I - M E D I A / C O R M A C R E I D Y FYP Presentation 28th August 2017 Presented by: Cormac Reidy, Interactive Media, University of Limerick CS6042
Thesis Title To establish the feasibility of the development of a ‘lift/ride sharing’ Smartphone based application tailored for (designed for) rural based communities in Ireland.
Literature Review Research Questions: Is there a need for a lift sharing application in rural areas? Criteria under which such an application would be beneficial and used? How can it be presented to accommodate as wide a field of users as possible? Effective ways to display information such as real time temporal information for lift sharing? Technical problems should be taken into consideration in the app design process?
Literature Headings What is lift sharing, the background to lift sharing, Experience in Ireland and elsewhere on lift sharing, studies carried out in Ireland relating to smarter travel. Technologies and systems currently employed in lift sharing, commercial service providers systems pros and cons, safety issues. Legal aspects of lift sharing, liability and insurance, data protection concerns and issues, Government/ Local Government policy, Environmental policy issues Social incentives for lift sharing, Payment and pricing/reward incentive systems.
Literature Conclusion Overall Conclusions: There is a demand for lift/ride sharing within rural based communities in Ireland. There is an opportunity to encourage use of such services. Effective ways to display real time temporal information.
FINISH INTERACTION DEVELOP Design Process START CONCEPTS VALIDATE RESEARCH EVALUATE (UCD) User Centered Design Approach Context, personas and vision. IDEA TEST Brainstorming. U C D A P P R O A C H Mind mapping. USERS Design process Understanding of the end users. Quantitative and qualitative research. Online Questionnaires. Interviews. Prototyping - User Feedback
Concept Exploration FYP Project Brainstorm Possible ideas. Solutions. Keywords. Idea encouragement. Topic relevance. B R A I N S T O R M Concept exploration
Q U A N T I T A T I V E R E S E A R C H Questionnaire Questionnaire Google forms Multiple user perspectives. Topic of transportation within Ireland. Data collection. Understanding of transportation habits. People from a rural & urban backgrounds. 46 participants. 9 questions. Q. Popular form of public transport? How frequently users use public transportation? Rating of Public transportation? Transport payment methods? Etc.
Questionnaire Results Results: Irish based transport does not satisfy the needs and wants of its users. Car based transport is still most popular when commuting. One of the participants provided further feedback in regarding to her dissatisfaction of public transport. F E E D B A C K Questionnaire Participant.
Q U A L I T A T I V E R E S E A R C H Interview location: Puckane, Co.Tipperary User Interviews Rural community members Ages between 19-60 years old. Five individuals interviewed. Users were let know that any feedback will be T O O L S kept anonymous. Interview was kept less than an hour. Audio recording - required to transcribe the conversation Interviews conducted within the user’s homes
Interview Conclusions User 01. Female 50-55 Rural isolation issues - drink driving regulations. Taxi services - unreliable - travel from populated areas, & User 02. expensive. Male 55-60 Existence of informal lift/ridesharing in rural communities. Reliant on car transport. & Drivers license. User 03. Male No public transport in rural area. 35-40 Positive on the idea of lift/ridesharing system - community. User 04. Female Would be beneficial & if structured properly would be used. 25-30 See how idea, would add to the quality of local life generally. User 05. Male Felt cost savings were an incentive. 18-23 Idea of a percentage going to good local causes was thought a good idea.
Research Findings Brainstorm Identifying themes and trends from the research gathered.
App Requirements-Mind mapp
App Features Recent drivers posts Lift post feature for users Easy way to iterate between user posts and drivers posts User/driver identification Top up system, community fund selection, payment percentage system Effective ways to display real time temporal information. NFC enabled screen
User Persona/Stories The user story depicts a task the user wishes to accomplish by using the app. The goal is to find separate functional components. User stories were broken down into user sonarios for the app.
Prototyping Prototyping method involves a technique that is used to present concepts in a short period of time. Ideas can be created and the weaknesses of the idea can be identified and fixed quickly through user testing. This approach was used to refine the product while developing the design. This prototyping method can be broken into three phase types: P R O T O T Y P E S Low - fidelity. Medium - fidelity. High - fidelity.
Low-Fidelity Paper Prototype L O W - F I D E L I T Y W I R E F R A M E Basic screen wireframe flow
Kappa board mock up phone used. Manually swapped when interacted with. Low-Fidelity Paper Prototype 14 screens created. Video: https://youtu.be/QjX23eVy81A
L O W - F I D E L I T Y User Testing Five participants were tested. Briefed on the objective. Explained tasks provided. Perform tasks out loud. Point out any issues/ flaws. Audio recorded. Debriefing of questions and answers. U S E R T E S T I N G Feedback developed upon.
User Testing Feedback Difficulty province/county selection. Confusion of “map illiterate” users. - Selection buttons suggested. Unnecessary list view for parish selection. - Suggested increase in space of map. Didn’t make use of hamburger menu. - Suggested change to back button. Difficulty date/time selection. - Suggested to simplify information.
Re-design of UI Users comments taken into consideration. Sketches drawn & new functions added & to be used within the same app. Updated throughout the mid and high fidelity phases. Form of brainstorming/problem solving. S K E T C H E S
Med-Fidelity Digital Prototype Video: https://youtu.be/G_v-G48mXdE
Med-Fidelity Digital Prototype Proto.io was used when creating the screens. Application a better experience for user. Correct the features/ issues. Adding functions. Colours added. Introduction of interactive map. Navigating, wire-frames. W I R E F R A M E
M E D - F I D E L I T Y User Testing Briefed on the objective. Tasks were provided. Perform tasks out loud. Point out any issues/ flaws. Recorded. Debriefing of questions and answers. Feedback developed upon. U S E R T E S T I N G
User Testing Feedback Confusion with ‘Sign up/Login’. Confusion of user status. Colours in ‘Provence selection.’ & Misuse of selecting map. Community posts list view suggested. Relocation map feature. Information of post. Icon selection to be bigger. & custom icon not needed. Drivers post to contain info. ‘Wallet’ to contain credit balance. Issues with users profile I.D. Issues with driver profile displayed info. Issues with map lift request menu.
S K E T C H E S Re-design of UI Users comments were then taken into consideration. Re-design of these sketches were drawn and new functions to be added.
High-Fidelity Digital Prototype Greater functionality. Better experience for user. Correct the features/ issues. M A T E R I A L . I O Adding functions Colours added. Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop/Protot.io used. Real data used - rural locations - Google maps. Material.io techniques - Colour/Fonts. A N D R O I D F O N T S
High-Fidelity Digital Prototype B R A N D I N G D E V E L O P M E N T U I D E V E L O P M E N T
High-Fidelity Digital Prototype D E V E L O P M E N T
High-Fidelity Digital Prototype Video: https://youtu.be/s7ukQINoNVc
High-Fidelity Digital Prototype Proto.io was used when creating the screens. Application a better experience for user. Correct the features/ issues. Adding to the functions of the application. W I R E F R A M E
H I G H - F I D E L I T Y User Testing Briefed on the objective. Tasks were provided. Perform tasks out loud. Point out any issues/ flaws. Recorded. Debriefing of questions and answers. Feedback developed upon. U S E R T E S T I N G
User Testing Feedback Selection issues when selecting profile preference. Suggested utilization of images when selecting community fund. Unnecessary use of list view for parish selection. Lack of consistency of lift post bubble/list information.
Future Development Improvements Community Driver Profile Trips Credit History Help/Support Programming
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