2013 GLOBAL RESIN s.r.l. Presentation Activities With this brief and explicit document we are pleased to present the work of our company, our processing technologies and especially the quality of our products. Luca Bernardini Global Resin s.r.l. 14/05/2013
The experience in the field Nautico now comes from years of work of our best technicians in this area, who are constantly engaged in the various departments to provide the best service and quality. Our fields of application are manifold, we start from the basic body of models and artifacts to gelcoat and then move on to the production of molds and printed , both in manual and in infusion. To illustrate the most of the service offered by our company will explain briefly what we can offer . Global Resin gives you the 360 ° management of your project from the study of Mathematics 3D , up to the technical drawings thanks to its technical department , will also autonomy in the development and implementation of your models , thanks to the collaboration of leading companies in this sector . Our desire to grow and experiment increases with the passage of time . We are increasingly encouraged to take expand and that is why we want to partner with new companies and why not also in new areas but mostly we want to aim for quality and training of our staff, with targeted training . All this and much more is actually the Global Resin ...
Tel. 0721-877140 Address: Via E. Ferrari S/N 61030 Calcinelli di Saltara (PU) (PU) info@globalresin.it
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