get counted sonoma ihazte contar sonoma timeline e of f


GET COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA! TIMELINE E OF F ACTIONS S HTC outreach Standard Opt-in Strategy agreement with resolution approved CCC signed January March April 5 Discover and Gold Resolution


  2. TIMELINE E OF F ACTIONS S • HTC outreach • Standard • Opt-in Strategy agreement with resolution approved CCC signed January March April 5 • Discover and • Gold Resolution • Building learn 29 27 to Now • SCC SCCC C kick ick of off f capacity and • HTC outreach par partnershi hip p wit ith h • Preliminary strategic UWWC, C, CC CCC C and and outreach planning USCB SCB COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!

  3. HTC C OUTREACH H IN N SONOMA A COUNTY Y A unique fit with Sonoma County Goal 3: In Inves est t in in th the e Futu ture. . ▪ Based on the latest census estimates, approximately 7% of Sonoma County's current population (or 36,382 people) lives in hard-to-count neighborhoods. ▪ 42,294 Limited English Proficient individuals who are native Spanish speakers. This number represents 81.2% of the Limited English Proficiency population in the County. ▪ In 2010, 79.9% of the County's households mailed back their 2010 census questionnaire, requiring costlier and more difficult in-person follow up to enumerate the remaining 20.1%. COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!

  4. ~ SONOMA A COUNTY Y HTC C TRACTS S Sonoma County Census 2020 Hard To Count Population Censu s Data a..icn1t11.._carsus•11ma1,....,_na1Scnma O:ufl/•!':N.Sl:2pecp9Jha.iNnlc,, ... hdS._,..,._, co.lft~O..-c ..-a,na-allciutmdd1Dlln:1_.llld.,_--. CfJHID-1'1:mtw-ew:u"9- .... ~- ......... ot.~• .. -- -•-alba19,.....11t111:am ..... Hard To Count (HTC) Index -Above 37 >29-46 >46-69 >69-136 Base Map Data Unincorporated Communities .. Federal Highway t.flhllrlCtNo . HTC lnd,taNo. State Highway "'"" " 1511.05 Road - .. 151<111 ettyLim• ,. IS,.Ul2 .. 1517 1519 IS20 " 15.22-01 38 1522.03 " 1'21.02 70 .. IS2003 ISJIJOI 15lll02 " 15JQQ3 " 1531.02 53 1531 50 ., " tSJUM .. 1532 15l1Gl County of Sonoma Perm it Sonoma .,__ 111• vu1111r1A••• .. • · •••11111•11 C•111111 ,1 w;,io1 , ;;;::: "'"' ~,.GIS GET COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!

  5. TOP P 5 5 SONOMA A COUTY Y HARD D TO O COUNT T CENSUS S TRACTS S Images captured from SWORD MAP For a detailed map of all census tracts, go to COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!

  6. ~ ~ ROSELAND D Tract 1531.04 CA-HTC index: 86 86 1 1 xi m · .- ., ... ., o. I T I soooma county"',~ - ii Cl ' &l . \~ - ~ I - t .,; : ... ..... " ,/ ... \ .. .., \ ~ j A "'\ ,g -.......;~~ \ \ \ p • Population: 3910 • Neighborhood: Roseland • Top 3 HTC variables: ✓ Crowded unit ✓ Non High School Grad ✓ Renter occupied Units ( 71% renters) • 2010 Low response rate: 31.4% J - • f Latino % 64%.8 [

  7. NO NORTH H WEST T SANTA A ROSA A (M (MONROE) ) Tract 1529.03 CA-HTC index: 71 71 I ,.. I I sonoma county .. Cl ' I [;] .. ,. \ 1 \. I \ (r \ • t • Population:5355 • Neighborhood: Monroe (Piner Rd, Santa rosa Creek to Guernville Rd) • Top 3 HTC variables: ✓ Non High School Grad ✓ Households receiving public assistance ✓ Children under 5 • 2010 Low response rate: 28.3% • Latino % 56.1 iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!

  8. NO NORTH H WEST T SANTA A ROSA A (C (COFFEE E PARK K ARE REA) ) Tract 1528.02 CA-HTC index: 70 70 . .,,\ \ -€ f 't '\ l~nton ' . ,: . "t (( ,. ,m J o,,.•l • Population: 7152 • Neighborhood: From Coffee Lane to . 101 • f Top 3 HTC variables: t ✓ Crowded units ✓ Non family households ✓ Children under 5 • 2010 Low response rate: 28.3 % • Latino population 49 %

  9. THE E SP SPRINGS S Tract 1503.05 CA-HTC index: 58 58 Sor1omo Q.., £ ...., VoJlt.yp'::f,onoJ \ Jock London StattHrstoric Park \ • Population:6068 • Neighborhood: The Springs La/fmy """'' • Top 3 HTC variables: ✓ Non high school graduates ✓ Limited English Households ✓ Foreign born population • 2010 Low response rate: 25.9 % .... -------. • Latino % 68.6 M&it\UfitJ·t¥M GET COUNTED SONOMA! CENSUS 2020 iHAZTE

  10. SOUTH H EAST T SANTA A ROSA A (B (BELLEVUE) ) Tract 1514.02 CA-HTC index: 58 58 , - II j • I sonom a c<><r<y f - · ------ , ..... Cl Mnodtl [;] Stott Park ' - Taylor Mountain "' Rtgional Porkond Optn Spoct Prestrve \ . ..,..., { • Population:9837 \ • Neighborhood: Bellevue \ • Top 3 HTC variables: ✓ Crowded units ✓ Non family households ✓ Households without J broadband access i • f 2010 Low response rate: 28.3% • Latino % 52.1 .. .. , GET COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA !

  11. HTC C OUTREACH H SUPPORTERS S IN N SONOMA A COUNTY Y Two-pronged approach: ✓ SWORD oriented (TOP 5 tracts as recommended by CCCC) ✓ Historically undercounted communities CCCC C gui guided d US S Census s Bur ureau u sup supported d SCCC SC C en enabled d County y part partnership p and and ec ecosystem m Community y lea leaders s Strategic framework and Education resources Mobilization of Trusted Leveraging County resources and Working with process Messengers relationships community leaders to get the word out Resources Outreach partnership Coordination and alignment Full support of SOCO supervisors and Leveraging a cross departments: Human Services, Health section of sectors Services, Permit Sonoma, etc. and stakeholders Shape United States • Census your future 2020 START HERE> United Way of the Wine Country GET COUNTED SONOMA! CENSUS 2020 iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!

  12. OUTREACH H IMPLEMENTATION N PHASES S April 1 st Pre HTC outreach window: June - First outreach phase March to April 1st – May 2020 through December 2019 January March 2020 - Goals: Goals: Goals: Goals: Raise awareness and educate Dispel concerns, ensure HTC Activate the count: ensure Sonoma Get Counted Sonoma! Further about Census 2020 communities know ways to get County is responding online activate the count! counted and motivate participation in Census Build SOCO census movement Ensure countywide mobilization to Ensure residents have access to Deploy Non response follow up and lock in CBOs support motivate HTC communities questionnaire assistance outreach Messaging: Messaging Messaging Messaging What is at stake with Census: Your data is safe There are many ways to get You can still get counted. Here are Benefits and challenges It’s easy to get counted counted and your can respond to the other options if you haven’t It’s your right and your civic duty Census online as early as March responded online. Everyone will 20 th . You deserve to be counted get counted. Provide information on QAKs and Reemphasize messaging: Census is QACs important, your responses are safe and confidential; everyone deserves to be counted COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!

  13. SONOMA A COUNTY Y CENSUS S 2020 0 TIMELINE E Feb 15, 2020 Jan to April 1, NRFU Sept 30, 2020 May 2019 2020 Implementati April 1 Final report SCCC launch HTC outreach on Plan Filing Census day to RPM Now to Sept Feb 3 March 20 April 2 to 30, 2019 May 2020 Kick off of Early Implementati NRFU QACs and response on plan Outreach QAKs COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!

  14. MORE E INFORMATION N ABOUT T SONOMA A COMPLETE E COUNT T COMMITTEE E Visit Vis it our our website: : – Email Em il us: us: Connect Co t wit ith h us us on on Soc Social l media ia Facebook & Twitter: @countyofsonoma #getcountedsonoma #census2020 #2020census GET COUNTED SONOMA! CENSUS 2020

  15. SONOMA A COUNTY Y HTC C DEMOGRAPHICS S HTC variables % Specific to Sonoma County Immigrants and foreign born 16.6% of Sonoma County residents Linguistically isolated people 10.4 % of Sonoma County residents speak English “less than very well” Persons who are not high school graduates 12.3% of Sonoma County residents Persons who are unemployed 3.8% of Sonoma County residents Number of vacant housing units in an area 8.6% of housing units are vacant in Sonoma County Specific ethnic and minority populations 26.4% of Sonoma County residents are Hispanic or Latino of any race. Other races account for 6.9% of total population. Renters and children 5.2% of Sonoma County residents are children under 5 years old. 39.7% of housing units in Sonoma County are renter occupied. Densely populated communities with multi-unit housing, 14.1% of Sonoma County households have receive supplemental security public assistance characteristics income, cash public assistance and/or food stamp benefits for over 12 months Native Americans living on tribal lands 1.1% of Sonoma County residents belong to a tribal community COUNTED SONOMA! iHAZTE CONTAR SONOMA!


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