four areas of formation

Four Areas of Formation Human qualities critical to form wholesome - PDF document

Four Areas of Formation Human qualities critical to form wholesome relationships and to be apt instruments of Co-Workers in the Vineyard Gods love and compassion Spiritual formation developing a practice of prayer that animates

  1. Four Areas of Formation • Human qualities critical to form wholesome relationships and to be apt instruments of Co-Workers in the Vineyard God’s love and compassion • Spiritual formation developing a practice of prayer that animates ministry Unit III: Formation and Authorization • Intellectual formation in theological and pastoral studies • Pastoral formation in pastoral skills Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 1 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 2 Goal of Human Formation Human Formation To develop the lay ecclesial minister’s human • Basic understanding of self and others qualities and character, fostering a healthy • Psychological health and well-balanced personality, for the sake of • Mature sexuality both personal growth and ministerial service • Physical health • Knowledge of one’s personal gifts and special charisms • Recognition of the traits and abilities one lacks Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 3 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 4 Human Formation, cont. Goal of Spiritual Formation To animate true hunger for holiness, desire for • Understanding of family systems and union with the Father through Christ in the Spirit, dynamics daily growing in love of God and neighbor in • Ability to learn from both praise and criticism ministry, and the practices of prayer and spirituality that foster these attitudes and • Appreciation and valuing of racial, ethnic, and dispositions. It promotes and strengthens that cultural diversity fundamental conversion that places God, and not • A genuine respect and concern for others oneself at the center of one’s life. Openness to this ongoing conversion is a prerequisite for • Virtues of Christian discipleship fruitful spiritual formation. Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 5 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 6

  2. Elements of Spiritual Formation Elements of Spiritual Formation, cont. • Living in union with Christ • Love for the Church • Build on the word of God • Devotion to the Eucharist • Based on liturgy, specially the sacraments • Ecumenical spirit • Incarnational spirituality of presence and the paschal spirituality of loving service • Awareness of sin • Spirituality of suffering • Marian spirituality Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 7 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 8 Goal of Intellectual Formation Elements of Intellectual Formation To develop the lay ecclesial minister’s • Scripture understanding and appreciation of the • Church doctrine Catholic faith that is rooted in God’s • Church history revelation and embodied in the living • Liturgical and sacramental theology tradition of the Church. It consists chiefly of • Moral theology and Catholic social teaching the study of theology, but draws upon a wide variety of other disciplines: philosophy, • Pastoral theology literature and the arts, psychology, sociology, • Spiritual theology medical ethics, business administration, law, • Canon law organizational development, etc. Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 9 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 10 Goal of Pastoral Formation Elements of Pastoral Formation To cultivate the knowledge, attitudes, and • Methods for providing formation to others skills that directly pertain to effective • Leading community prayer and preaching functioning in ministry settings and that also • Pastoral ministry skills pertain to pastoral administration that • Family mission and family perspective supports direct ministry. • Effective relationship and communication skills • Collaboration • Discernment of signs of the times Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 11 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 12

  3. Elements of Pastoral Formation, cont. Authorization • Gift discernment and volunteer ministry • By an ecclesiastical authority management • For certain ministerial tasks in the name of the • Change and conflict management skills local church • Basic counseling skills • Occurs after appropriate formation • Culture and language studies • Administration skills • Leadership and organizational development • Applicable civil law • Ministerial code of ethics Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 13 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 14 Elements of Authorization Role of the Bishop • Oversight • Acknowledgement of competence (may require certification) • Ensures suitability • Attentive to proper preparation • Appointment to a specific position (possibly by a commissioning ritual) Emphasizes relationship of • Identifies those roles essential to collaborating in pastoral care diocesan bishop with LEM and underscores importance of the role • Reserve the right to review credentials before appointments • Delineation of obligations, responsibilities, and • Authorization process allows bishop to authority of the position demonstrate support for LEM and model • Announcement of appointment to the collaboration community served by the LEM Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 15 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 16 Role of Pastor Certification • Responsible for pastoral care of parish • Process that documents the attainment of specific standards and competencies required • Support crucial for the fulfillment of a specialized ecclesial ministry. • Requires a process for assessing that a given candidate has the education, formation, and professional skills necessary to serve in a particular role. Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 17 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 18

  4. Certification Certification is frequently handled by Last, but not least, The National Association of professional organizations such as The National Catholic Chaplains. This last is an example of Association for Lay Ministry, ( , extra-parochial LEM. National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (, the National Federation for See also the U.S. conference of Catholic Catholic Youth Ministry ( These Bishops Commission on Certification and three organizations published the National Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers Accreditation (USCCB/CCA). The certification Serving as Parish Catechetical Leaders, Youth handbook has been under revision, so call for Ministry Leaders, Pastoral Associates, and Parish current information. Life Coordinators and the National Certification Standards for Pastoral Ministers. Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 19 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 20 Recapitulation The Ministerial Workplace • Authorization: Ecclesial recognition and • Faith community: Gospel values designation by competent ecclesiastical • Modern organization: Best organizational authority practices • Certification: Acknowledgement of competency by a professional ministerial organization Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 21 Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 22 Questions? Prepared by Susan K. Wood, SCL 23

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