fy 2018 county board guidance

FY 2018 County Board Guidance My Proposed Budget meets County Board - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FY 2018 County Board Guidance My Proposed Budget meets County Board guidance: Balanced budget that continues the current level of service within existing tax rate Explore collaborations with APS and regional partners Enhanced

  1. FY 2018 County Board Guidance  My Proposed Budget meets County Board guidance:  Balanced budget that continues the current level of service within existing tax rate  Explore collaborations with APS and regional partners  Enhanced public engagement process  Possible tax rate increase for extraordinary needs or Metro and / or APS  Report back on ongoing and completed studies 2

  2. External Fis iscal Pre ressures Growing Population Rising APS Enrollment Metro Costs Arlington’s population is Arlington must posture Arlington continues to expected to rise by 1% itself to address support Metro operations per year concurrently increasing for its residents, even as demands for service operating costs rise WMATA has Significant Multi-Year Budget Pressures WMATA Operating Budget FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Adopted Proposed Projected Projected Total WMATA Subsidy 866.5 997.0 1070.0 1176.0 Arlington's Subsidy 56.6 71.6 77.8 87.5 Arlington Growth $ 14.9 6.2 9.7 Arlington Growth % 26% 9% 12% Capital Budget Adopted Proposed Forecast FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Total Subsidy 260.0 815.0 796.0 861.0 Arlington Subsidy 1 20.0 58.0 56.0 62.0 Arlington Growth $ 38.0 -2.0 6.0 Arlington Growth % 190% -3% 11% 3

  3. General Fund Budget Overview  Proposed Budget Includes a $0.01/$100 Increase to Base Real Estate Tax Rate for Metro - at $1.001/$100 (includes Stormwater)  Recommending Tax Rate Advertisement up to $0.02 / $100 to include up to an additional $11.1 million for APS, not currently in my budget  1 cent for Metro and up to 1 cent for APS  Proposed Total General Fund budget of $1.24 billion  2.5% increase, or $29.4 million over FY 2017 (excluding the 1 cent for Metro)  3.4% increase, or $40.5 million including 1 cent for Metro  4.3% increase, or $51.6 million including two cents  County Operating Budget (excluding Schools) totals $759.3 million with 1 cent for Metro 4

  4. General Fund Budget Overview FY FY 20 2018 18 Proposed Budget General Fun Fund Exp Expenditures FY FY 20 2018 18 Proposed Budget General Fun Fund Revenues Management & Fund Balance Personal Property Administration, 4% Courts & 2% Meals Tax 9% Constitutionals, 6% Federal 3% State 1% 6% Misc. Revenue Fees/Permits 1% 1% Fines Service Charges 5% 1% Public Safety, 11% BPOL Transient Occupancy 5% Tax Schools, 39% 2% Local Sales Tax 4% Environmental Services, 8% Other Local Taxes 3% Human Services, 11% Community Debt/Capital, 6% Services, 4% Real Estate Non-Departmental, Planning & 57% Regionals, Metro, Development, 2% 9% 5

  5. County Manager Priorities 01 Eco conomic 01 Dev evelopment Ser ervice Del eliv ivery & Transparency Tr Str trategic Budget Pla lanning & & Fis iscal Sustainability 6

  6. Economic Development  Nestlé US  Address high vacancy rates  Retention and Expansion  Tech EcoSystem  ConnectArlington  Attract tech-oriented companies  $250k for Connection Grants  ConnectArlington  Support small business sales position & marketing money • Added BizLaunch Small  Facilitate access to ConnectArlington Business Development Manager, focused on child care providers 7

  7. Economic Development Vacancy Rate: 2 2012 - 2016 2016 25%  = 1.6 .6% 21 21.4% 20% 19.8% 19 15% 12 12.6% 12.6% 12 10% 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 4Q16 8 Source: CoStar, AED .

  8. Service Deli livery and Transparency  Build efficiencies and improve customer service  Advance a one-stop permitting system  Continue progress with open data transparency  Create customer service standards  Enhance virtual access to public meetings 9

  9. St Stra rategic ic Bu Budget Plan lannin ing & Fisc iscal l Su Sustain inabilit ility  Strategic Conversations with the County Board  Impacts of population growth  Related service delivery pressures  Realigned Budgeting Practices  Mid year and Close out budgeting practices  Align base budget to expenditures  Better use of one-time  Financial Reserve Policies  Maintain AAA bond rating  Appropriate sized reserves 10

  10. St Stra rategic ic Bu Budget Plan lannin ing & Fisc iscal l Su Sustain inabilit ility PUBLIC SAFETY  7 Sheriff positions , and the armory needs of Sheriff and Police from a reallocation of Peumansend Creek closure  Reclassify three vacant Public Service Aide positions to free up uniform resources for additional patrol support .  3 new Emergency Communications Technicians in the ECC by reclassifying existing resources  Funding two large Fire recruit classes due to vacancies and projected attrition SAFETY NET SERVICES  Reallocate savings within DHS to fund $1.0 million in housing grants on an on-going basis .  Total housing grants funding of $9.2 million (only $1.6 million is one- time)  Additional one-time monies ($2.2 million) to the Affordable Housing Investment Fund (AHIF).  Total AHIF Finding of $13.7 million ($9.2 million one-time) 11

  11. St Stra rategic ic Bu Budget Plan lannin ing & Fisc iscal l Su Sustain inabilit ility INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE  Streetlight and Trail Light maintenance  Added 5 positions, equipment, supplies and trail light inventory assessment  Service Improvements  Decrease routine outage response from 30 days to 3  Decrease major repairs from 4 months to 1 month  $3.3 million in PAYGO funding for paving. Additional GO Bond investments ($11.9 million) bring total to an historic $15.2 million.  PAYGO investments include:  $ 2.2 million in funding for facilities maintenance capital  $1.3 million for two synthetic turf fields  $2.0 million in one-time funding for land acquisition  Preventive and corrective facility maintenance at the County’s radio sites ( partially funded through reallocation) 12

  12. Summary of Major Reallocations Almost $3 MILLION IN INTERNAL REALLOCATIONS TO MEET CHANGING SERVICE NEEDS. The adjustments below were added through budget reallocations:  Public Safety (Peumansend Creek funding and internal reallocations)  Sheriff: 7 Sheriff Deputies and Armory  Police: 3 additional officers for Patrol Increase in Training and Armory (partial reallocation)  ECC: 3 Emergency Communication Technicians – call takers in ECC Portion of Maintenance for Emergency Radio Sites  Safety Net Services (internal reallocations and contractor conversions)  DHS: $1M ongoing funding for Housing Grant Additional Psychiatrist funded from contractor conversion  Youth & School Age Population (funded from Crystal City TIF reduction)  Schools: Increased Transfer to Schools  Added a youth librarian, school nurse, JFAC support position, services for at-risk-youth  Arlington Economic Development (internal reallocations)  Front Desk Support position  Sales position for ConnectArlington 13  Series of other adjustments taken

  13. Response to to Board Direction Analysis of f Sala laries 01 01 and Benefits Str trengthen Childcare Ser ervices 14

  14. Response to to Board Direction  Workforce Investment  Merit based compensation increases ($5.4 million)  Transit subsidy increase from $130/month to $180/month ($200,000)  Provide up to $500/year matching benefit for dependent/elder care FSA program ($180,000)  Fully-funded pension and retiree healthcare  Addition of several positions (e.g. public safety) to relieve the service-demand issues on workforce 15

  15. Response to to Board Direction  Strengthen Childcare Services  Increase the number of childcare programs  Enhance the quality and distribution of childcare programs  Develop a collaborative strategy for public-private partnerships 16

  16. Sc Schools  Ongoing funding $478.3 million, up $13.8 million or 3.0%  One-time funding of $0.7 million  Recommending the County Board consider advertising up to a 1 cent tax rate increase dedicated to Schools  An additional 1 cent on the tax rate = $11.1 million in additional transfer  combination of one-time and ongoing  Superintendent budget proposed on February 23 rd 17

  17. Sc Schools  County provides other services to the Schools costing in excess of $7 million each year  Includes school resource officers, school health nurses and clinic aides and crossing guards  Existing and planned APS capital funding totals almost $600 million and 7,477 seats .  Increased County effort supporting enrollment growth and capital projects  Increased demands on Planning, Zoning, Inspections, County Management, and Finance 18

  18. Sc Schools  Additional funding to support Youth  Fund needs of school aged population by r eallocated tax funding:  Increased Local Tax Transfer to Schools  School Youth Services Librarian  School Nurse  Joint Facilities Advisory Committee position  Services for At-Risk Youth in Courts 19

  19. School Transfer $500,000,000 $485,693,996 $480,000,000 $464,510,831 $460,000,000 $451,637,045 $440,000,000 $432,232,221 $412,637,859 $420,000,000 $400,358,051 $400,000,000 $380,000,000 $360,000,000 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 Proposed 20


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