FIX the FOX Information Exchange August 11, 2 2016 016
Agenda • How to Fix the Fox • Next steps to Fix the Fox • How to keep the Fox Fixed • Why Fix the Fox • Why Fix the Fox now • 800 lb. Gorilla in the room • Q&A • Wrap-Up 2
How to Fix the Fox • Go Goal: Restore Clean, Usable Water Conditions • Remove (dredge) silt and nutrients • Main channel, lakes, bays and channel access A sediment trap is planned at • the north end of Conservancy Bay to extend the life of the project Dredge to maximum depth • permitted, specifics under further review with the WDNR 3
Next Steps to Fix the Fox Now ow till aw awar ard c cont ontrac act (illustrat ative t to o show how key ar areas as) Cur Current nt Tent ntat ative Proj ojections ons Task Q3-16 Q3 Q4 Q4-16 16 Q1 Q1-17 17 Q2 Q2-17 17 Q3-17 Q3 17 Q4 Q4-17 17 Permit approvals Design and approval of dewatering sites Prepare bid documents & contractors Bid process Select contractor Final details & costs Final project plan & approval (riparian’s) Award contract (after final approval) Funding sources (internal and external) 4
How to Keep The Fox Fixed • Overall Management Plan • Total view • Regular review and adapt • Ongoing management approach; • No “One and Done”, • Top problems first, • Stay abreast of new/improved methods and tools, • Evaluate and adopt as appropriate. In orde der to “K “Keep p the Fo Fox Fix Fixed” d” 5
Why Fix the Fox Water quality is an essential element of financial and economic • value. Management of (stable and improving) water quality is important to • our economy and to each of us personally. Direct relationship between water quality and the amount of time • and money spent by both residents and visitors. Direct relationship between water quality and real estate value and • appreciation. Direct relationship between water quality and public revenues and • relative tax burdens. Multiple studies conclusions (WI, MN, MI, others) • Stab able or or improving wat ater q qual uality lead ads t to o inc ncreas ases and and v vice v versa • 6
Why Fix the Fox - Continued Essential element of social, recreational, environmental and aesthetic • value. Management of (stable and improving) water quality is important to • maintaining aesthetic, recreational, social and environmental assets. Direct relationship between water quality and the overall quality of life • for all human, animal and plant life. Direct relationship between water quality and the key reasons people • want to visit, play, work and live here. Ability to pass benefits to future generations. • Satisfaction in knowing that a key resource exists. • We are designated a scenic urban waterway…one of three • St Stable or or improving wat ater q qual uality lead ads t to o inc ncreas ases and and v vice versa sa • 7
So why Fix the Fox now? • Our waterway’s aging process was accelerated by our 2008 flood. • Once our waterway became enriched and (from a human perspective) degraded, the efforts and costs required to return it to a less degraded state increase over time…and will only continue to increase. • If we fail to act now we will not be able to restore our waterway to the desired state we prefer. • Delay would also waste a tremendous amount of resources expended to date. • It would be extremely difficult to delay and then attempt to restart our efforts at a later date. • Delay would destroy our current momentum… largest permit in SE Wisconsin. • Acting now wi now will r restore our our w wat aterway’s l los ost yout uth… h…whi while d delay will ll quickly p y push h our our wat aterway i int nto ol o old ag age… whi which m mean ans an an ext xtensive p period of of time as as a a we wetland . 8
800 lb. Gorilla in the room 9
Cost Allocation Assumptions • The current professional estimate of the project cost is around $12 million. • The intention is for riparian owners to cover no more than half of the project cost, with governmental units and other interested parties covering the balance. While we will make every effort to maximize external sources we need to recognize that sources will be interested in the level of financial support from the riparian owners. • The project would be financed over 10 years, so all amounts represent an annual investment for a 10-year period. • Costing principles; • Similar to infrastructure, • Tiered cost allocations with correlation to work required & value received, • One allocation per parcel, with adder for shared access parcels. 10
Cost Allocation Definitions Tie ier 1 - Properties on Tichigan Lake that are on clear water and do not have any • dredging work required in front of their property. Tie ier 2 - Properties on the main channel with direct access to the proposed 100 • ft. navigational channel. Tie ier 3 - Properties in bays that require 50 ft. or 25 ft. navigational channels to • provide access to the main channel. This includes, but is not limited to, all of Buena Lake, all of Conservancy Bay, and the portions of Tichigan Lake that require dredging work. Not ote f for or hom homeo eowner ers as associat ations and and ot other er s shar hared ac d acces ess pr prop operties: These • properties will be assessed the amount indicated by the appropriate tier above plus a surcharge of about $100 for each property that is given access through the shared access point. For example, if a riparian property in Tier 1 is shared by 8 non-riparian properties, then the assessment for the riparian property would be $400 plus $800 (8 x $100) for a total of $1200. The participants will determine how to apportion the assessment. 11
Proposed Tiered Yearly Cost Allocation Tier 1 1 - $400 Tier 1 1 - $425 Tier 1 1 - $470 Extremel emely l likel ely Somew ewhat l likel ely Somewhat u unlike ikely Extremel emely u unlikel ely Unsure Tier 2 2 - $650 Tier 2 2 - $710 Tier 2 2 - $780 Extremel emely l likel ely Somew ewhat l likel ely Somewhat u unlike ikely Extremel emely u unlikel ely Unsure Tier 3 3 - $1000 Tier 3 3 - $1125 Tier 3 3 - $1250 Extremel emely l likel ely Somew ewhat l likel ely Somewhat u unlike ikely Extremel emely u unlikel ely 12 Unsure
Question & Answer 13
Wrap - Up • Please se partic ticip ipate e in our r online su survey! • want/need all riparian owners to participate, • deepens our understanding, • convenient, simple and easy to do, • is secure and, • has integrity. • Analyze survey results and DNR guidance • If there is clear support for the project…Adapt plans and move forward with the next steps of our dredging project • There re s sti till wi will b be a re referendum before th the form rmal launch o of th the project Thank nk You u for Attend nding ng!!! 14
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