety related runtime env < safety@osadl.o glibc Outline busybox runtime environment Context Handle cgroups ”manually” - > minimal launcher Compliant development of safety related applications Push the full-featured (non-safe) OS into a container Minimize/control sharing of resources between safe/non-safe tasks

  7. Arch 4 - prototype architecture GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Outline Context

  8. Arch 4 - prototype architecture GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Outline Context think of it as a ”distributed system on one chip”

  9. SIL2LinuxMP Selection GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Outline Context Selection has been formalized in the context of 61508-1 Ed 2 as Clause 7.X ”E/E/PE safety-related software element selection” - pennding review by TueV Rheinland.

  10. Adjusted software DLC GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Outline Context

  11. Adjusted software DLC GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Outline Context

  12. Example: Isolation Techniques GNU/Linux for Available technologies to improve non-interference safety-related systems - SIL2LinuxMP Control Groups Nicholas Mc Guire Namespaces < safety@osadl.o Seperate filesystem (images/media) Outline Replicated glibc/busybox Context Limit system calls (seccomp) Real devices managed by core-system PALLOC - partitioning allocator ABI diversity Functionality + level of assurance - > safety functional capability

  13. Big picture of DLC/SLC Target System DLC/SC Pre-Existing Elements GNU/Linux for Use-Case 7.2 Concept candidate elements -> safety contribuation safety-related potential systems - DRM 7.3 Scope SIL2LinuxMP HAZOP/FMEA 7.4 Hazard/Risk safety potential Analysis dependency tree Overall safety 7.5 Safety func. Nicholas Mc requirements requirements Guire 7.6 Allocation potential architecture selection of intended 7.X Selection < safety@osadl.o safety functions First system concept consolidation phase -- preliminiary architecture Outline assessment of partitioning dependencies of safety -3 Context -> level of functions independence Allocation of elements to partitions: layered prtection architecture -3 Annex C contributions Methods of conceptual ESD of failure model + 1. Validation analysis + a-i PRA LOPA PRA BH-Safety: Claims of generic function risk reduction capabilities of safety-related dependent functions. -> assumptions -> constraints on system -> constraints on applications Element safety Certi cation manual (Annex D) Data Package

  14. Conclusions GNU/Linux for safety-related If you want to utilize FLOSS - > fix the processes first systems - SIL2LinuxMP IEC 61508 was not really conceived with selection as Nicholas Mc primary strategy in mind - but it is doable. Guire < safety@osadl.o IEC 61508 is robust enough to provide a solid foundation Outline for formalizing element selection (Route 3 S ) as primary Context strategy The process adjustments are in review (TueV Rheinland) ... lets see Based on the final processes the method set will be selected Applying this to GNU/Linux RTOS will not be trivial - but looks doable

  15. GNU/Linux for safety-related systems - Thanks ! SIL2LinuxMP Nicholas Mc Guire < safety@osadl.o Outline Context


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