
GIRARD . Thrive Thrive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GIRARD . Thrive Thrive Connect Connect Lehigh Broad Poplar Lehigh 1 Upzone to commercial and multi-family residential 2 Right size the


  2. • • • • • • •

  3. . • • • Thrive Thrive

  4. • • • • • • Connect Connect

  5. Lehigh Broad Poplar

  6. Lehigh 1 Upzone to commercial and multi-family residential 2 Right size the commercial corridor; encourage larger format retail Broad 3 Encourage higher density development 6 Encourage mixed-use, mixed income development 7 Encourage redevelopment of obsolete commercial properties Poplar

  7. Lehigh Broad Front Girard Poplar

  8. Lehigh 1 Rezone parks and open spaces to reflect their current use Broad 3 Add to SP-INS Front 4 Downzone to fortify single family residential blocks 5 Rezone from industrial to residential, commercial or industrial-commercial mix Girard Poplar

  9. Lehigh 3 Encourage higher density development 4 Transition obsolete industrial land to residential, residential, commercial, or an Front industrial-commercial mix 6 Encourage mixed-use, mixed Broad income development 5 Transition obsolete industrial land to commercial mixed use 7 Encourage redevelopment of obsolete commercial properties Girard Poplar


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