Franklin Township Public Schools Excellence, Opportunity and Affirmation For Every Child Franklin Park School Hillcrest School Remote Learning Presentation For Elementary Families Elizabeth Avenue MacAfee Road Pine Grove Manor Claremont Elementary Conerly Road School
Our Focus Full Remote Learning Schedule ● What should students expect? ● Asynchronous Fridays ● What should students and families ● Morning Meeting (SEL) ● expect from the teacher? Math Expectations ● Seesaw Platform ● Language Arts/Literacy Expectations ● What to expect from the building ● Science & Science Lab Expectations ● administration? Social Studies / World Language ● What should parents expect? ● Expectations Technology ● Special Area Subject Expectations ● Pre-K Curriculum & Ready Rosie ● Academic Intervention Support ● Student Assessment & Grading ● English as a Second Language (ESL) ● PBSIS ● Special Education & Related Services ● Counseling & Support Service ● Gifted and Talented (G&T) ● Virtual Clubs ● Attendance ● Childcare Programs for Students - ● YMCA
Important Terms Digital Engagement ● Full Remote Learning ● Strategies to keep students engaged in ○ ○ Teachers and students are in two learning while they are online or in a remote different locations at all times. Teachers location. Examples: Google Classroom, Seesaw prepare lessons and activities for and Ready Rosie. students to complete either i-Ready ● independently or via a video ○ An online instruction and testing program in conferencing service. School is not open for students (and/or teachers) to return math and reading. Students use iReady 40 or to. more minutes per week for learning activities. Synchronous learning “Tune In Time” Academic Intervention Services ● ● Using specific criteria, identified students will ○ ○ Teachers and students are in a classroom setting or in a video receive supplemental instruction in literacy and/or math. conferencing environment together, at a Gifted and Talented (G&T) specific time, learning the same content. ● Asynchronous learning “On My Own ● ○ G&T is provided to selected students in grades Time” 3-5 who perform above grade level to help them continue their learning growth. All ○ Teachers prepare lessons and activities students are screened for G&T during the last for students to complete on their own trimester of the school year. time, at their own pace. Communication ● ○ Ways to get messages to parents & students.
FTBOE Remote Learning Daily Schedule Franklin Township students will operate on a modified day ● schedule during Full Remote Learning. Tier Two Schools Tier Three Schools (FPS, HILL, CRS) (PGM, EAS, CES, MAC) 8:50 - 1:30 9:30 - 2:10 Franklin Township will continue to use a letter (A-F) to ● designate the day of the cycle during the week. In addition to Morning Meeting, students will have eight (8), ● 30 minute periods of instruction. Students will also have a 30 minute lunch break.
FTBOE - 1st Days of School All Elementary All Elementary Schools Schools Kindergarten - Pre-Kindergarten Grade 5 Tuesday, Thursday, ● September 8th September 10th A Day C Day
A Day B Day C Day D Day E Day F Day 9:30 - 9:50 Morning Meeting 9:50 - 10:20 MATH 10:20 - 10:50 LITERACY 10:50 - 11:20 11:20 - 11:50 11:50 - 12:20 Lunch 12:20 - 12:50 WRITING 12:50 - 1:20 Special Classes (Art, Music, Dance, PE, Science Lab, World Language, Library) 1:20 - 1:50 SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES 1:50 - 2:10 Enrichment & Enrichment & Enrichment & Enrichment & Enrichment & Special Class Intervention Intervention Intervention Intervention Intervention
Asynchronous Fridays Asynchronous learning means that students will access ❖ posted assignments and view pre-recorded instructional videos in Seesaw, work on i-Ready, and be provided time to catch up on assignments or projects as needed. Virtual Field Trips will also be available. On Asynchronous Fridays there will be limited “tuning in ❖ live” to the teacher, and no set schedule to follow. Parents may communicate with teachers via Seesaw (K-5), Ready Rosie (Pre-K), district email or telephone. Teachers will also use this time to check in with ❖ individual families or students as needed.
Social Emotional Learning & MORNING MEETING Social and Emotional Learning is the process through which ❖ children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL skills are not intuitive - they need to be taught and ❖ explored with practice! For Pre-Kindergarten to Grade Five students, each ❖ full-remote learning day will begin with Morning Meeting .
Help students learn each other’s Students greet each other by name, often including singing, movement, GREETING names and expand their range of and other activities. friendships Help children know one another Students share some news or Provides practice in public speaking information about themselves and SHARING respond to each other, articulating their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a positive way. Encourage active and engaged The whole class does a short, participation, cooperation, and inclusive activity together, GROUP inclusion reinforcing learning and building ACTIVITY class cohesion through active participation. Reinforce language arts, math and Students practice academic skills other academic skills in a and warm up for the day ahead by MORNING meaningful and interactive way reading and discussing a daily note to the class posted by their MESSAGE Ease the transition to the rest of teacher. the day
MATHEMATICS EXPECTATIONS TUNE IN TIME On Your OWN TIME Synchronous Asynchronous Mini-lesson: Teachers will introduce the Independent Practice: Students work teaching point of the day with a short individually on the assigned problems for lesson. the lesson in their math books. Refl flection: Students come back as a whole group to close out and reflect on Math Resources: the lesson. The teacher addresses any misunderstanding the students might Bridges for Kindergarten, ★ have. Ready Classroom Math for ★ Grades 1 to 5 Number Corner: Kindergarten students will participate in calendar time Asynchronous Fridays Extra practice problems from the lesson for the week ● Learning games - fluency ● i-Ready online lessons ●
ENGLISH / LANGUAGE ARTS EXPECTATIONS TUNE IN TIME On Your OWN TIME Synchronous Asynchronous Students will work on activities Students will tune in to a ❖ ❖ that continue or practice the lesson from their teacher on learning from the “tuned in” reading or writing. lesson, such as independent reading, independent writing, Teachers may share a ❖ notebook work, project work, or read-aloud, a other reading and writing comprehension lesson, a practice. writing example, a phonics lesson, or another language Resources may include arts experience. ❖ pre-recorded videos, electronic libraries, or other online The teacher may pull small ❖ resources. groups of students for additional instruction. Asynchronous Fridays Independent reading and writing ❖ Continued independent practice ❖ iReady ❖ ❖
SCIENCE EXPECTATIONS TUNE IN TIME On Your OWN TIME Synchronous Asynchronous During science time, teachers will Teachers will provide extension continue to teach student Earth, activities and exploration lessons Physical, and Life Science. where students can gain a deeper understanding of science Students will be exposed to and the world around them. natural phenomena via direct instruction, power points, videos, Fortunately, there are multiple readings, and group work. online platforms the science department has purchased to Teachers will continue to assist enrich students’ learning students’ learning and assess experiences using their their understanding. Chromebooks.
SCIENCE LAB EXPECTATIONS TUNE IN TIME On Your OWN TIME Synchronous Asynchronous Science Specialists will support While Science Specialists cannot and add to the science conduct labs and activities instruction students shall receive during remote learning, they will with their homeroom teacher. provide students with enriching materials to assist students’ Science specialists will also serve understanding of the natural as a science coach to assist world. students who experience any difficulty or questions students may have regarding their current science lessons. Science specialists will be available to all students on a regular basis.
SOCIAL STUDIES EXPECTATIONS TUNE IN TIME On Your OWN TIME Synchronous Asynchronous Mini-lesson: Teacher will introduce Teacher will provide extension the teaching point of the day with a tasks, activities, or projects to help short lesson that is relatable to students develop and students. Teacher will check that understanding of history, civics, students understand the task and geography, and economics. content before releasing them for asynchronous work. Closure: Students come back as a whole group to close out and reflect on the lesson. Asynchronous Fridays Students will complete tasks that reinforce lesson themes for the week. ❖ Students may continue to work on projects started earlier in the week ❖
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