coconut tales

COCONUT TALES Visual Communication Semester One FYP Review PART I: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DD4004 FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM COCONUT TALES Visual Communication Semester One FYP Review PART I: TOPIC DD4004 FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM INTRODUCTION Interactive project based on stories from my

  1. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM COCONUT TALES Visual Communication Semester One FYP Review


  3. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM INTRODUCTION Interactive project based on stories from my grandparents. PART I: TOPIC Through series of storytelling wanting to know more about Singapore in their perspective, bond forged and connection is deeper. Grandfather being diagnosed with dementia motivates me to help retain the memories he have, while engaging his brain to be more active. Addressing social relationships and communication within families. Travel back in time reminisce in moments of the past.

  4. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM KEYWORDS PART I: TOPIC Reminiscence Family Bonding Memories Connection Local Identity

  5. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM RESEARCH OBJECTIVES PART I: TOPIC Through storytelling and reminiscence, learn about Singapore’s heritage in a first-person perspective and help build intergenerational bonds between young Singaporeans and their grandparents.

  6. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM RESEARCH QUESTIONS PART I: TOPIC 1. How can I retain memories of my grandparents’ past with the use of art & technology? 2. How can I help my grandfather cope with dementia using art & design?

  7. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM AIMS 1. Use collective remembering to showcase the bond between multigenerational families , emphasising the PART I: TOPIC importance of grandparent-grandchild bond 2. Create a connection to Singapore’s heritage for younger Singaporeans that are not close to their grandparents, or do not engage in reminiscence conversations. 3. Engage in the components of reminiscence alongside intergenerational bonding for younger Singaporeans that are close to their grandparents 4. Use reminiscence therapy to provide a conversational platform for dementia patients to share their personal experiences and engage in conversations with others 5. Digitalise stories and memories of the past with the incorporation of art and technology

  8. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM BASED ON SURVEY FINDINGS… Most respondents (92.3%) agrees that it’s important to know the PART I: TOPIC personal experiences of their grandparents. But only 57.7% of respondents have engaged in conversations with their grandparents regarding their personal experiences & about Singapore in its earlier days of 1940s - 1980s. 42.3% do not engage in conversations with grandparents regarding these experiences.

  9. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM STORIES GRANDPARENTS SHARED From the 57.7% of respondents, PART I: TOPIC Livelihood, grandparents’ childhood & how Singapore used to be Kampung-life Meeting their spouse Stories about the respondents parents’ childhood Japanese occupation, War Stories, Opium Stories

  10. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM IMPORTANCE OF STORIES “Experiences are not necessarily shown on television, and it is great to PART I: TOPIC have a first person perspective on it” “Gave me a real imagination of how it was, and it was through a normal Singaporean, which suggested the relatability of her experience” “Their personal recounts can allow me to imagine the type of lives they used to live and the environment of the kampong.”


  12. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM SHARING EXPERIENCES PART II: RESEARCH Desire for family members to connect with each other to share stories about their lives. Frequent contact with grandchildren during childhood has helped strengthened their relationship throughout life. (Forghani & Neustaedter, 2014) Through storytelling, grandparents can share experiences with their grandchildren by telling them real stories where they are the main characters. Forghani, A., & Neustaedter, C. (2014). The routines and needs of grandparents and parents for grandparent- grandchild conversations over distance. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '14. doi:10.1145/2556288.2557255

  13. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM COLLECTIVE REMEMBERING PART II: RESEARCH Memory as a process; an ongoing collective engagement and interpretation of the past. (Jones & Ackerman, 2018) Family memory conveyed through stories to future generations. Constructed with the input of both family members (the storyteller and listener), while engaging in cross-generational conversations. Project seeks to construct family memories through ongoing social interaction and communication , with the aid of communicative or cultural elements. Jones, J., & Ackerman, M. S. (2018). Co-constructing Family Memory. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '18. doi:10.1145/3173574.3173998

  14. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM CONNECTION TO THE PAST Stories shared to feel a connection to their past and heritage. PART II: RESEARCH Younger generations will appreciate and remember what older family members had been through. (Jones & Ackerman, 2018) Evokes a sense of duty Jones, J., & Ackerman, M. S. (2018). Co-constructing Family Memory. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '18. doi:10.1145/3173574.3173998

  15. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM 4 IMPORTANT THEMES for designing for distributed intergenerational bonding PART II: RESEARCH 1. Conversational Context (have something to talk about) 2. Facilitation (to be given an opportunity to talk) 3. Diversified Interaction Forms (maintain attention of the child) 4. Supporting Grandparent caring for grand-child (adapt activity to the mood of the child) Vutborg, R., Kjeldskov, J., Pedell, S., & Vetere, F. (2010). Family storytelling for grandparents and grandchildren living apart. Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Extending Boundaries - NordiCHI '10. doi:10.1145/1868914.1868974

  16. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM Grandparent-grandchild bond to be of second most emotional importance to the very close parent-child bond By Kornhaber (Vutborg, Kjeldskov, Pedell, & Vetere, 2010) PART II: RESEARCH Vutborg, R., Kjeldskov, J., Pedell, S., & Vetere, F. (2010). Family storytelling for grandparents and grandchildren living apart. Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Extending Boundaries - NordiCHI '10. doi:10.1145/1868914.1868974

  17. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM REMINISCENCE THERAPY PART II: RESEARCH Form of therapy for dementia patients (Dempsey et al., 2012) Way of interacting with others , maintaining social involvement to foster well-being Giving something rather than receiving/listening. (Subramaniam & Woods, 2012) Dempsey, L., Murphy, K., Cooney, A., Casey, D., O’Shea, E., Devane, D., . . . Hunter, A. (2012). Reminiscence in dementia: A concept analysis. Dementia, 13(2), 176-192. doi:10.1177/1471301212456277 Ponnusamy Subramaniam & Bob Woods (2012) The impact of individual reminiscence therapy for people with dementia: systematic review, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 12:5, 545-555, DOI: 10.1586/ern.12.35

  18. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM REMINISCENCE THERAPY PART II: RESEARCH “Reminiscence therapy really draws them out of [their] shell because they're able to tap into their past and things they're very familiar with." Dr Esther Oh, Hopkins University School of Medicine (Esposito, 2019) Esposito, L. (2019, August 27). Reminiscence Therapy: Bringing Memories Back to Life. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from

  19. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM 4 COMPONENTS OF REMINISCENCE PART II: RESEARCH 1. Selection of memory to recall 2. Immersion 3. Gradual withdrawal from the experience 4. Closure (returning to the present) A systematic or organised mental process, consisting of beginning, middle and end. (Dempsey et al., 2012) Dempsey, L., Murphy, K., Cooney, A., Casey, D., O’Shea, E., Devane, D., . . . Hunter, A. (2012). Reminiscence in dementia: A concept analysis. Dementia, 13(2), 176-192. doi:10.1177/1471301212456277


  21. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM NATIONAL MUSEUM PART III: CASE STUDIES Fig 1. National Museum of Singapore [Photograph found in Singapore History Gallery]. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2020, from https:// banner.jpg

  22. DD4004 – FINAL YEAR PROJECT U1730142K JAMIE LIM FM STUDENT ARCHIVIST PROJECT (SAP) PART III: CASE STUDIES A project done for the Founders’ Memorial (FM) and the National Museum of Singapore (NMS) which collects relatable personal stories. Conducted by student interviewers for elderly interviewees, which encourages intergenerational sharing and co- curating content. Fig 2. Student Archivist Project News, C. (2017). Retrieved September 10, 2020, from http://


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