geospatial data coordinate systems and projections

Geospatial data Coordinate systems and projections Cartesian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Geospatial data Coordinate systems and projections Cartesian longitude and latitude Mercator (shape preserving) Interrupted Goode homolosine (area preserving) Robinson (compromise) Winkel tripel (compromise) Projecting the US (all 50 states)

  1. Geospatial data

  2. Coordinate systems and projections

  3. Cartesian longitude and latitude

  4. Mercator (shape preserving)

  5. Interrupted Goode homolosine (area preserving)

  6. Robinson (compromise)

  7. Winkel tripel (compromise)

  8. Projecting the US (all 50 states)

  9. Using an area-preserving Albers projection

  10. Moving Alaska and Hawaii, with rescaled Alaska All areas are correct, except the one of Alaska

  11. Moving Alaska and Hawaii, but keeping Alaska at its correct size

  12. Geospatial data in R: Simple Features (sf)


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