global position satellite

Global Position Satellite GPS in K-12 Safety Efficiency - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Global Position Satellite GPS in K-12 Safety Efficiency - Communication Presented by: Jeff Muglia Public Sector Account Manager K-12 Specialist Dan Seeley Solutions Consultant Agenda GPS Capabilities Safety for Students and

  1. Global Position Satellite GPS in K-12 Safety – Efficiency - Communication Presented by: Jeff Muglia Public Sector Account Manager – K-12 Specialist Dan Seeley Solutions Consultant

  2. Agenda • GPS Capabilities • Safety for Students and Staff • Efficiency an Cost Savings • Communication Options • Reporting Capabilities • Existing GPS District Review – How are the units being used • Unique Situations and How GPS Was Engaged

  3. Michigan Districts Using GPS • Jonesville – Voice – BEST CUSTOMER SPRINT HAS AS A COMPANY • Rochester Public Schools – 140 Units GPS – 102 Busses – 38 Support – 10 With Voice • Macomb ISD – 140 Busses GPS solution • Forest Hills Public Schools – 117 units Voice and GPS • Saginaw ISD – 101 Special Needs Busses – Scanning • Bay City Schools – 65 Busses GPS solution • Livingston ESA – 54 Special Needs Busses • Lincoln Consolidated Schools – 52 Voice and GPS • Ypsilanti Public Schools – 51 Voice and GPS • Inkster Schools – 25 Busses – Voice – Time Sheet – Odom • Van Buren Public Schools – 14 Busses • Birmingham Schools – 12 Busses – Voice on 85 Busses

  4. How Schools are Using GPS • Safety - View and Report Fleet Activities – See your entire fleets exact location with the push of a button • Closest To – Instantly locate the closest maintenance worker to the job site helping to increase efficiency. • Timesheets – Drivers can turn their phones into a time clock. Clock In / Out of Shifts & Breaks. Record durations complete tasks. • Student Tracking – Bar Code Scan or RF ID can log students on and off busses saving time with manual reporting – Special Needs • Parent and Driver Disputes – Bus not on time??? Bus is Speeding??? Where’s the Bus??? • Voice and Push to Talk Capabilities – Phones replacing radios and can easily be managed

  5. GPS Capabilities KNOW TIME KNOW TASKS Task Logout EMPOYEE ID ODOMETER 6474 568372 568372 SHIFT BUS # 75 REPAIR INFO 24 FIXA/CUNIT #2 Done Cancel Cancel Logout KNOW JOBS KNOW LOCATIONS Orders SVC: Standard CLIENT: JFK Elementary ADDR: 465 Main St; Tampa, FL. 33146 NOTES: Heat not working in RM 12 Done Cancel

  6. Birmingham Public Schools

  7. Breadcrumb Trails Birmingham Public Schools

  8. At a Glance – On Time – Early - Late

  9. Saginaw ISD - Students

  10. Find “Closest To” Find closest bus or maintenance vehicle to an incident remotely in real-time

  11. Time Clock Collect Driver’s Time & Route Information Login Login ACCOUNT # ASSITANT # Login Screen 01234 833 DRIVER # ODO_START 27 45002 ASSIGN_CODE 827462812 ACNT_CODE 2172 Cancel Login Cancel Login Driver logs in to phone with Driver #, As the driver scrolls down the screen, Assign. code, Account code Assistant # they can fill in the rest of the & Odometer Start information. Logout Screen Task Logout TRIP # PAYCODE 833 6782 PU_ODO ASSISTANT # 45009 129333 DROP_ODO ODO_END 450015 45064 STUDENTS 25 Child Done Cancel Logout At first stop, Driver enters Trip #,Pickup, & odometer Driver logs out at end of shift with reading. At the end of the run, driver enters the ending odometer odometer reading and the max # of students.

  12. Students Scanned and Reported Students Scanned with exact day/time/location

  13. View from Desk Top or Remotely Manager’s View Stay on top of your school bus fleet with Manager View. • Continue to manage your field force when you’re not at your desk. • Create & select groups of workers to view. Manage workers from anywhere. • Accurate, detailed maps allow you to zoom in on your selected group or individuals.

  14. Can be used for Route Planning

  15. Communication Options • GPS – Tracking and Reporting Capabilities • Push to Talk – Nextel network allows for Unlimited PTT service • Traditional Cellular Voice – Easily manage phone numbers that can be called – Lock handset for non-approved calling • Bar Code, RF ID, Biometrics – Student, pre/post trip activities or asset tracking • Panic Button – Alert dispatcher of an incident

  16. Endless Reporting Capabilities • GPS Driver Location • GPS Miles (Kilometers) Report • GPS Miles (Kilometers) Report by State • GPS Speed Report • GPS Speed Exceeded Report • GPS Stop Report • User Activity Report • User Idle Not At Landmark • User Odometer Report • User Task Report • User Task with Locations Report • User Time Sheet Report • User Time Sheet with Landmarks Report • And Many More. . .

  17. Stop Report 3 Minutes +

  18. Exceeded Speed Report

  19. GPS Mileage Report

  20. Automated Alerts • Auto Alerts – Speed – Geo-Fence – Inclusion/Exclusion Zones – Alert parents of soon arriving buses – And More. . . . . • Alerts can be Sent to – Computer/Email – SMS/Text – Mobile Phone – Pager, etc. . . . . . . . .

  21. Return on Investment • Van Buren Schools Savings Projections – Rhonda Lyons-Manning – Transportation Department – 63 total busses – 37 regular needs – 26 special needs – 75 union drivers – 18 aide positions • Savings Scenario – Reduce 63 routes 5 minutes a day, one day a month = 5hrs 15 mins • Over a 10 month period = 52hrs 50 mins • Savings of $16.95/hr (using only drivers) = $881.00/route/driver • Estimated annual savings of $55,528.00 – Savings in Diesel Fuel (calculated at $2.09/gallon) • Bus idling for 1 hr burns 1 gallon of fuel • If saving ½ gallon of fuel/day/bus = Estimated annual savings $11,850.00 – Health Benefit Savings • Using GPS to calculate ACTUAL run times • determine routes that should run under 6 hours • Reduce 2 routes to their actual run times = Estimated annual savings $25,546.00 • Total Estimated Annual Savings - $92,924.00

  22. ROI • Estimated Savings $92,924.00 • Costs Associated with GPS – Monthly cost/bus = apx $23.50 – 63 busses @ $23.50/bus = Apx $1,480.50 – Apx 12 months of service $17,766.00 • Estimated Annual Net Savings $75,158.00 • “It costs School Districts NOT to have the Nextel GPS Solution. . . . “

  23. Simple Installation/Implementation Inkster Public Schools

  24. Ypsilanti Public Schools

  25. Ypsi

  26. Ypsi

  27. Saginaw ISD Bar Code Scanning Special Needs

  28. Saginaw ISD

  29. Unique Situations • Saginaw ISD – Special Needs – GPS and Bar Code Scanning – Medicaid Reporting time reduced from 4 days to 10 minutes – THEN • Manual tracking of student pick up-drop off on paper • 52 hand written pages per week – end of month report was about 200 pages, some legible, some not • Received several questions from State based on hard copy reports • Multiple entries and re-entries – NOW • Automated, in Real-Time tracking • Soft copy reporting takes 10 minutes to process • NO questioning of report from State – Also using for route planning – Drivers are more efficient and love the solution – After hours tracking of fleet – Reduced Liability – know who is on the bus and where it is – Panic button feature

  30. Unforeseen Situations • Saginaw ISD – Truancy Issue • Lincoln Consolidated – Parental Dispute • Bay City Schools – Broken Sprint – Gas leak • Livingston ESA – Bus Accident – Bus Maintenance • Forest Hills Public Schools – Driver/Route Challenges

  31. Forest Hills

  32. Forest Hills

  33. Sprint Coverage Nextel Coverage

  34. Investment Phone/Installation kit $225.00 Sprint/Nextel Monthly Data Service $7.50 (Erate Eligible) Sprint/Nextel Monthly Voice Service $17.00 (Erate Eligible) Includes UNLIMITED Push to Talk Small pool of Anytime Cellular Minutes 3 rd Party Monthly GPS Service $12.00 - $15.00 (not Erate Eligible) Installation Labor Can be done by bus tech (apx 35 min)

  35. Global Position Satellite GPS in K-12 Safety – Efficiency - Communication QUESTIONS???? For Additional Information – Jeff Muglia – 248-390-0930 Dan Seeley – 248-521-0142


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