
future Anna nastassiadis (University of Thessaloniki), - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek: present and future Anna nastassiadis (University of Thessaloniki), AngelikiFotopoulou (ILSP/Athena RIC)& Tita Kyriacopoulou (University of Paris-Est, Descartes) Berlin, ICLG12 Multi-word

  1. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek: present and future Anna Α nastassiadis (University of Thessaloniki), AngelikiFotopoulou (ILSP/”Athena” RIC)& Tita Kyriacopoulou (University of Paris-Est, Descartes) Berlin, ICLG12

  2. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Terminology  EN. idioms, frozen/fixed & semi-fixed/semi-frozen expressions, (set) phrases, formulae, collocations, cranberry collocations, phraseologisms, phraseological units, etc.  GR Fixed and semi-fixed expressions, stereotyped expressions, idioms, phrases, expressions, phraseologisms, cooccurrences, collocations etc. ->The definition of phrase/expression is rather confusing. The denomination varies according to the criteria followed in order to define and classify the phrases.

  3. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek General  From phraseology to NLP applications Dictionaries Dictionary of Modern Greek (1998): ΦΡ . -> wide range of fixedness which comprises lexical collocations but also proverbs. Dictionary of Common Greek (M. Triandafyllidis Foundation 1998): distinction between phrase and expression according to their relation with the literal sense. Dictionary of Modern Greek (2014): ΣΥΜΠΛ .-> for multi- word compounds and ΦΡ . -> for idioms.

  4. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek  Anastassiadis-Symeonidis 1986  Nominal expressions  Fotopoulou, 1993  Verbal expressions

  5. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Select papers Linguistic research : Μότσιου 1987, Moustaki 1995, Fotopoulou  1993, Γαβριηλίδου, Ζ. & Νάκας, Α. 2002, Sfetsiou, 2003, Αναστασιάδη - Συμεωνίδη & Ευθυμίου 2006, Θώμου 2006, Pantazara et al. 2008, Γεωργακόπουλος et al. 2009, Fotopoulou et al. 2009, Φούφη 2012, Fotopoulou et al. 2014 Interdisciplinary (mostly psycholinguistic): Μίνη 2009, Mini et  al. 2011, Anastassiadis-Sym é onidis & Voga 2011, Diakogiorgi & Fotopoulou 2012 Computational Linguistics: Gavriilidou 1997, Valetopoulos  2007, Σφέτσιου 2007 , Φωτοπούλου et al. 2008, Linardaki et al. 2010 , Παπαγεωργίου 2011, Μορφοπούλου 2011, Τζιάφα 2012, Ιωαννίδου 2013, Σαμαρίδη 2014, Φούφη 2014, Fotopoulou et al. 2014 Teaching: Αναστασιάδη - Συμεωνίδη & Ευθυμίου 2006,  Δημοπούλου 2010, Χέλμη 2011, Θώμου 2014 Monolingual lexicography: Ιορδανίδου 2001 and bilingual:  Gavriilidou 1997, Moustaki et al. 2008.

  6. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Questions  1) Can multi-word expressions be distinguished from free structures?  2) Is fixedness an absolute or graded concept? Is it entirely or partially expressed?  3) In which grammatical categories do multi-word expressions belong?  4) Does a group of nouns or verbs comprise other sub- categories?  5) Is automatic extraction of multi-word expressions possible?  6) How are multi-word expressions organized in a mental lexicon and how are they processed?

  7. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Definitions  A multi-word expression is a sequence of words which constitutes a semantic unit in the general language, e.g. μαύρη αγορά /black market , κρέμα γάλακτος / cream or in the scientific and technical vocabulary, e.g. βαρύ ύδωρ / heavy water, αγωγή του πολίτη / citizenship education, κάθομαι σ’αναμμένα κάρβουνα / pins and needles.  Compound phonological structure  Compound lexical and morphological structure  They are formed by more than one words but they constitute a single unit at the semantic level.

  8. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek  There are multi-word structures in all grammatical categories:  nominal  Compounds,collocations: παιδική χαρά /park, δυνατός καφές/ strong coffee  verbal  Fixed: κάθομαι σ’ αναμμένα κάρβουνα /pins and needles  Collocations, structures with support verbs : τρώω χαστούκια  adjectival : καθωσπρέπει  adverbial : επί παντός επιστητού /on just about everything Proverbs , sayings, clichés 

  9. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek  Nominal multi-word expressions:  Αναστασιάδη - Συμεωνίδη 1986, Kyriakopoulou 2011, Φούφη 2014.  Proper nouns, the so-called named entities: initialisms and acronyms.  Verbal multi-word expressions Fixed expressions, (Fotopoulou 1993, Moustaki 1995, Θώμου 2006  Mini 2009, Dimopoulou 2010 ….) Expressions with support verbs: Fotopoulou 1985, 1992, Τσολάκη  1997, Gavriilidou 2004, Πανταζάρα 2005, Sfetsou , … ) Proverbs ( Τσακνάκη 2005 , Χιώτη 2010), sayings etc.   Non-inflected multi-word expressions (see also Αναστασιάδη - Συμεωνίδη & Ευθυμίου 2006) .

  10. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Processing axes  Vocabulary-Lexicology  Morphology (mostly nouns, inflection)  Syntax (+ dictionary) -> Interdisciplinary: syntax – phycholinguistics -> Natural Language Processing

  11. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Theoretical approaches 1 O. Jespersen in Philosophy of Grammar (1924) was the first to make the distinction between combinational freedom and fixedness According Lexicon-Grammar for the classification of French idioms, by M. Gross (1982), were: 1) the semantic criterion, according to which the meaning of an idiom is not derived from the meaning of its parts, and 2) the lexical – structural criterion, according to which one or more elements of the clause are lexically invariable in relation to the verb. (1a) τα φόρτωσα στον κόκορα [ literally ‘I loaded them on the rooster’] meaning ‘I did not act at all, as I was feeling lazy (1b) *τα φόρτωσα στους κόκορες fixed [ τα φόρτωσα στο κάρο] ‘I loaded them on the car’ Non compositionality – non substitutability

  12. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Theoretical approaches 2 (2 ) σκοτείνιασε (το πρόσωπό + η όψη + το χαμόγελο + το βλέμμα + τα μάτια) του (2 α) *σκοτείνιασε το κεφάλι του (2 β) *σκοτείνιασε το μάτι του [his (face + face + smile + gaze + eyes) darkened] Compositionality - non substitutability Transparency - degree of fixedness Gradation in fixedness extends from non-analysable to partially analysable (G. Gross, 1996, Sag et al., 2001).

  13. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Theoretical approaches 3 Nunberg et al. (1994) in HPSG (Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar) study the expressions, in priority, from a semantic aspect, they localize many dimensions in a “ prototypical idiom ”, such as conventionality , syntactic restriction, figuration (metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole etc. – proverbiality, etc.). Conventionality , which is then divided into other parameters, is necessary.

  14. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Theoretical approaches 4 Construction Grammar (Fillmore et al., 1988): a phrase is idiomatic if the speakers attribute to this phrase a certain meaning. On the other hand, if a person knows only the vocabulary and the grammar of a language, cannot be aware of this phrase or its meaning or if this phrase constitutes a conventional, acceptable phrase. -> it seems that even if the theoretical basis is different, there are common characteristics.

  15. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Theoretical approaches - discussion  A phrase could be considered as fixed according to a theoretical framework, but according to another it could be less fixed (semi-fixed) or collocation or none of the two, it could be a simple use of the verb.  According to Mel’cuk (1995), spill the beans is an idiom, which means that it is a non-analysable sequence, whose meaning is not deducted from the meaning of its constituents.  According to Nunberg et al. (1994), spill the beans is an idiomatically combining expression, which means that it has an important degree of analysability.

  16. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek  Fixedness - Degree of fixedness  Non compositionality vs compositionality.  Transparence vs opacity

  17. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Fixedness Fixedness is a graded concept which characterizes all the multi-word expressions. G. Gross, 1996: a sequence of simple words is a multi-word expression when at least one of its syntactic, distributional or semantic properties is not deducted from the properties of its constituents: χωρικά ύδατα /territorial waters * χωρικό ύδωρ /territorial water

  18. Multi-word expressions in Modern Greek Transparency vs opacity1 Types: Transparent multi-word expression: πήρε τον κατήφορο /go  downhill, Opaque: την πάτησα /have it bad,  With compositional meaning: η ζωή του κρέμεται από μια  κλωστή /his life is hanging in the balance Non-compositional meaning: βράσε ρύζι!  Transparent multi-word expression: πήρε τον κατήφορο [από τότε που πέθανε η μάνα του] /he went downhill [since his mother died]


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