function and robustness of gene regulatory network toward

Function and Robustness of Gene Regulatory Network: Toward the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Function and Robustness of Gene Regulatory Network: Toward the Landscape Picture of Evolution Macoto Kikuchi (Collaborators: S. Nagata and T. Kaneko) 2019/3/7 Contents Motivation 1 Gene

  1. 大阪大学サイバーメディアセンター Function and Robustness of Gene Regulatory Network: Toward the Landscape Picture of Evolution Macoto Kikuchi (Collaborators: S. Nagata and T. Kaneko) 2019/3/7

  2. Contents Motivation 1 Gene Regulatory Network(GRN) 2 Model 3 Method (Multicanonical Monte Carlo) 4 Results: Function and Robustness 5

  3. Motivation

  4. Characteristic properties of ”evolved thing” are function and robustness A.Wagner: ”Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems” (2005) Intuitively, highly optimized system may be fragile. Evolution is not simply an optimization process?

  5. Robustness Robustness against perturbation Stability in development and differentiation: Canalization (Waddington) Epigenetic landscape Protein folding: Anfinsen’s dogma, Funnel picture (Go, Wolyness) Energy landscape Robustness against mutation Function is not lost by mutation Homologous protein

  6. Prospect Landscape picture of evolution Consider evolution landscape, including phenotypes not visited in the course of evolution Evolutional pathway on the landscape We consider a toy model of the gene regulatory network As the evolved system should be rare, we use the rare event sampling method

  7. Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN)

  8. Gene expression Gene regulation

  9. A complex network in which the genes mutually regulate by the transcription factors (TF) TFs themselves are proteins made by the Abstract model of GRN gene expressions

  10. Question Character of the fitness landscape Relation between the cooperative response to outside and the robustness Mutational robustness Robustness against external/internal fluctuation (number fluctuation of TF or other molecules) Can we see any universal properties, if we classify the randomly generated GRNs by fitness Properties that do not depend on the evolutional pathway

  11. Model

  12. Simple toy model of GRN having one input gene and one output gene cf. M. Inoue and K. Kaneko PLOS Compt. Bio. 9 (2013)e1003001 Directed random graph: N nodes 、 K edges Node: Gene Edge: Regulatory relation Self regulation and mutual regulation are excluded The input node is randomly selected from the nodes having paths to all the other nodes The output node is selected from the nodes faving paths from all the other nodes (Detail

  13. I O GRN having one input node and one output node and having no self and mutual regulations

  14. Discrete-time dynamics (Neural-network like) X i ( t + 1; I ) = R ( I δ j , 1 + Σ j J ij X j ( t ; I )) R ( x ) = tanh x + 1 2 cf. A. Wagner: Evolution 50 (1996) 1008 X i : Expression of i th gene ( [0 , 1]) J ij : Regulation of i th gene by j th gene(0 , ± 1) +1: activation, − 1: repression I : Input from exterior world ([0 , 1]) R ( x ) : Soft response function

  15. Spontaneour expression is 0.5 (comparatively 1.0 large) 0.8 We want to 0.6 R ( x ) assemble a circuit 0.4 that can respond 0.2 sensitively to On 0.0 and Off of −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 x external signal Response function cf. M. Inoue and K. Kaneko:EPL 124 (2018) 38002

  16. Required function Sensitive response to On-Off change of external signal Since the response damps out for sequential circuit, Feed-Forward type regulation is indispensable Both activation and repression are required

  17. Fitness ¯ X i ( I ): Temporal average of the response of i th gene (in the steady state) Sensitivity of i th gene: Defference of the response to I = 0 and 1 S i = | ¯ X i (1) − ¯ X i (0) | The node having the largest sensitivity is defined as the output node X out : X of the output node (response of the network) Fitness f ≡ S out : Sensitivity of the output node

  18. Method (Multicanonical MC)

  19. Sampling method that gives a flat distribution of energy Enable us to sample low-energy rare states Ideal energy histgram Enable us to obtained by the calculate the multicanonical MC density of states

  20. Detailed balance w ij P ( E j ) = w ji P ( E i ) For ordinary Metropolis MC, P ( E ) ∝ e − β E We can use any P ( E ) P ( E ) ∝ e − f ( E ) and we require 1 e − f ( E ) ∼ Ω( E ) :Weight f ( E ) is determined through learning process

  21. Using the obtained energy histgram, we can estimate DOS Ω( E ) ∝ H ( E ) e f ( E ) Divide E into bins Piecewise linear approx. for f ( E ): Multicanonical B.A. Berg and T. Neuhaus: PRL 68 (1992) 9 Constant f ( E ) in each bin: Entropic sampling J. Lee: PRL 71 (1993) 211 Wang-Landau method for the learning process used only for the entropic sampling F. Wang and D.P. Landau: PRL 86 (2001) 2050

  22. 2D Ising Model 6000 800 5000 600 400 4000 200 H(E) 3000 0 E 2000 −200 −400 1000 −600 0 −800 −600 −400 −200 0 200 400 600 800 −800 E 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 MCS Obtained energy Time series of energy distribution

  23. 250 200 Number of the 150 logΩ( E ) ground state is 100 2.07 (cf. true 50 0 value is 2) −800 −600 −400 −200 0 200 400 600 800 E DOS estimated by multicanonical MC

  24. Application to non-energetic system Eigenvalue distribution of random matrix N. Saito, Y. Iba and K. Hukushima: PRE 82 (2010) 031142 Search for periodic orbits in a chaotic system A. Kitajima and Y. Iba: Compt. Phys. Comm. 182 (2011) 251 Stability of a coupled chaotic map N. Saito and M. Kikuchi: New J. Phys. 15 (2013) 053037 Enumeration of magic squares A. Kitajima and M. Kikuchi: PLOS One 10 (2015) e0125062

  25. The first paper that discuss the evolutionary landscape using multicanonical MC ”Robustness leads close to the edge of chaos in coupled map networks: toward the understanding of biological networks” N. Saito and M. Kikuchi: New J. Phys. 15 (2013) 053037 Evolution and robustness of a coupled chaotic map (an abstract model for GRN)

  26. Application to GRN Sampling that gives the flat distribution of fitness Divide the fitness (0 ∼ 1) into 100 bins In principle, we can randomly sample GRNs with several different values of fitness Actually there are correlations between samples Microcanonical ensemble within each bin

  27. N = 16 ∼ 32 Average number of edges connected to each node C ≡ 2 N / K = 5 , 6 We show results for C = 5 mainly

  28. Results 1

  29. Fitness Landscape (a) C = 5 (b) C = 6 N=32 K=80 N=32 K=96 10 −2 10 −2 N=28 K=70 N=28 K=84 N=24 K=60 N=24 K=72 N=20 K=50 N=20 K=60 10 −5 10 −5 N=16 K=40 N=16 K=48 10 −8 10 −8 P ( f ) P ( f ) 10 −11 10 −11 10 −14 10 −14 10 −17 10 −17 10 −20 10 −20 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 f f Appearance probability Appearance probability of fitness ( C = 5) of fitness ( C = 6)

  30. There is a threshold of rareness more than 95% in f < 0 . 2 GRNs having f larger than the threshold are exponentially rare f > 0 . 9 are more than exponentially rare f > 0 . 99: The fittest ensemble GRNs with high fitness are rare

  31. ̄ Response in steady states (a) f = [0.7, 0.71] 1.0 Steady-state response when the 0.8 initial condition is 0.6 x out ( I ) S i = 0 . 5 for all i 0.4 Smooth 0.2 response to the 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 I input I A single fixed f = [0 . 7 , 0 . 71] (20 point samples)

  32. ̄ (b) f = [0.99, 1] 1.0 0.8 Step-like response 0.6 x out ( I ) to the input I 0.4 Response by 0.2 switching two 0.0 fixed points 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 I Ultrasensitivity The fittest ensemble (20 samples)

  33. Responses for f ∼ 0 . 7 (b) 1.0 (a) forward backward 1.0 forward backward 0.8 x out (1000; I ) 0.8 0.6 x out (1000; I ) 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 I 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 I Sweeping I Sweeping I (no (saddle-node bifurcation case) bifurcation case)

  34. Responses of the fittest ensemble (c) 1.0 forward backward 0.8 x out (1000; I ) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 I Sweeping I (saddle-node bifurcation)

  35. Appearance probability of two fixed points Monotone increase against the fitness Correspondence 1.0 N=16 20 between the 24 28 0.8 32 function and the 0.6 number of the P 2 0.4 fixed points 0.2 99% of GRNs in 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 the fittest f ensemble have two fixed points

  36. As the fitness increases, the big jump that the number of the fixed points changes takes place at somewhere in the course of evolution, irrespective of the evolutionary pathway Universality of evolution The fitness restricts the phenotype

  37. dynamical response 1.0 0.8 61% of the GRNs X out ( t ; I ) 0.6 can respond 0.4 properly. 0.2 Whether or not 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 the bistable t range include 0 Dynamical response to or 1 sudden changes of the input

  38. Robustness against the input noise Number fluctuation of the input molecule Uniform noise of I 1.2 x out [ − 0 . 3 , 0 . 3] 1.0 GRNs that can 0.8 0.6 respond to the 0.4 sudden change of 0.2 input are robust 0.0 −0.2 against the input 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 t noise The effect of the fixed-point switching


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