"Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Anna Whitted
Subclaim 1: The practice of formulated food consumption is not a modern phenomenon--this concept has been around for years.
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 1: Subclaim 1: The practice of “Ideas around organic farming developed almost formulated food independently in German and English speaking consumption is not a modern countries about a century ago. In Germany it was part of an influential movement that became known as the phenomenon--this concept Lebensreform and consisted of various Reform has been around for years. movements resisting increasing industrialization, use of technology, materialism, and urbanization that were shaping a new way of life. The Reform movement promoted the return to a more natural way of living that consisted of vegetarian diets, physical training, natural medicine and going back to the land (Vogt 2007)” (Schosler, de Boer, and Boersema 444).
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Subclaim 1: The practice of Quote 1 Explanation: formulated food The concept of organic food was founded long ago as a consumption is not a modern protest against industrialization. This Reform movement phenomenon--this concept stuck to living off the land and focusing on natural living rather than reliance on machinery and materials. has been around for years.
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 2: Subclaim 1: The practice of “...The social aspects of diets are nothing new. They have formulated food always been an essential part of certain religious, consumption is not a modern spiritual, and other cultural practices. Certain foods (e.g., vegetables) have also been interpreted as a way to take phenomenon--this concept care of the body and to achieve vitality (Allicock, has been around for years. Sandelowski, DeVellis, & Campbell, 2008)” (von Hessen and Englander).
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 2 Explanation: Subclaim 1: The practice of Dietary restrictions are common within multiple religions formulated food and other areas of practice. Many people omitted or consumption is not a modern included certain foods in order to appease their religious leader, or they relied on consumption of certain foods to phenomenon--this concept live fully and physically and mentally strengthen the has been around for years. body.
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 3: Subclaim 1: The practice of “From ancient to modern times, humans have had the formulated food ability to adapt to changing environments [8]. This consumption is not a modern evidence suggests that PIL/ikigai is influenced by many factors. The factors include variations in and amount of phenomenon--this concept experience, pollutants, chemicals in food and drinks, has been around for years. prefrontal lobe function, neurotransmitters, hormones, and epigenetic changes. Descartes (1596 AD- 1650 AD) originally proposed dualism, in which the mind and body are independent, while recent medical trends propose the importance of monism, in which the mind and body should be integrated” (Ishida 4).
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 3 Explanation: Subclaim 1: The practice of Ikigai is a Japanese term meaning “reason of being”. formulated food According to Japanese philosophy, everybody has an consumption is not a modern ikigai and to find one’s “reason of being,” one must conduct a deep search of self. This philosophy can link to phenomenon--this concept surroundings, body signals and changes, but importantly has been around for years. to this topic, food intake. Along with this link to exploration of self, Rene Descartes, a French philosopher from the 17th century, was one of the first to question interaction between the body and the mind. This links back to food intake affecting overall well-being because what we ingest correlates with our mind.
Subclaim 2: There is a direct psychological connection between food intake and well-being.
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 1: Subclaim 2: There is a direct “To accentuate, there is more to a healthy diet for the psychological connection young adult than just objectively picking out the right between food intake and amount of nutrients. A healthy diet also seems to constitute a search for values and a lifestyle that portrays well-being. to others their identity and belonging” (von Essen and Englander).
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Subclaim 2: There is a direct Quote 1 Explanation: Leading an organic diet is not just control over what one psychological connection consumes--it allows the one leading the lifestyle to between food intake and explore what he/she truly values as a person. well-being.
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 2: “ In 2008, the meta-analysis by Benbrook et al., analyzed Subclaim 2: There is a direct differences in nutrient content between organic and psychological connection conventional food samples within 236 matched pairs. Nutrients considered were Vitamin C, beta-carotene, between food intake and Vitamin E, potassium and phosphorous, nitrates, total well-being. proteins, total phenolics, total antioxidant capacity, and the polyphenols quercetin and kaempferol. This review found that total phenolics, vitamin E, vitamin C, quercetin, and total antioxidant capacity of organics exceeded that of conventionally grown produce in the case of total antioxidant capacity, by 80% . Conventional products had higher levels of potassium, phosphorous, and total protein, all basic constituents of conventional fertilizers” (Bernacchia et al. 567-568).
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 2 Explanation: Subclaim 2: There is a direct Among this research, it was found that organic food psychological connection compared to conventionally grown food is far more rich between food intake and in antitoxins and immunity-building components. well-being.
Subclaim 3: Mindfulness can lead to an appreciation for nature and the environment itself.
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 1: Subclaim 3: Mindfulness can “Mindfulness was related to more intrinsic values, and lead to an appreciation for both values were related to SWB (subjective well-being) nature and the environment and ERB (ecologically responsible behavior). Both life satisfaction and more positive affect were related to itself. smaller ecological footprints and more environmental behavior” (Brown and Kasser 359).
Research Question: "Does conducting a pro-environmental lifestyle through eating and growing organic food affect the overall health of the participant and the physical health of the environment? If so, why?" Quote 1 Explanation: Subclaim 3: Mindfulness can In this study, subjective well-being and ecologically lead to an appreciation for responsible behavior were analyzed and compared. nature and the environment Among the more extensive study, it was found that life satisfaction was found related to environmentally itself. conscious practice. This correlation shows that there is a connection to positive well-being and living a pro-environmental lifestyle.
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