
FQAPI OUI 2015 Janet Drelicharz RN, MSN CMS Transpla plant nt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FQAPI OUI 2015 Janet Drelicharz RN, MSN CMS Transpla plant nt Quality ity Webinar ar Series Focused Quality Assessment & Performance Improvement FQAPI March 2015 2 FQAPI API CMS Transpl plant ant Quality ity Webinar r

  1. FQAPI OUI 2015 Janet Drelicharz RN, MSN

  2. CMS Transpla plant nt Quality ity Webinar ar Series Focused Quality Assessment & Performance Improvement FQAPI March 2015 2

  3. FQAPI API – CMS Transpl plant ant Quality ity Webinar r Series  What’s on the Radar ◦ Current Important Issues in the World of Transplantation ◦ Data Rich Information Poor ~ DRIP Using information to make improvements  A means to track improvements is required  To track improvements, need to identify the issue(s)  Baseline  Changes  Analysis  3

  4. FQAP QAPI I – CMS MS Tran ansplan plant t Quality uality Webin inar ar Series ies Curren rrent t Aud udit it Key Issue ues  Immunosuppression  Selection Criteria  Graft Survival  Cardiac Events  Infections  Technical Competency of Harvest Team  Prophylaxis Related to Immunosuppression  Serology Testing  Delayed Graft Function  Patient Education  Follow Up Visits  Re-Admissions  Waitlist Management  Nutrition  Bleeding – Quality of Organ  Team Structure and Training 4

  5. OTTR Management of the Key Issues Immunosuppression Selection Criteria Graft Survival Cardiac Events Infections Prophylaxis Related to Immunosuppression Delayed Graft Function Patient Education Follow Up Visits Re-Admissions Waitlist Management Nutrition Bleeding – Quality of Organ 5

  6. Immunos osuppr uppres essio sion & Prophyla ylaxi xis 6

  7. Immunos osuppr uppres essio sion & Prophyla ylaxi xis 7

  8. Immunos osuppr uppres essio sion & Prophyla ylaxi xis 8

  9. Se Sele lectio ion n Crit iteria ia 9

  10. Gr Graft Su Surviv ival al 10

  11. Cardia iac Events ts 11

  12. Infe fections ions 12

  13. Dela layed yed Gr Graft Func nction ion 13

  14. Patie ient nt Education tion 14

  15. Patie ient nt Education tion 15

  16. Foll llow Up Up Vi Visit its 16

  17. Foll llow Up Up Vi Visit its 17

  18. Re Re-adm dmis issio sions ns 18

  19. Wait itli list t Manag ageme ement nt 19

  20. Nutrit ition ion 20

  21. Ble leedi ding ng 21

  22. Quali lity ty of Orga gan 22

  23. Quali lity ty of Orga gan 23

  24. Actions ADT Encounters Evaluation Phase Medications Problem Lists Text Documents Transplant Record 24

  25. “Poor transplant outcome utcomes can an indicate dicate a defic icien iency cy in transp nspla lant q uality management.” Doc ocume umenti ting Trackin acking Analy nalysis sis Ackno knowled ledgem gemen ent t of f defic ficit it and nd interven erventio ion Mon onit itor for susta tain ined ed chan hange ge 25

  26. Con onsider sideration ations: Dupli plica cate te Ent ntry EMR Excel cel Spreadshe eadsheets ets Manu nual l Time me Cons onsum umptio ption Reli liabil ility ity Personn onnel el Cos ost Audit dit Deficien iciencies ies System ems s Improvem rovemen ent t Agreeme eements CMS S Probation bation 26

  27. 27


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