general plan comprehensive review

General Plan Comprehensive Review 1 P LANNER S C HALLENGE Trends - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

County of Hawaii C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT P LAN A CTION C OMMITTEE General Plan Comprehensive Review 1 P LANNER S C HALLENGE Trends and Data Kilo ilo Analyze Provide good information Public Support group decision-making Stakeholders

  1. County of Hawai‘i C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT P LAN A CTION C OMMITTEE General Plan Comprehensive Review 1

  2. P LANNER ’ S C HALLENGE Trends and Data Kilo ilo Analyze Provide good information Public Support group decision-making Stakeholders How Things Work Policy-Makers Trade-Offs 2

  3. T HE G ENERAL P LAN IS A K EY P LANNER ’ S T OOL Sets forth the Council’s policy for long-range, comprehensive development of the County Mandated by HRS & Charter Kilo ilo Meant to guide all development patterns Establishes Public priorities for Stakeholders Policy-Makers public investments 3

  4. Overview Formal Welcome Scenario Planning Track: • Output = Land Use and Capital Improvement Maps Strategies & Policies Track: • Output = General Plan Elements Community Planning Track: • Output = Relationship of Different Plans and their Implementation 4

  5. CDP Land Use & Infrastructure Maps Scenario Planning COUNTY OF HAWAI’I GENERAL PLAN Strategies & Policies Goals Objectives Policies Research Actions 5

  6. Phas Ph ase I I Phas Ph ase I II Trend end Exter erna nal Bas Base S Sce cenario Preferr erred ed Forces For Scena enario Capa apacity ? Agricu icult lture IPA PA Choices es, Strat ategi gies CDP DP TODAY AY FU FUTURE RE 6

  7. D EVELOPMENT P ATTERNS T ODAY Two primary urban centers Visitor industry centers Underserved growth areas Otherwise rural Only 60% of population in Census urban areas Low population density Ring of small historic towns and villages, often with rural residential and small farms These patterns were nearby established in the 1960s Residential Nonresidential 7

  8. Formal Welcome Com Community ty Devel Development nt P Plans lans & & 8

  9. T WO T YPES OF S CENARIO P LANNING Using Mod odel l Driv riven • Relies on rules • Helps understand external forces • Helps test choices and strategies Planner D Pla Driv riven • Informed by model information • Provides sketching and modeling methods • Helps refine choices and strategies 9

  10. Formal Welcome M ODEL D RIVEN S CENARIOS External Forces 10

  11. Phas Ph ase I I Trend end Exter erna nal Base S Bas Sce cenario For Forces Capa apacity ? Agricu icult lture IPA PA Choices es, Strat ategi gies CDP DP TODAY AY FU FUTURE RE 12

  12. C APACITY M ODEL 852,000 Existing zoning rights already allow for enough homes for 852,000 people – over 4 times our population and housing count today Zoned capacity That’s enough to last until the year 210 2107 296,000 at current rates of growth Growth by 2040 195,000 And the current General Plan allows even more T oday’s population 13

  13. C APACITY M ODEL M OST C APACITY IS IN U NDERSERVED G ROWTH A REAS Zoned Residential Capacity T oday Excludes existing development Rural growth areas “Low pressure system” in housing market Kilo ilo New development is most likely in the ALREADY zoned AND SUBDIVIDED areas – it’s cheaper and easier Most available zoned capacity is in underserved growth areas 14

  14. T REND M ODEL 52% growth by 2040 2015: 195,000 2040: 296,000 Rate te o of Growth th Slowest growth Fastest growth 15

  15. T REND M ODEL 2015 2040 Hil Hilo Puna una 58,095 58, Hil Hilo Puna una 81,069 81, 45,627 45, 45, 45,448 Ham amak akua, 18, 18,310 Ka'u 'u, 9, 9,78 782 Ham amak akua, Sou outh K Koh ohal ala, , = Ka'u 'u, 15,917 917 13,748 ,748 32,790 32,790 Kona na Sou outh K Koh ohal ala, , Kona na 21,481 21,481 55,740 55, 82, 82,169 Nor orth K Koh ohal ala, Nor orth K Koh ohal ala, 7,973 973 6,054 054 16

  16. Phas Ph ase I I Trend end Exter erna nal Base S Bas Sce cenario For Forces Capa apacity ? Agricu icult lture IPA PA Choices es, Strat ategi gies CDP DP TODAY AY FU FUTURE RE 17

  17. A GRICULTURE M ODEL • Defined “productive agricultural land” • T ested choices and 28% strategies that could be of total used to protect land area productive agricultural land 18

  18. A GRICULTURE M ODEL Productive Ag Land Existing home New home Trend Scenario Ag Scenario Kilo lo Saves ag land and does not conflict with other goals of the General Plan 19

  19. I NFRASTRUCTURE P RIORITY A REAS (IPA) M ODEL • Identify priority areas • Focus future growth within IPAs • Identified gaps in capacity and infrastructure • Incentivized infill 20

  20. IPA M ODEL IPA Boundary Existing home New home Trend Scenario IPA Scenario Current project moves forward Limited new growth outside IPA 21

  21. C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT P LAN (CDP) M ODEL • Incentivized growth in concentrated areas • Prioritized agriculture, conservation and/or hazard avoidance 22


  23. Phas Ph ase I I Phas Ph ase I II Trend end Exter erna nal Bas Base S Sce cenario Forces For Capa apacity Trend nd P Plus lus ? Agricu icult lture IPA PA Choices es, Strat ategi gies CDP DP CDP Pl DP Plus TODAY AY FUTURE FU RE 24

  24. CDP P LUS M ODEL Choic oices & es & Strateg egies ies Extern rnal al F Forces • Increase market desirability in established centers • 52% population increase • Urban areas and planned centers • Community diversity are incentivized for growth • CDP variations • Urban areas and planned centers have enough zoning capacity 25

  25. T REND P LUS M ODEL Extern rnal al F Forces Choic oices, es, S Strateg egies ies • 52% population increase Water a er and • Rates of rural growth Roads Ro ds: Waste tewate ter: • Major destinations • Infrastructure level of • Demand • Existing congestion service • Proximity • Connectivity • Feasibility (Mix • Multi-modal of public and private) • Balance 26


  27. Phas Ph ase I I Phas Ph ase I II Trend end Exter erna nal Bas Base S Sce cenario Forces For Capa apacity Trend nd P Plus lus ? Agricu icult lture IPA PA Choices es, Strat ategi gies CDP DP CDP Pl DP Plus TODAY AY FUTURE FU RE 28

  28. CDP Land Use & Infrastructure Maps Scenario Planning COUNTY OF HAWAI’I GENERAL PLAN Strategies & Policies Goals Objectives Policies Research Actions 29

  29. T HE G ENERAL P LAN IS A K EY P LANNER ’ S T OOL Sets forth the Council’s policy for long-range, comprehensive development of the County Mandated by HRS & Charter Kilo ilo Meant to guide all development patterns Establishes Public priorities for Stakeholders Policy-Makers public investments 30

  30. County of Hawai’i G ENERAL P LAN C OMPREHENSIVE R EVIEW Gener eral P l Plan n Websit ite: e: cohpla planning nningdep general-pla plan/ n/ Email: il: general alplan an@haw awai aiicou ov Stay u Stay up p to to date date! 31 Face cebook: k: facebook.c .com/ m/cohg hgene neral-plan an


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