friuli venezia giulia physical aspects

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Physical Aspects Friuli-Venezia Giulia has a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Physical Aspects Friuli-Venezia Giulia has a varied landscape, ranging from the mountains to the sea, passing through the hills and plains. Mountains and Hills The mountains : Carnic and Julian Alps. The highest peak


  2. Physical Aspects Friuli-Venezia Giulia has a varied landscape, ranging from the mountains to the sea, passing through the hills and plains.

  3. Mountains and Hills The mountains : Carnic and Julian Alps. The highest peak 2.780m. Moraine hills. High: 200m - 600m

  4. Plain and Costs In the plain the main activity is agriculture. high and rugged with low and sandy karst phenomena (WEST) (EAST)

  5. Rivers Tagliamento Long: 170 km It divides the region in two vertical parts. Isonzo Long: 136 km Rises: Slovenia Flows: Adriatic Sea.

  6. Alpine lakes POSITION: north-east; near Fusine lakes and POSITION: north-east Slovenia border COMPOSITION: Upper-Lower ORIGIN: Glacial ORIGIN: Glacial It’s the largest natural lake in the region. POSITION: north ORIGIN: Glacial

  7. The main agricultural produce: • Wheat • Corn • Soybean • Sugar beet • Fruit Cheese: Ham: White and red wine

  8. Mechanic Metallurgical and Naval Textiles and Furniture

  9. TRANSPORT BANK HOSPITAL Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano



  12. Friuli Venezia Giulia Traditions customs and culture

  13. Most Important Events  Threshing day : celebrate threshing in August  Epiphany : 6th January a witch is burnt, to say good bye to the old year  Friuli D.o.c : an event celebrating Friuli wines and most famous dishes  Il Perdon : a celebration followed by boat procession as a thanksgiving to the Virgin Mary  Festa della Zucca : an event where people compete for the biggest pumpkin

  14. Typical Friuli food Salami or sausage with onions and polenta Frico and Polenta

  15. Typical Friuli Costumes Used by farmers on Sundays or important Christian events. Very simple and easy to wear.

  16. Isis Malignani Isis Malignani is made up of 6 schools: • ITI Malignani 2000 in Cervignano ITI Malignani 2000 Liceo “A. Einstein” • Liceo “A. Einstein” in Cervignano • IPSIA Malignani in San Giorgio • ITI Malignani in San Giorgio ITI Malignani, IPSIA Malignani • ITC Einaudi in Palmanova • IPSSCT Mattei in Palmanova ITC Einaudi, IPSSCT Mattei

  17. Liceo “Albert Einstein” Within ISIS are underway various projects as: GLOBE (SCRC CLIMATE STUDENT) COMENIUS 1 France (nous écrivons notre histoire) COMENIUS 2 ( l’Héritage de la civilisation classique dans le patrimoine et l’identité culturelle de l’Europe) MIA = Mobility Individual Students

  18. Thanks for your attention 

  19. c Globe (SCRC) I n this project we identified four plants and, keeping them under observation, we have seen the variations they suffer. These are the data collected: Acer Tilia Mulberry Cherry tree Back

  20. These are the Comenius schools partners Les partenaires Lycée Palissy / Agen / France IES Rio Trubia / Lycée Trubia / Lycée Luigi Pédagogique Al. Espagne Einaudi / Vlahuta / Bârlad / Cervignano / Italie Roumanie Geniko Lyceum Galatsi / Athènes / Grèce Back

  21. MIA The project MIA consists in the mobility of some Italian students from our school to a French school, and vice versa. The students have attended our school for three months with a personalized curriculum project based on personal requirements. lol Back


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