Gen Gener eral In Inter eres ests: Secure Proximity / Distance Measurement GPS Spoofing and Spoofing Detec:on Usable Authen:ca:on (2FA) Security of Blockchains / Cryptocurrencies Trusted Compu:ng
Secure Proximi mity / Distance Measureme ment kun Srdja jan Ča Čapku
Relay a2ack only takes a couple of seconds signal s signal str treng ength th
d d we we need secure distance me measureme ment
ne need d to kno know w whe where other obje jects/ pe people ple ar are e ne need d to kno know w whe where we we ar are e
ne need d to kno know w whe where other obje jects/ pe people ple ar are e need ne d to kno know w whe where we we ar are e sec secur urely ely
un?l un?l no now w no no fully fully secu secure d e dis istan ance ce me measureme ment or posi?oning systems ms
un?l un?l no now w no no fully fully secu secure d e dis istan ance ce measureme me ment or posi?oning system m [so [so w we decided t e decided to build o build one a ne at ET t ETH] H]
new radio IC low power provably secure precise fast
special secure modula7on long range
[challenge similar to building a new cellular network]
Long Term m Goal: widely deplo widely deployed sec ed secur ure po e posi?o si?oning ning in infr fras astruc tructur ture e
St Standar andardiz diza?o a?on: n: 802.15.4z (UWB) 802.15.4z (UWB) - In Inter eract act wit with r rele elevan ant p part artner ers s - In Incr crease ad ease adop op?on on
But RF F is not the only sensing mo modality
So SoundPr undProof: Non Non-In -Inter erac? ac?ve On e Onlin line Au e Authen en?ca? a?on on
SoundProof: Non-Interactive Online Authentication It also works for logging into tablets, smart watches or conversational interfaces like Alexa
Fu Funding: - ER ERC (1.5-2.5 M$ / C (1.5-2.5 M$ / 5y / 5y / single PI) single PI) - Swiss NCCR: 100M / 10 y / ma many PIs - Industry (ZISC, 25+ + M$ / 10y) - Comme mmercializa?on
it is ?me me to “de-virtualize” we we need to to “get physical” again to to …
it is ?me me to “de-virtualize” we we need to to “get physical” again to to … … secure exis?ng systems ms … enable deployme ment of new systems ms
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