from compliance to innovation making a modern mining

From compliance to innovation making a modern mining company Andrew - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

From compliance to innovation making a modern mining company Andrew Cole Chief Executive Officer 0 7 J u n e 2 0 1 8 OUR INDUSTRY HAS AN OPPORTUNITY To be or not to be Modern Global modern brands are driven by / perception, but

  1. From compliance to innovation – making a modern mining company Andrew Cole – Chief Executive Officer 0 7 J u n e 2 0 1 8

  2. OUR INDUSTRY HAS AN OPPORTUNITY To be or not to be Modern Global modern brands are driven by / perception, but where are the mining companies? In a world of constant change our sector / cannot stand still. We need to keep moving to survive. / We need to be courageous to thrive. / Image: P A G E 2 /

  3. DEFINING A MODERN MINING COMPANY Culture and mindset A mindset and culture of innovation will be / the defining factor, not the technology we use We can’t just keep working harder and expect / to get a better outcome Examples to help explain what we’re changing / Safety – Change and Innovation – Risk – Workforce of the future – P A G E 3 /

  4. SAFETY Our focus over the last 20+ years Worker fatalities: number of fatalities Accident rates, 1986 to 2016 and fatality rate, 2003 to 2016 Compliance-driven to safeguard / operations and workforce well-being. Missing a better opportunity in pursuit / Image: Saf Health Work 2016; 7:89-96 of compliance? Image: Class action filings, 2005 to 2014 In building safe organisations, we / created compliance machines. Compliance that protected us is now / impeding our ability to innovate. Image: P A G E 4 /

  5. COMPLIANCE VS INNOVATION Old world and new economy Image: Design39Campus P A G E 5 /

  6. CHANGE AND INNOVATION Keeping pace or getting ahead KPMG’s Global CEO Outlook – 70% of / CEOs struggling to cope with pace of change. Rate of change is the only thing that / has changed. Image: How will we adapt in a compliance- / based environment? Innovation is not systemic. It sits with / an empowered few. Image: Sebastian Thrun’s Cleveland Clinic Ideas for Tomorrow P A G E 6 /

  7. RISK Threats or Opportunities Colouring everything with a threat- / based lens by default. Protecting what could go and missing / the opportunity for synergy. Pre-conditioned threat reflex when / engaging with stakeholder groups. Shared value could get us much further. / P A G E 7 /

  8. Image: WORKFORCE OF THE FUTURE From Boomers to iGen Shift mindset of current workforce from / compliance driven to humanistic and creative. Attracting workforce of the future. / People’s drivers are changing but we / can leverage this. How do we attract the best skills from / all walks? P A G E 8 /

  9. WORKFORCE OF THE FUTURE Can we attract new talent Jail Re-imagine what the life of a person in / this industry looks like. Mining camp It is more than money! People want / choice of when they work, how much time they spend at work and what they do. Resort An environment that is welcoming of / creativity and innovation to attract the future workforce. P A G E 9 /

  10. 2018 Melbourne Mining Club Luncheon Andrew Cole – Chief Executive Officer 0 7 J u n e 2 0 1 8


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