Free The Art Of Anastasia: A Twentieth Century Fox Presentation Ebooks Online
As beautiful as the film that inspired it, Anastasia: The Art, the Animation, the Movie is a must-have for fans of the film, as well as aficionados of the recently revived tradition of cinema animation. With a slipcase, vellum overlays, a die-cut window, and a gatefold, this stunning book brings the exotic locales, fairy tale romance, adventure, and excitement of the film home. 200 illustrations. Hardcover: 96 pages Publisher: Harpercollins; 1st edition (October 1997) Language: English ISBN-10: 0067575307 ISBN-13: 978-0067575307 Product Dimensions: 1 x 10.8 x 13.5 inches Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (24 customer reviews) Best Sellers Rank: #586,156 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #117 in Books > Arts & Photography > Drawing > Cartooning > Anime & Cartoons #623 in Books > Arts & Photography > Other Media > Film & Video #7582 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video Very nice, I only wish they had more pictures of the background art. As an artist the concept art for the characters was amazing to pour over. It is a little text heavy so I only skimmed through but it appears there is some really nice insight into how the movie was made. I prefer the Disney art books to this one, which isn't quite in-depth enough to satisfy the true animation lover. For those who just want a look at the world of animation, this is good, but those who really loved the movie and want to know all about its making will be somewhat disappointed. Still, what's there is very beautiful to look at. I am a big fan of Don Bluth and Gary Goldman so I liked their introductions in this book. For example, how they initially got a call from 20th Century Fox to create this feature. I liked the artwork that was featured in The Art of Anastasia, but I feel that the book could have been more in-depth. Deneroff could have written more about the process, the actual production of the feature, and perhaps mini-biographies of the people behind the film. However, the book should be fun for casual
animation fans. Yet, true animation-philes may be somewhat disappointed. I bought this book used because I have always loved this movie and I am an avid collector of "The Art of" books. After purchasing it, I read all the reviews and I saw how everyone said how shorts the art book was with only 90 something pages. When I received the book, it didn't have the paper cover (which is fine since it's used) but it was in excellent condition and nothing was ripped or tarnished. In fact, the book I got was 192 pages! Way better than expected! I don't know if there's two versions, but I am happy with what I got. Even though there's more stills from the movie than artwork and concepts, it's still a good amount to please this animation lover. I thought I was buying a large book like the Art of Disney books, but it turns out this books has 98 pages instead of 192, which says so in the product details. So I was disappointed.Other than that I think it's a fine book. If you're a fan of the film this is a book you should take a look at. I loved this book. It had beautiful pictures and I will always treasure it. It is just gorgeous, and it's becoming hard to find, so i'd pick up a copy! You won't be disappointed! This book is text heavy, which allows for great insight into the film but also means that there's a lack in visuals. There are some large stills from the movie, and some concept work. Just wishing there was more. This book is amazing. It really lets you in not only with their sketches but getting to know the Romanov family and Anastasia's artists. I highly recommend any fan of the film to purchase this book. You will certainly not be disappointed. However, the only reason I gave four stars is because there was a small tear in the slip cover of the book. Aside from that, the book was in perfect condition! The Art of Anastasia: A Twentieth Century Fox Presentation Composing for the State: Music in Twentieth-Century Dictatorships (Musical Cultures of the Twentieth Century) Interior Design Visual Presentation: A Guide to Graphics, Models and Presentation Techniques Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery (2nd Edition) (Voices That Matter) How to Design TED-Worthy Presentation Slides (Black & White Edition): Presentation Design Principles from the Best TED Talks Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery (Voices That
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