gar garfiel eld neighborh orhood ood bikeway

Gar Garfiel eld Neighborh orhood ood Bikeway Au August 21, 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gar Garfiel eld Neighborh orhood ood Bikeway Au August 21, 2 2019 19 About the Project Neighborhood bikeway project Identified in Denver Moves: Bikes (2011) Neighborhood Planning Initiative (2019) and Congress Park

  1. Gar Garfiel eld Neighborh orhood ood Bikeway Au August 21, 2 2019 19

  2. About the Project Neighborhood bikeway project • • Identified in Denver Moves: Bikes (2011) • Neighborhood Planning Initiative (2019) and Congress Park Study (2019) Prioritize multimodal North/South connections – through neighborhood. 2 Phases with separate design and • implementation phases – Phase 1: Cherry Creek Drive North, Dakota Ave, Alameda Ave, and 17th Ave – Phase 2: Bayaud Ave, 1st Ave, and 6th Ave, wayfinding

  3. Strategic Goals • Enhance Denver’s bike network citywide (Denver Moves) • Meet strategic goals of Mayor’s Mobility Action Plan to transform and improve Denver’s transportation system

  4. Why bike lanes? Safety & Vision Zero • Mobility options Mobility options – move more • Sustainability Sustainability – reduce people and not just more vehicles single occupancy vehicle trips • Changing population Changing population – Denver • Community desires – Residents Community desires is growing, and many residents have told us they want more bike want to change how they get and pedestrian infrastructure so around they can choose to bike/walk more often

  5. Denver Wants Better Bike Infrastructure Safety & Vision Zero 100% 90% 80% 77% 76% 74% 70% 60% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Support for Denver Moves More likely to bike instead of Support increasing bike lanes Support for increasing Bikes drive if they had a protected and trails protected lanes bike lane Source: Poll conducted by Keating Research (2016)

  6. Building the Right Bikeways Building the Right Bikeways Cos ost

  7. Neighborhood Bikeways Neighborhood bikeways (NBWs) include design features that enhance bicycling and walking for a wide range of people while also supporting local vehicle traffic for residents and businesses.

  8. Gar Garfiel eld N Nei eighborhood B Bik ikeway: Phas ase 1 e 1 & Phas ase 2 e 2

  9. Phase 1: Dakota Avenue & Cherry Creek Drive North • • All-way stop at intersection with Reconfigure roadway at Garfield intersection for vehicles turning • Curb extensions to and from Dakota Avenue • • Two-way bikeway on south side New center median refuge and connecting from Cherry Creek rectangular rapid flashing Drive North beacons at crossing 9

  10. Phase 1: Alameda Avenue • New traffic signals for pedestrian and bicycle movement • Reconstruct the center median • Enhanced signage and pavement markings for multimodal travel • Upgraded curb and sidewalk 10

  11. Phase 1: 17 th Avenue • New traffic signal with multimodal traffic signals and bicycle detection New center median refuge on 17 th Ave • • Enhanced signage and pavement markings 11

  12. Phase 2: Bayaud Avenue • New center median refuge on Bayaud Ave • Curb extensions • Upgraded curb ramps and sidewalks • Enhanced bicycle crossing markings and signing • Drainage improvements 12

  13. Phase 2: 1 st Avenue • Upgraded traffic signal • Curb extensions • Upgraded curb ramps and sidewalks • Enhanced bicycle crossing markings and signing • Drainage improvements 13

  14. Phase 2: 6 th Avenue • • Improvements to facilitate safer bicycle Upgraded curb ramps sidewalks • crossing the NE & SW corners Enhanced bicycle crossing markings • New traffic signal with multimodal traffic and signing • signals and bicycle detection Curb extensions 14

  15. What is SUE? Timeline Process • SUE stands for Subsurface Utility Engineering • New legislation in Colorado which became effective January 1, 2019 • Requires more investigation of utility location during design • Intended to improve safety and reliability New design requirements are • impacting the schedule of many projects 15


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