gilbert classical academy permanent location options

Gilbert Classical Academy Permanent Location Options December 1, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gilbert Classical Academy Permanent Location Options December 1, 2015 Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto Superintendent Committee Alex Nardone, Chief of Staff, Chair of Stan Peterson, Director of Facilities Committee Charles Santa-Cruz,

  1. Gilbert Classical Academy Permanent Location Options December 1, 2015 Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto Superintendent

  2. Committee Alex Nardone, Chief of Staff, Chair of ■ Stan Peterson, Director of Facilities ■ Committee Charles Santa-Cruz, Governing Board ■ Ann Anderlohr, Parent at GCA ■ Steve Smith, Executive Director of ■ Technology ■ Jason Delfing, Teacher at GCA Missy Udall, Director of Talent Teddy Dumlao,Director of Finance ■ ■ Management Dan Hood, Principal at GCA ■ Tom Wohlleber, Chief Financial ■ Brian Jaeger, Executive Director of ■ Officer Secondary Schools Paul Holland, Architect ■ 2

  3. Agenda ■ Overview: Dr. Kishimoto ■ Educational Design: Mr. Hood ■ Cost and Space Variables: Dr. Kishimoto ■ Financial Projections: Mr. Holland ■ Options: Dr. Nardone ■ Questions ■ Next Steps, Key Assumptions: Dr. Kishimoto 3

  4. 2015-16 Governing Board Goals 1. Establish a district-level Academic Data Dashboard. 2. Utilize the 2014-15 Demographic Study to identify enrollment priorities. 3. Identify a permanent location for Gilbert Classical Academy and finalize a comprehensive plan to support full implementation of the the school design. 4

  5. GCA Educational Design 5

  6. GCA Priority Space Needs GCA is approx. 45,000 sq.ft; needs 91,000 sq.ft. ■ Science Labs and Adequate Size Classrooms ■ Library ■ Cafeteria ■ Gymnasium and Athletic Fields ■ Parking ■ Adequate Restrooms for Students and Faculty 6

  7. Option 1: Stay in Current Location Meets Educational Design: NO Cost: None Timeline: None 7

  8. Option 2: Renovate Current Location Meets Educational Design: NO Cost: $3-5M Timeline: 3-6 months 8

  9. Option 3a: Renovate and Expand Keep Data Center Meets Educational Design: NO Cost: $15-18M Timeline: 12 months 9

  10. Option 3b: Renovate and Expand Relocate Data Center Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: $20-25M Timeline: 12 months 10

  11. Option 3c: Replace All GCA Buildings with New 3-Story Construction Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: $25-30M Timeline: 24 months 11

  12. Option 4a: Repurpose and Supplement an Existing Elementary School Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: $15-20M Timeline: 12 months 12

  13. Option 4b: Repurpose Existing Junior High School Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: $500K Timeline: 12 months 13

  14. Option 5: Relocate GCA to an Existing Junior High or High School and Develop a “School within a School” Model Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: $2-5M Timeline: 12 months 14

  15. Option 6: Lease or Purchase an Existing Building and Renovate Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: TBD by property identified Timeline: 6-12 months 15

  16. Option 7a: Build New on Desert Ridge High School Campus Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: $25-30M Timeline: 18 months 16

  17. Option 7b: Build New Adjacent to Desert Ridge High School Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: $30-32M Timeline: 24 months 17

  18. Option 8: Build New at Morrison Ranch Site Meets Educational Design: YES Cost: $25-30M Timeline: 24 months 18

  19. Option 9: Convert GCA to a Program in All High Schools Meets Educational Design: NO 19

  20. Option 10: Partner with a Charter School Meets Educational Design: Not Known 20

  21. Option 11a: Split the GCA Population East/West Meets Educational Design: NO 21

  22. Option 11b: Split the GCA Population Junior High/Senior High Meets Educational Design: NO 22

  23. Next Steps ■ Board selects 3 to 5 options for further analysis and identifies additional data required. ■ Review committee prepares additional data for Board and continues to gather community input. ■ Selected options with additional data presented to Board on December 15, 2015. ■ Board selects permanent location on January 26, 2016. 23


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