g c s c 2 0 1 8 what has changed

G C S C 2 0 1 8 What has changed? Core content Students study all - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

G C S C 2 0 1 8 What has changed? Core content Students study all of the following themes on which the assessments are based. Theme 1: Identity and culture Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Theme 3: Current

  1. G C S C 2 0 1 8

  2. What has changed? Core content Students study all of the following themes on which the assessments are based. Theme 1: Identity and culture Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest Theme 3: Current and future study and employment Assessments GCSE German has a Foundation Tier (grades 1 – 5) and a Higher Tier (grades 3 – 9). Students must take all four question papers at the same tier.

  3. LISTENING What's assessed Understanding and responding to different types of spoken language How it's assessed • Written exam: 35 minutes (Foundation Tier), 45 minutes (Higher Tier) • 25% of GCSE Questions • Foundation Tier and Higher Tier Section A – questions in English, to be answered in English or non-verbally • Section B – questions in German, to be answered in German or non-verbally

  4. SPEAKING: How it's assessed • Final Exam- conducted by teacher • 7 – 9 minutes (Foundation Tier) + preparation time • 10 – 12 minutes (Higher Tier) + preparation time • 25% of GCSE Questions Foundation Tier and Higher Tier: 1 role play card 1 photocard General Conversation Questions- prepared in advance, students choose one topic they would like to talk about, teacher asks questions on another topic chosen by the exam board. • The format is the same at Foundation Tier and Higher Tier, but with different stimulus questions for the Photo card and different stimulus materials for the Role- play. The timings are different too.

  5. READING: How it's assessed • Written exam: 45 minutes (Foundation Tier), 1 hour (Higher Tier) • 25% of GCSE Questions • Foundation Tier and Higher Tier Section A – questions in English, to be answered in English or non-verbally • Section B – questions in German, to be answered in German or non-verbally • Section C – translation from German into English (a minimum of 35 words at Foundation Tier and 50 words at Higher Tier)

  6. WRITING: How it's assessed • Written exam: 1 hour (Foundation Tier), 1 hour 15 minutes (Higher Tier) • 25% of GCSE Questions • Foundation Tier Question 1 • student produces four sentences in response to a photo • Students write a short passage in response to four brief bullet points, approximately 40 words in total. • Translation from English into German (minimum 35 words) • Structured writing task (student responds to four compulsory detailed bullet points, producing approximately 90 words in total) • Higher Tier • Structured writing task (student responds to four compulsory detailed bullet points, producing approximately 90 words in total) • Open-ended writing task (student responds to two compulsory detailed bullet points, producing approximately 150 words in total • Translation from English into German (minimum 50 words)

  7. GCSE builds directly from KS3 • vocabulary and grammar • spontaneous speaking • extended writing (from memory) • translation • use of literary texts / authentic material

  8. • vocabulary and verbs (grammar) • (spontaneous) speaking • writing & translation • comprehension skills

  9. V o c a b u l a i r e Learning and testing vocabulary • Which words? (cognates, families, high-frequency, verbs, non- cognates) • How to retain? (recycling, little & often)

  10. Creating memories • Word-image association • Word-gesture association • Music/Song/Rhythm • Sentence/Text-based contextualisation • Independent pronunciation- Text to speech text-to-speech .imtranslator.net • Production with support- revision cards / booklets • Production from memory- post its on the fridge! • Little-and-often recycling (homework and in lessons) • Sentence-level vocabulary testing

  11. Vocabulario Two heads are often better than one when it comes to learning vocabulary. Working with someone else helps you to concentrate for longer and makes learning fun. 4 Give clues . 1 Tandem testing. Take a Consolidation - Empieza con ‘I’ in class and at section of words and test your home for HW. partner. Begin by testing - IR? Spanish into English and then - ¡Sí! say the English and ask for 5 Use it in a sentence . the Spanish. - inteligente. - Mi gato es muy inteligente. 2 Beginnings and endings . Your partner says the start of a word 6 Make revision activities for your and you have to finish it. (You partner . [E.g. anagrams, missing need to be working with a set of 8 letters, odd one out, secret code, – 16 words). definitions, word search…] 3 Mini spelling bee . - to learn Little and often. Learning vocabulary is like growing plants. The seed needs watering little - aprender. A-P-R-E-N-D-E-R. and often for it to grow. Your vocabulary - ¡Muy bien! knowledge likewise needs regular attention.

  12. Partnerarbeit 1 Tandem testing. T est your partner. Say the German and your partner says the English. Start 2 Say the English and 60 Sekunden your partner says the German. 3 Repeat the ones s/he didn’t know till s/he improves. 4 Swap roles.

  13. Text Text Sentence Sentence Word Word

  14. Some quotations from David Crystal’s 'A twenty-first century grammar bridge ‘ • ‘Put the word in a sentence and then we will know what you mean’ • ‘Only by using words in sentences are we able to ‘make sense’ of them’ • ‘Without sentences words are vague, ambiguous things’

  15. ¡Tengo una novia! ¡Tengo la novia! 1 The teacher (male) is nice . 2 I like science(s) . 3 I study English. 4 What do you study ? 5 ICT is interesting. (You have to use ‘the ICT’) 6 Music and PE are fun. (Use ‘the’…) 7 The maths teacher (male) is strict . 8 The history teacher (female) is unfriendly . 9 Technology is useful, but a bit boring . (Use ‘the’) 10 My Spanish teacher (female) is not strange !

  16. Prueba de vocabulario 1. No puedes venir a mi fiesta? ¡Qué pena! 1. You cannot come to my party? What a shame! 2. Uso Google para buscar información para mis deberes. 2. I use Google to look for information for my homework. 3. Descargo canciones de Spotify a 3. I download songs from Spotify to mi móvil. my phone. 4. Mis amigos y yo compartimos 4. My friends and I share photos on fotos en Instagram porque es tan Instagram because it’s so easy to fácil de usar! Subimos todo el use! We upload all the time. tiempo. 5. I don’t use Skype to meet new 5. No uso Skype para conocer a people because it’s dangerous. nueva gente porque es peligroso. 6. YouTube gets you hooked and it 6. YouTube te engancha y puede can be a waste of time. ser una pérdida de tiempo. 7. I think that WhatsApp is very convenient as a means of 7. Pienso que WhatsApp es muy communication. cómodo como canal de comunicación. 8. My friends and I send each other messages. 8. Mis amigos y yo nos mandamos 9. I am not hooked on FB but it is my mensajes. favourite social network. 9. No estoy enganchado/a a FB pero es mi red social favorita.

  17. Infinitives  conjugated verbs • se disputer 1. They argue often. • s’entendre bien avec 2. I get on quite well with my parents. • s’intéresser à 3. He is interested in his grand- • se confier à children. • s’occuper de 4. My sister confides in my mum. • se fâcher contre 5. I look after my cousin at the • se chamailler weekend sometimes. 6. My parents never get angry with us. 7. My brother and I bicker often.

  18. Simple verb starter Passé Infinitif Présent Imparfait Futur proche Futur simple composé jouer (je) faire (nous) manger (ils)

  19. General conversation • Prepare developed answers to topic questions for homework (1++++ answers = 5 clauses) – length and complexity • Practise those in class (to confident mastery) in speaking lines • Recycle the topics from time to time (e.g. Y11 now recycling questions from the start of Y10) • Ensure that students curate their best work together in one place for the general conversation (Speaking and Writing Booklets) • Use FLA time to practise previous topics with students

  20. 1 Comment t’appelles tu? 2 O ù habites-tu? 3 Tu es comment? 4 Tu es dr ôle? Tu es intelligent? 5 Quel est ton sport préféré? 6 Quelle est ta passion? 7 Quelle est ton équipe préférée? 8 Qui est Rény? 9 Tu as des fr ères ou des soeurs? 10 Comment s’appelle ton fr ère? 11 Ton fr ère, il est comment? 12 On se dispute? 13 Qu’est -ce qu’on fait ensemble? 14 Qu’est -ce que tu aimes faire avec ton fr ère?

  21. Say something else J’habite dans un village. Chez nous il y a beaucoup de pollution. A Cambridge on peut faire les magasins. Le weekend on va souvent au centre de loisirs. Mon frère va normalement au stade. Mes copains vont à la piscine. Rachel Hawkes

  22. mache hen normalerweise letztes Jahr nächstes Jahr A B C Präsens Vergangenheit Zukunft Was? Wo? Wann? Mit wem? Wie oft? Wie ...  /  ? Warum?

  23. ¿Est-ce que tu joues au basket? Avec Où? qui…? Quand …? Pourquoi …?

  24. ¿Cómo ¿Qué hay es …? en la foto? ¿Dónde ¿Qué P eople A ction está …? hacen? L ocation M ood ( W eather)


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