GEOTHERMAL ENERGY: A clean and stable renewable source for the global energy balance Michele Pipan University of Trieste - UGI
RATIONALE (3 E) • ENERGY priority Ø Development of effective alternatives to fossil fuels • ENVIRONMENT priority Ø Reduction of gas emissions in atmosphere • ECONOMY priority Ø Large and widespread potential of renewable sources for sustainable development
(J.Baxter, 2007)
(J.Baxter, 2007)
Energy and greenhouse gas savings from geothermal energy use (per year) [1] FUEL OIL (x10 6 barrels) CARBON (x10 6 t) 270 41
Energy and greenhouse gas savings from geothermal energy use (per year) [2] CO 2 (x10 6 t) SO x (x10 6 t) NO x (x10 6 t) NG Oil Coal NG Oil Coal NG Oil Coal 28 118 137 0 0.8 0.8 6.6 22 22
Which ¡are ¡the ¡most ¡promising ¡roads ¡ahead ¡for ¡extended ¡exploita4on ¡of ¡ geothermal ¡energy? ¡
Preparatory ¡ac4vi4es ¡and ¡contacts ¡of ¡the ¡ICTP ¡ Geothermal ¡training ¡program ¡
Key issues in the Geothermal Energy development programme Social/economical/legal Environmental impact issues
KEY ISSUES Ø Resources Resources Ø Technology Technology Ø Economics Economics
KEY ISSUES (2) Ø Resources Resources Development of technology for geothermal Development of technology for geothermal resources identi resources identi fj fj cation, assessment, exploitation cation, assessment, exploitation and management with speci fj and management with speci fj c focus on Risk c focus on Risk Mitigation in the initial phase Mitigation in the initial phase [advanced geophysical imaging and [advanced geophysical imaging and characterization at regional and site (plant) characterization at regional and site (plant) scale] scale]
KEY ISSUES (3) Ø Technology (1) Technology (1) Improvement of technology for the e Improvement of technology for the e fff ective ective exploitation of geothermal energy in a large range exploitation of geothermal energy in a large range of subsurface conditions and of target of subsurface conditions and of target applications. Technology exchange and transfer applications. Technology exchange and transfer from hydrocarbon technology from hydrocarbon technology [Link between geophysical imaging and reservoir [Link between geophysical imaging and reservoir simulation, power generation, heating/cooling, simulation, power generation, heating/cooling, agricultural] agricultural]
KEY ISSUES (4) Ø Technology (2) Technology (2) Using geothermal energy as a di Using geothermal energy as a di fff use resource: use resource: the connection between Geothermal Resources the connection between Geothermal Resources (energy production) and Fuel Cells technology (energy production) and Fuel Cells technology (energy storage and transfer) (energy storage and transfer)
KEY ISSUES (5) Ø Economics Economics Implementation of guidelines and Decision Support Implementation of guidelines and Decision Support System (DSS) for cost e System (DSS) for cost e fff ective geothermal ective geothermal resources and management. Extended support for resources and management. Extended support for decision makers in the preliminary assessment, decision makers in the preliminary assessment, planning and management of geothermal planning and management of geothermal activities. activities.
…road ahead Risk mitigation in the initial phases of geothermal energy resources exploitation through enhanced assessment, imaging and characterization of resources (volume, porosity, fluid saturation, T – Δ T/ Δ Z) integrated with reservoir simulation
CONCLUSIONS (1): CONCLUSIONS (1): GENERAL • Increasing trend in the use of geothermal energy for heat and power Increasing trend in the use of geothermal energy for heat and power generation generation • Future developments may focus on Future developments may focus on Ø lower temperature lower temperature fm fm uids (through combined heat and power plants) uids (through combined heat and power plants) Ø Less permeable and less Less permeable and less fm fm uid rich rocks (through Enhanced Geothermal uid rich rocks (through Enhanced Geothermal Systems [EGS]) Systems [EGS]) Ø Agricultural and refrigeration applications (to enhance production and Agricultural and refrigeration applications (to enhance production and preservation of products) preservation of products) Ø Geothermal heat pumps Geothermal heat pumps
CONCLUSIONS (2): CONCLUSIONS (2): RESOURCES • Advanced Geophysical techniques derived from hydrocarbon exploration and Advanced Geophysical techniques derived from hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation will signi exploitation will signi fj fj cantly enhance performances in identi cantly enhance performances in identi fj fj cation, cation, assessment and management of resources assessment and management of resources • Future developments in Geophysics for Geothermy will focus on : Future developments in Geophysics for Geothermy will focus on : Ø Regional 3-D reconstruction of subsurface structure and evolution for Regional 3-D reconstruction of subsurface structure and evolution for region-wide resources assessment region-wide resources assessment Ø Site Ultra-High-Resolution characterization for the enhanced design and Site Ultra-High-Resolution characterization for the enhanced design and implementation of exploitation plants implementation of exploitation plants Ø Optimization of planning and geothermal energy exploitation activities Optimization of planning and geothermal energy exploitation activities through enhanced subsurface knowledge through enhanced subsurface knowledge
CONCLUSIONS (3): CONCLUSIONS (3): TECHNOLOGY • Integration of High-Resolution Geophysical imaging and Integration of High-Resolution Geophysical imaging and characterization with numerical simulation of reservoir characterization with numerical simulation of reservoir conditions for improved assessment, monitoring and conditions for improved assessment, monitoring and management of resources management of resources • Nano-technology based in-reservoir measurements Nano-technology based in-reservoir measurements • Integration of Geothermal energy production with advanced Integration of Geothermal energy production with advanced energy storage and distribution technologies (e.g. fuel cells) energy storage and distribution technologies (e.g. fuel cells)
CONCLUSIONS (4): CONCLUSIONS (4): ECONOMICS • Providing decision makers with advanced and e Providing decision makers with advanced and e fff ective tools for ective tools for assessment, planning and management. In particular: assessment, planning and management. In particular: Ø Guidelines: Guidelines: Ø Decision Support System (DSS): computer aided procedure Decision Support System (DSS): computer aided procedure to drive from the initial phase (assessment of resources) to drive from the initial phase (assessment of resources) through the whole process of planning and exploiting geothermal through the whole process of planning and exploiting geothermal resources resources
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