glpp hiin update

GLPP HIIN Update MICAH Quality Network meeting May 17, 2019 Person - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GLPP HIIN Update MICAH Quality Network meeting May 17, 2019 Person & Family Engagement Michigan GLPP HIIN Critical Access Hospitals PFE Metric 4 60 oral surveys on PFE were conducted (30 were with critical access hospitals) Out of those

  1. GLPP HIIN Update MICAH Quality Network meeting May 17, 2019

  2. Person & Family Engagement Michigan GLPP HIIN Critical Access Hospitals

  3. PFE Metric 4 60 oral surveys on PFE were conducted (30 were with critical access hospitals) Out of those we polled • 70% implemented Metric 4 by having a full Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) • 30% implemented by having a former patient/family member serve on a Pt Safety or QI committee Out of the 70% who have a full PFAC – • 95% have an executive sponsor and staff liaison • 63% have a formal charter • 81% provide onboarding or orientation to all members • 100% have an agenda for each PFAC meeting • 80% receive feedback about the impact of their work • 83% have a defined relationship between PFAC and hospital leadership & board of directors • 29% are engaged in work around harms

  4. PFE Metric 5 Out of those we polled 54% have implemented Metric 5 by having one or more patients/family members serve on their Governing or leadership board as a Patient representative. Remaining 46% who have partially or fully implemented Metric 5 are using one of the alternatives.

  5. PFE Challenges Out of those we polled the biggest challenges in implementing PFE Metrics 4 & 5: • 25% Finding the right patients (finding diversity, fighting turnover and good fit) • 19% Recruitment • 19% Finding the time to coordinate, meet and resources • 13% leadership buy-in • 10% no problems • 8% Making it meaningful (What do we do?) • 6% surviving changes in the hospital structure, changes in leadership, downsizing

  6. GLPP HIIN Dashboard

  7. ADE-Opioids ADE-Opioids 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 2018 - Mar 2019

  8. Falls with Injury Falls 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 2018 - Mar 2019

  9. Post-Operative Sepsis (PSI-13)

  10. Sepsis Mortality Rate

  11. BCBSM 2019-20 PG5 P4P Program

  12. Final data deadline – May 17 Scores will be emailed mid-June For the ‘Quality Initiatives’ portion of your 2018-19 BCBSM PG5 P4P Final scores

  13. 2019-20 PG5 P4P Program

  14. 2019-20 PG5 P4P Program

  15. 2019 Storyboard Guidelines

  16. Upcoming Events

  17. MHA Keystone Center Spring Workshop Thursday, May 30, 2019 8:30 am – 3:30 pm - The Henry, Dearborn Focus on simulation and tracer education Nationally-recognized subject matter experts will teach attendees how altering practices can improve patient care and reduce mortality. Participants will also learn about previous MHA Keystone Center-led simulations and how simulations can be performed in their own organizations.

  18. June 4 Safe Table - Falls VistaTech Center, Livonia Noon – 3 pm The MHA Keystone Center PSO is hosting a Safe Table to investigate and collaborate about the current struggles related to patient falls . The purpose of these events is to engage with peers by having informative discussions, gain new knowledge, and make improvements to reduce or eliminate future harm. These events are unique in that they offer a legally protected confidential environment for discussion around sensitive topics. This event is only open to MHA Keystone Center PSO Members

  19. ‘Caring for the Critically Ill Patient’ Simulation June 12 – Saginaw August 20 – Traverse city October 30 – Livonia Two simulation sessions are offered each day Morning 8 am – noon or Afternoon 1 – 5 pm


  21. Kristy Shafer-Swadley


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