FY 2018 County Board Guidance My Proposed Budget meets County Board guidance: Balanced budget that continues the current level of service within existing tax rate Explore collaborations with APS and regional partners Enhanced public engagement process Possible tax rate increase for extraordinary needs or Metro and / or APS Report back on ongoing and completed studies 2
External Fis iscal Pre ressures Growing Population Rising APS Enrollment Metro Costs Arlington’s population is Arlington must posture Arlington continues to expected to rise by 1% itself to address support Metro operations per year concurrently increasing for its residents, even as demands for service operating costs rise WMATA has Significant Multi-Year Budget Pressures WMATA Operating Budget FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Adopted Proposed Projected Projected Total WMATA Subsidy 866.5 997.0 1070.0 1176.0 Arlington's Subsidy 56.6 71.6 77.8 87.5 Arlington Growth $ 14.9 6.2 9.7 Arlington Growth % 26% 9% 12% Capital Budget Adopted Proposed Forecast FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Total Subsidy 260.0 815.0 796.0 861.0 Arlington Subsidy 1 20.0 58.0 56.0 62.0 Arlington Growth $ 38.0 -2.0 6.0 Arlington Growth % 190% -3% 11% 3
General Fund Budget Overview Proposed Budget Includes a $0.01/$100 Increase to Base Real Estate Tax Rate for Metro - at $1.001/$100 (includes Stormwater) Recommending Tax Rate Advertisement up to $0.02 / $100 to include up to an additional $11.1 million for APS, not currently in my budget 1 cent for Metro and up to 1 cent for APS Proposed Total General Fund budget of $1.24 billion 2.5% increase, or $29.4 million over FY 2017 (excluding the 1 cent for Metro) 3.4% increase, or $40.5 million including 1 cent for Metro 4.3% increase, or $51.6 million including two cents County Operating Budget (excluding Schools) totals $759.3 million with 1 cent for Metro 4
General Fund Budget Overview FY FY 20 2018 18 Proposed Budget General Fun Fund Exp Expenditures FY FY 20 2018 18 Proposed Budget General Fun Fund Revenues Management & Fund Balance Personal Property Administration, 4% Courts & 2% Meals Tax 9% Constitutionals, 6% Federal 3% State 1% 6% Misc. Revenue Fees/Permits 1% 1% Fines Service Charges 5% 1% Public Safety, 11% BPOL Transient Occupancy 5% Tax Schools, 39% 2% Local Sales Tax 4% Environmental Services, 8% Other Local Taxes 3% Human Services, 11% Community Debt/Capital, 6% Services, 4% Real Estate Non-Departmental, Planning & 57% Regionals, Metro, Development, 2% 9% 5
County Manager Priorities 01 Eco conomic 01 Dev evelopment Ser ervice Del eliv ivery & Transparency Tr Str trategic Budget Pla lanning & & Fis iscal Sustainability 6
Economic Development Nestlé US Address high vacancy rates Retention and Expansion Tech EcoSystem ConnectArlington Attract tech-oriented companies $250k for Connection Grants ConnectArlington Support small business sales position & marketing money • Added BizLaunch Small Facilitate access to ConnectArlington Business Development Manager, focused on child care providers 7
Economic Development Vacancy Rate: 2 2012 - 2016 2016 25% = 1.6 .6% 21 21.4% 20% 19.8% 19 15% 12 12.6% 12.6% 12 10% 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 4Q16 8 Source: CoStar, AED .
Service Deli livery and Transparency Build efficiencies and improve customer service Advance a one-stop permitting system Continue progress with open data transparency Create customer service standards Enhance virtual access to public meetings 9
St Stra rategic ic Bu Budget Plan lannin ing & Fisc iscal l Su Sustain inabilit ility Strategic Conversations with the County Board Impacts of population growth Related service delivery pressures Realigned Budgeting Practices Mid year and Close out budgeting practices Align base budget to expenditures Better use of one-time Financial Reserve Policies Maintain AAA bond rating Appropriate sized reserves 10
St Stra rategic ic Bu Budget Plan lannin ing & Fisc iscal l Su Sustain inabilit ility PUBLIC SAFETY 7 Sheriff positions , and the armory needs of Sheriff and Police from a reallocation of Peumansend Creek closure Reclassify three vacant Public Service Aide positions to free up uniform resources for additional patrol support . 3 new Emergency Communications Technicians in the ECC by reclassifying existing resources Funding two large Fire recruit classes due to vacancies and projected attrition SAFETY NET SERVICES Reallocate savings within DHS to fund $1.0 million in housing grants on an on-going basis . Total housing grants funding of $9.2 million (only $1.6 million is one- time) Additional one-time monies ($2.2 million) to the Affordable Housing Investment Fund (AHIF). Total AHIF Finding of $13.7 million ($9.2 million one-time) 11
St Stra rategic ic Bu Budget Plan lannin ing & Fisc iscal l Su Sustain inabilit ility INFRASTRUCTURE & MAINTENANCE Streetlight and Trail Light maintenance Added 5 positions, equipment, supplies and trail light inventory assessment Service Improvements Decrease routine outage response from 30 days to 3 Decrease major repairs from 4 months to 1 month $3.3 million in PAYGO funding for paving. Additional GO Bond investments ($11.9 million) bring total to an historic $15.2 million. PAYGO investments include: $ 2.2 million in funding for facilities maintenance capital $1.3 million for two synthetic turf fields $2.0 million in one-time funding for land acquisition Preventive and corrective facility maintenance at the County’s radio sites ( partially funded through reallocation) 12
Summary of Major Reallocations Almost $3 MILLION IN INTERNAL REALLOCATIONS TO MEET CHANGING SERVICE NEEDS. The adjustments below were added through budget reallocations: Public Safety (Peumansend Creek funding and internal reallocations) Sheriff: 7 Sheriff Deputies and Armory Police: 3 additional officers for Patrol Increase in Training and Armory (partial reallocation) ECC: 3 Emergency Communication Technicians – call takers in ECC Portion of Maintenance for Emergency Radio Sites Safety Net Services (internal reallocations and contractor conversions) DHS: $1M ongoing funding for Housing Grant Additional Psychiatrist funded from contractor conversion Youth & School Age Population (funded from Crystal City TIF reduction) Schools: Increased Transfer to Schools Added a youth librarian, school nurse, JFAC support position, services for at-risk-youth Arlington Economic Development (internal reallocations) Front Desk Support position Sales position for ConnectArlington 13 Series of other adjustments taken
Response to to Board Direction Analysis of f Sala laries 01 01 and Benefits Str trengthen Childcare Ser ervices 14
Response to to Board Direction Workforce Investment Merit based compensation increases ($5.4 million) Transit subsidy increase from $130/month to $180/month ($200,000) Provide up to $500/year matching benefit for dependent/elder care FSA program ($180,000) Fully-funded pension and retiree healthcare Addition of several positions (e.g. public safety) to relieve the service-demand issues on workforce 15
Response to to Board Direction Strengthen Childcare Services Increase the number of childcare programs Enhance the quality and distribution of childcare programs Develop a collaborative strategy for public-private partnerships 16
Sc Schools Ongoing funding $478.3 million, up $13.8 million or 3.0% One-time funding of $0.7 million Recommending the County Board consider advertising up to a 1 cent tax rate increase dedicated to Schools An additional 1 cent on the tax rate = $11.1 million in additional transfer combination of one-time and ongoing Superintendent budget proposed on February 23 rd 17
Sc Schools County provides other services to the Schools costing in excess of $7 million each year Includes school resource officers, school health nurses and clinic aides and crossing guards Existing and planned APS capital funding totals almost $600 million and 7,477 seats . Increased County effort supporting enrollment growth and capital projects Increased demands on Planning, Zoning, Inspections, County Management, and Finance 18
Sc Schools Additional funding to support Youth Fund needs of school aged population by r eallocated tax funding: Increased Local Tax Transfer to Schools School Youth Services Librarian School Nurse Joint Facilities Advisory Committee position Services for At-Risk Youth in Courts 19
School Transfer $500,000,000 $485,693,996 $480,000,000 $464,510,831 $460,000,000 $451,637,045 $440,000,000 $432,232,221 $412,637,859 $420,000,000 $400,358,051 $400,000,000 $380,000,000 $360,000,000 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 Proposed 20
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