glitching and side channel

Glitching and Side-Channel Analysis for All Colin OFlynn NewAE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Glitching and Side-Channel Analysis for All Colin OFlynn NewAE Technology Inc. RECON 2015 Montreal, QC. Overview W.t.f is side-channel power analysis (again) Example: IEEE 802.15.4 Node Example: AES-256 Bootloader W.t.f.

  1. Glitching and Side-Channel Analysis for All Colin O’Flynn – NewAE Technology Inc. RECON 2015 – Montreal, QC.

  2. Overview • W.t.f is side-channel power analysis (again) • Example: IEEE 802.15.4 Node • Example: AES-256 Bootloader • W.t.f. is Glitching • Simple power glitching

  3. About Me • PhD at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada (Ongoing) • Designed open-source hardware security project (ChipWhisperer) • Commercialization through NewAE Technology Inc. • Previously talked at Blackhat US/EU/AD, RECON, ESC

  4. Side Channel Power Analysis

  5. Side Channel Analysis Plaintext Crypto Device Ciphertext Secret Key

  6. Super-Fast Side Channel

  7. Real-Life

  8. Breaking Apart

  9. Hardware Example

  10. Hackaday Prize 2014

  11. Cheap Hardware… First Ver

  12. ChipWhisperer-Lite Kickstarter

  13. Cheaper Hardware

  14. Open-Source Software

  15. Example of Power Analysis <demo here>

  16. IEEE 802.15.4 Nodes

  17. IEEE 802.15.4

  18. Example #1: 802.15.4 ZigBee (ZigBee IP, ZigBee Pro, RF4CE, etc.) WirelessHART MiWi ISA100.11a 6LoWPAN Nest Weave 802.15.4 Node JenNet Thread Atmel Lightweight Mesh IEEE 802.15.5 DigiMesh

  19. Hardware Setup

  20. 802.15.4 Frame Format Seq. Number Sec. Level. Dest Address (ff = Broadcast) Frame Header FrameCounter Source Addressing Key ID CRC-16 Goes Here Encrypted Payload + MAC (MIC in 802.15.4 parlance)

  21. 802.15.4 Decoding IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Stack: Frame Decryption Procedure: 1. Validate headers and security options. 2. Check that the received frame counter is numerically greater than the last stored frame count. 3. Look up the secret key based on message address and/or key index. 4. Decrypt the payload (and MAC if present). 5. Validate the MAC (if present). 6. Store the frame counter.

  22. Example #1: 802.15.4 Input to AES Block

  23. Many fixed bytes…

  24. CPA Attack Result

  25. ATMega128RFA1

  26. ATMegaRF AES Peripheral

  27. Example #2: AES-256 Bootloader Tutorial: Paper (CCECE 2015):

  28. Bootloader Protocol

  29. AES-256 in CBC Mode

  30. Round 14

  31. Round 13

  32. Trace View

  33. Success Rate

  34. Getting Started in Side Channel Power • Build/buy a simple target device: • AVR dev-board • Arduino Uno • PIC • Get a scope with USB API • Picoscope • Most bench scopes • Be wary of cheap off-brand scopes, sometimes USB interface is poor • Experiment!

  35. Glitching

  36. Glitching Target int i , j , count ; while ( 1 ){ count = 0 ; for ( j = 0 ; j < 5000 ; j ++){ for ( i = 0 ; i < 5000 ; i ++){ count ++; } } printf ( "%d %d %d\n" , count , i , j ); }

  37. Easy Glitching

  38. High-Precision Glitches

  39. Easy Glitching

  40. Raspberry Pi Example

  41. Raspberry Pi Example

  42. Raspberry Pi Example

  43. Glitch Tool

  44. Glitch Waveform (Raspberry Pi)

  45. Getting Started in Glitching • Load simple code onto target • Determine/guess sensitive power rail • Test glitch parameters  ideally with profiling code

  46. Glitching in CW-Lite

  47. It’s fun! Try Power Analysis and Glitching today! ChipWhisperer Project : NewAE Technology Inc.: Personal: @colinoflynn


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