geometric sound transmission

Geometric Sound Transmission Micah Taylor Overview Geometric - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Geometric Sound Transmission Micah Taylor Overview Geometric propagation Very fast Can be used realtime Several propagation methods Reflection Diffraction Transmission Propagation Reflection Primary propagation method Causes echos

  1. Geometric Sound Transmission Micah Taylor

  2. Overview Geometric propagation Very fast Can be used realtime Several propagation methods Reflection Diffraction Transmission

  3. Propagation Reflection Primary propagation method Causes echos

  4. Propagation Diffraction Sound bends around corners

  5. Propagation Transmission Sound travels through materials Hear sounds through walls

  6. Implementation Goals Base on frustum tracing system Add Transmission Add transmission properties Attenuation Refractive properties Support object interiors

  7. Implementation Accomplished Transmission Refraction Pass through Single transmission property Only supports thin walls

  8. Future work Support for interiors Multiple methods of transmission Multi-material objects Similar to multitexturing

  9. Demo

  10. Summary Adds dimension to simulation Important for realism Allows much greater awareness Slower, but still realtime

  11. References Transmission of Reverberant Sound through Double Walls, London A, 1949 Sound transmission through single plates with absorptive facings, D. Takahashi, 1990


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