gmc survey results 2019

GMC survey results 2019 Sarah Rafferty Chief of Education Oct 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GMC survey results 2019 Sarah Rafferty Chief of Education Oct 2019 SASHs position within KSS Trust / Board Overall Satisfaction Clinical Supervision Clinical Supervision Supportive Adequate Educational Educational Reporting systems

  1. GMC survey results 2019 Sarah Rafferty Chief of Education Oct 2019

  2. SASH’s position within KSS Trust / Board Overall Satisfaction Clinical Supervision Clinical Supervision Supportive Adequate Educational Educational Reporting systems Work Load Teamwork Handover Induction Curriculum Coverage Feedback Local Teaching Regional Teaching Study Leave Rota Design out of hours environment Experience Governance Supervision Ashford and St Peter's 78.34 89.38 86.47 75.04 45.17 71.08 64.22 70.93 81.34 78.78 76.09 70.77 82.76 75.35 64.92 66.42 61.95 54.50 Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Brighton and Sussex 76.75 89.55 88.65 73.03 45.73 71.70 66.15 70.98 77.34 77.23 75.40 70.71 83.96 71.47 68.54 63.20 63.35 58.44 University Hospitals NHS Trust Dartford and Gravesham 78.54 88.06 82.78 70.92 45.10 69.84 65.54 69.61 79.93 79.07 75.45 73.45 85.18 70.59 67.77 63.16 60.99 55.51 NHS Trust East Kent Hospitals 76.47 87.77 83.88 70.33 47.12 70.81 62.78 70.48 76.99 77.75 76.17 71.87 83.52 70.96 68.16 61.98 57.05 58.33 University NHS Foundation Trust East Sussex Healthcare 74.47 87.04 86.13 72.31 47.42 69.50 65.49 69.13 75.45 75.92 74.07 68.56 81.05 73.87 69.27 64.34 54.38 53.74 NHS Trust Frimley Health NHS 76.06 88.34 86.58 72.30 39.70 72.47 67.87 69.28 76.61 76.80 74.68 68.91 83.02 71.10 65.23 64.29 56.19 51.92 Foundation Trust Maidstone and 77.32 87.67 85.00 70.50 45.03 70.04 64.78 68.32 79.30 77.42 75.75 69.80 83.05 75.93 70.36 62.87 60.84 54.93 Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Medway NHS 77.09 88.34 85.17 70.20 48.58 65.78 61.15 67.27 75.08 79.14 77.42 70.91 85.17 72.19 69.36 63.59 57.87 56.04 Foundation Trust Royal Surrey County 77.26 88.82 84.85 72.84 45.02 71.41 61.53 68.06 77.25 77.32 75.33 72.54 84.55 75.00 70.52 63.12 65.42 56.53 Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Surrey and Sussex 79.68 89.45 87.26 75.40 41.40 75.91 68.28 74.55 82.37 79.57 76.86 76.23 84.84 73.11 67.93 62.79 64.36 59.34 Healthcare NHS Trust Western Sussex 78.76 89.64 85.46 71.71 47.99 72.91 63.05 70.58 80.18 78.95 77.04 72.90 86.20 75.92 66.78 62.48 64.12 53.97 Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 1st 3rd 2nd 1st 10th 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 3rd 1st 4th 6th 6th 9th 2nd 1st

  3. Highlights • Acute internal medicine higher training programme • Core medical training • Core surgical training • ENT • Medicine FY2 year

  4. Medicine results Programme Group Trust / Board Clinical Overall Clinical Reporting Supportive Adequate Curriculum Educational Educational Supervision out of Work Load Teamwork Handover Induction Feedback Local Teaching Regional Teaching Study Leave Rota Design Satisfaction Supervision systems environment Experience Coverage Governance Supervision hours Geriatric medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 66.67 83.33 81.25 58.33 29.17 61.11 35.42 65.00 73.33 47.50 47.22 66.67 89.58 54.17 45.00 66.11 50.00 45.83 Geriatric medicine Higher CMT Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 82.09 91.82 91.07 77.76 39.49 76.52 66.57 76.82 79.77 79.09 75.00 80.30 84.94 72.14 72.65 58.97 64.68 59.38 CMT GP Prog - Medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 80.17 96.25 93.75 82.00 43.75 77.78 73.26 77.50 85.00 81.25 73.61 80.56 88.54 72.50 69.72 42.83 58.33 61.46 GP medicine Medicine F1 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 76.33 85.28 79.04 69.69 33.91 75.00 71.39 72.08 73.33 70.83 73.15 81.25 48.08 56.25 FY1 medicine Medicine F2 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 88.00 96.67 89.58 87.50 43.40 87.50 84.38 82.50 92.50 85.00 81.95 93.06 91.67 81.67 64.93 71.88 FY2 medicine Acute Internal Medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 91.56 93.33 90.97 80.56 48.15 78.71 66.07 81.67 90.00 88.61 82.41 83.33 89.58 82.64 78.33 59.67 70.83 73.61 Cardiology Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 77.00 90.50 90.63 82.50 26.25 88.33 77.50 71.00 80.00 73.50 81.67 90.00 90.00 86.67 68.00 67.83 57.50 65.00 Endocrinology and diabetes Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 82.33 93.33 93.75 39.58 77.78 70.83 76.67 70.00 85.00 83.33 80.55 83.33 77.78 45.56 47.22 70.83 Gastroenterology Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 78.00 93.00 92.50 74.38 35.00 83.33 58.75 80.00 84.00 83.50 76.67 78.33 90.00 56.94 56.33 74.67 70.00 52.50 General (internal) medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 68.36 81.02 78.98 64.44 31.25 70.46 62.73 64.32 68.18 61.36 71.97 77.27 30.73 48.86 Geriatric medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 83.85 94.44 85.53 80.00 37.50 77.92 71.13 83.00 86.50 76.13 73.33 81.25 90.63 70.00 67.27 69.92 67.79 62.17 Respiratory Medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 80.75 90.00 87.50 65.00 23.44 68.75 57.81 63.75 78.13 71.88 77.08 68.75 79.69 72.92 67.92 56.46 68.23 42.19 Rheumatology Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 48.33 71.67 55.00 41.67 61.11 45.83 58.33 64.17 55.00 63.89 50.00 68.75 47.22 54.44 41.67 18.75

  5. Surgical results Post Specialty Trust / Board Overall Satisfaction Clinical Supervision Clinical Supervision Supportive Adequate Curriculum Educational Educational Reporting systems Work Load Teamwork Handover Induction Feedback Local Teaching Regional Teaching Study Leave Rota Design out of hours environment Experience Coverage Governance Supervision General surgery Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 80.00 95.00 92.71 63.54 47.92 69.45 76.67 65.83 85.83 77.50 77.78 75.00 85.42 81.95 47.50 75.28 72.22 64.58 Higher General Surgery CST Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 91.17 95.83 93.75 86.67 47.92 88.89 72.50 85.83 85.00 94.58 88.89 77.78 93.75 97.50 61.39 61.11 75.00 55.21 CST GP Prog - Surgery Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 84.00 80.83 68.75 85.00 46.18 88.89 78.13 80.83 84.17 85.42 75.00 80.56 78.13 81.25 76.95 61.67 59.72 66.32 GP in Surgery Surgery F1 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 71.88 85.00 80.47 79.17 37.24 72.92 66.25 71.88 72.19 67.71 79.17 85.94 42.71 51.56 FY1 Surgery Surgery F2 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 63.33 70.00 79.17 53.33 39.58 55.55 47.92 45.00 70.00 70.00 66.67 52.78 72.92 41.67 54.17 27.08 FY2 Surgery General surgery Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 80.00 88.06 84.38 75.66 37.85 75.46 77.71 69.17 81.11 78.89 75.93 77.32 87.85 84.94 55.30 68.79 69.97 53.94 Otolaryngology Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 96.50 98.75 95.83 97.50 64.06 97.92 92.19 98.75 91.25 94.38 97.92 87.50 93.75 100.00 83.75 71.67 79.17 76.56 Trauma and orthopaedic Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 78.14 83.57 84.38 65.71 46.73 67.86 49.11 66.43 77.86 82.50 67.86 64.28 80.36 65.48 70.67 68.00 63.99 55.06 surgery Urology Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 76.00 85.00 87.50 78.33 57.29 85.42 83.75 76.25 83.75 79.17 87.50 81.25 47.92 74.48

  6. Paediatrics Programme Group Trust / Board Clinical Supervision Supportive Educational Educational Overall Satisfaction Clinical Supervision Reporting systems Work Load Teamwork Handover Induction Adequate Experience Curriculum Coverage Feedback Local Teaching Regional Teaching Study Leave Rota Design out of hours environment Governance Supervision Paediatrics Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS 60.00 79.17 74.54 71.11 23.15 57.41 63.43 58.33 76.11 70.28 66.67 59.26 69.44 50.00 40.74 38.57 41.90 35.42 Trust Paediatrics Higher GP Prog - Paediatrics and Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS 68.83 84.79 87.50 80.83 34.38 71.67 73.96 68.33 74.17 68.33 72.22 83.33 86.46 60.00 70.28 49.17 85.00 41.67 Child Health Trust Paediatrics GP Paediatrics Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS 64.44 80.39 79.72 74.22 27.47 65.00 67.58 64.06 76.25 69.38 69.27 71.35 78.52 59.37 55.12 42.99 59.08 37.50 Trust

  7. ED Programme Group Trust / Board Overall Satisfaction Clinical Supervision Clinical Supervision Supportive Adequate Curriculum Educational Educational Reporting systems Work Load Teamwork Handover Induction Feedback Local Teaching Regional Teaching Study Leave Rota Design out of hours environment Experience Coverage Governance Supervision Emergency medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 63.00 90.83 81.25 66.67 31.25 72.22 47.92 61.67 81.67 74.17 72.22 61.11 87.50 63.89 55.55 66.11 39.58 54.17 ED Higher Emergency Medicine F2 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 69.38 87.19 84.12 71.25 18.75 70.83 73.44 61.25 83.75 72.81 73.96 69.79 70.31 51.39 51.04 60.94 ED FY2 Emergency Medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 72.50 90.00 86.01 70.71 25.00 73.22 68.75 67.14 86.07 77.32 77.38 69.64 78.57 63.19 71.94 55.14 49.70 62.95

  8. Geriatrics Programme Group Trust / Board Clinical Supervision Supportive Educational Educational Overall Satisfaction Clinical Supervision Reporting systems Work Load Teamwork Handover Induction Adequate Experience Curriculum Coverage Feedback Local Teaching Regional Teaching Study Leave Rota Design out of hours environment Governance Supervision Geriatric medicine Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 66.67 83.33 81.25 58.33 29.17 61.11 35.42 65.00 73.33 47.50 47.22 66.67 89.58 54.17 45.00 66.11 50.00 45.83 Geriatric medicine Higher


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