foundations of infinitesimal calculus surreal numbers and

Foundations of infinitesimal calculus: surreal numbers and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Foundations of infinitesimal calculus: surreal numbers and nonstandard analysis Vladimir Kanovei 1 1 IITP RAS and MIIT, Moscow, Russia, Sy David Friedmans 60th-Birthday Conference 08 12 July 2013 Kurt Gdel

  1. Characterization Definition Mathematically, the surreal field is: the unique modulo isomorphism set-size-dense rcof (= real closed ordered field). Definition (set-size density) A total order (or any ordered structure) L is set-size-dense if for any its subsets X , Y ⊆ L (of any cardinality, but sets): Back if X < Y then there is an element z such that X < z < Y . Remark Such an order has to be a proper class (not a set !) Indeed if L is a set then taking X = L and Y = ∅ leads to an element z ∈ L with X < z , which is a contradiction. Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 9 / 35

  2. Characterization Definition Mathematically, the surreal field is: the unique modulo isomorphism set-size-dense rcoF (= real closed ordered Field ). Definition (set-size density) A total order (or any ordered structure) L is set-size-dense if for any its subsets X , Y ⊆ L (of any cardinality, but sets): Back if X < Y then there is an element z such that X < z < Y . Remark Such an order has to be a proper class (not a set !) Indeed if L is a set then taking X = L and Y = ∅ leads to an element z ∈ L with X < z , which is a contradiction. Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 9 / 35

  3. On the set-size density Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 10 / 35

  4. On the set-size density Remark In a more traditional notation, the set-size density is equivalent to being of the order type η α for each ordinal α . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 10 / 35

  5. On the set-size density Remark In a more traditional notation, the set-size density is equivalent to being of the order type η α for each ordinal α . Definition (Hausdorff 1907, 1914) Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 10 / 35

  6. On the set-size density Remark In a more traditional notation, the set-size density is equivalent to being of the order type η α for each ordinal α . Definition (Hausdorff 1907, 1914) A total order (or any ordered structure) L is of type η α if for any subsets X , Y ⊆ L of cardinality card ( X ∪ Y ) < ℵ α : Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 10 / 35

  7. On the set-size density Remark In a more traditional notation, the set-size density is equivalent to being of the order type η α for each ordinal α . Definition (Hausdorff 1907, 1914) A total order (or any ordered structure) L is of type η α if for any subsets X , Y ⊆ L of cardinality card ( X ∪ Y ) < ℵ α : Sat Back if X < Y then there is an element z such that X < z < Y . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 10 / 35

  8. On the set-size density Remark In a more traditional notation, the set-size density is equivalent to being of the order type η α for each ordinal α . Definition (Hausdorff 1907, 1914) A total order (or any ordered structure) L is of type η α if for any subsets X , Y ⊆ L of cardinality card ( X ∪ Y ) < ℵ α : Sat Back if X < Y then there is an element z such that X < z < Y . Digression: Hausdorff Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 10 / 35

  9. Surreals: existence Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 11 / 35

  10. Surreals: existence Theorem (the existence thm, Conway 1976, Alling 1985) There is a set-size-dense rcoF F ∞ . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 11 / 35

  11. Surreals: existence Theorem (the existence thm, Conway 1976, Alling 1985) There is a set-size-dense rcoF F ∞ . Proof (Conway) Consecutive filling in of all “gaps” X < Y , with a suitable (very complex, dosens of pages) definition of the order and the field operations, by transfinite induction. Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 11 / 35

  12. Surreals: existence Theorem (the existence thm, Conway 1976, Alling 1985) There is a set-size-dense rcoF F ∞ . Proof (Conway) Consecutive filling in of all “gaps” X < Y , with a suitable (very complex, dosens of pages) definition of the order and the field operations, by transfinite induction. Proof (Alling) A far reaching generalization of the Levi–Civita field construction, on the base of Hausdorff’s construction of dense ordered sets. Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 11 / 35

  13. Surreals: existence Theorem (the existence thm, Conway 1976, Alling 1985) There is a set-size-dense rcoF F ∞ . Proof (Conway) Consecutive filling in of all “gaps” X < Y , with a suitable (very complex, dosens of pages) definition of the order and the field operations, by transfinite induction. Proof (Alling) A far reaching generalization of the Levi–Civita field construction, on the base of Hausdorff’s construction of dense ordered sets. Back Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 11 / 35

  14. Surreals: conclusion Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  15. Surreals: conclusion F ∞ is the surreal Field Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  16. Surreals: conclusion F ∞ is the surreal Field Conclusion Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  17. Surreals: conclusion F ∞ is the surreal Field Conclusion The extended rcoF R ext = F ∞ is: Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  18. Surreals: conclusion F ∞ is the surreal Field Conclusion The extended rcoF R ext = F ∞ is: rather simply and straightforwardly defined Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  19. Surreals: conclusion F ∞ is the surreal Field Conclusion The extended rcoF R ext = F ∞ is: rather simply and straightforwardly defined set-size-dense rcoF ; Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  20. Surreals: conclusion F ∞ is the surreal Field Conclusion The extended rcoF R ext = F ∞ is: rather simply and straightforwardly defined set-size-dense rcoF ; unique , as the only set-size-dense rcoF up to isomorphism; Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  21. Surreals: conclusion F ∞ is the surreal Field Conclusion The extended rcoF R ext = F ∞ is: rather simply and straightforwardly defined set-size-dense rcoF ; unique , as the only set-size-dense rcoF up to isomorphism; “smooth” , in the sense that the underlying domain consists of sequences of ordinals — at least in the Alling version; Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  22. Surreals: conclusion F ∞ is the surreal Field Conclusion The extended rcoF R ext = F ∞ is: rather simply and straightforwardly defined set-size-dense rcoF ; unique , as the only set-size-dense rcoF up to isomorphism; “smooth” , in the sense that the underlying domain consists of sequences of ordinals — at least in the Alling version; computable , in the sense that the field operations in F ∞ are directly computable — at least in the Alling version. Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 12 / 35

  23. Surreals: conclusion This likely solves the Problem of foundations of infinitesimal calculus in Part 2 (foundational conditions) but not yet in Part 1 (technical conditions). Technical shortcomings of surreals Back Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 13 / 35

  24. Section 3 Digression: Hausdorff’s studies on pantachies Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 14 / 35

  25. Pantachies Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 15 / 35

  26. Pantachies Definition ( Hausdorff 1907, 1909 ) A pantachy is any maximal totally ordered subset L of a given partially ordered set P , Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 15 / 35

  27. Pantachies Definition ( Hausdorff 1907, 1909 ) A pantachy is any maximal totally ordered subset L of a given partially ordered set P , e.g. , P = � R ω ; ≺� , where, for x , y ∈ R ω , x ≺ y iff x ( n ) < y ( n ) for all but finite n . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 15 / 35

  28. Pantachies Definition ( Hausdorff 1907, 1909 ) A pantachy is any maximal totally ordered subset L of a given partially ordered set P , e.g. , P = � R ω ; ≺� , where, for x , y ∈ R ω , x ≺ y iff x ( n ) < y ( n ) for all but finite n . Remark Any pantachy in P = � R ω ; ≺� is a set of type η 1 . Back Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 15 / 35

  29. Two pantachy existence theorems Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 16 / 35

  30. Two pantachy existence theorems Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� with an ( ω 1 , ω 1 ) -gap . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 16 / 35

  31. Two pantachy existence theorems Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� with an ( ω 1 , ω 1 ) -gap . Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� which is a rcof Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 16 / 35

  32. Two pantachy existence theorems Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� with an ( ω 1 , ω 1 ) -gap . Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� which is a rcof in the sense of the eventual coordinate-wise operations Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 16 / 35

  33. Two pantachy existence theorems Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� with an ( ω 1 , ω 1 ) -gap . Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� which is a rcof in the sense of the eventual coordinate-wise operations — that is, x + y = z iff x ( n ) + y ( n ) = z ( n ) for all but finite n, and the same for the product. Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 16 / 35

  34. Two pantachy existence theorems Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� with an ( ω 1 , ω 1 ) -gap . Theorem (Hausdorff 1909) There is a pantachy in � R ω ; ≺� which is a rcof in the sense of the eventual coordinate-wise operations — that is, x + y = z iff x ( n ) + y ( n ) = z ( n ) for all but finite n, and the same for the product. Any such a pantachy is a rcof of type η 1 . Back Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 16 / 35

  35. The problem of gapless pantachies Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 17 / 35

  36. The problem of gapless pantachies Problem (Hausdorff 1907) Is there a pantachy (in � R ω ; ≺� ), containing no ( ω 1 , ω 1 ) -gaps ? Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 17 / 35

  37. The problem of gapless pantachies Problem (Hausdorff 1907) Is there a pantachy (in � R ω ; ≺� ), containing no ( ω 1 , ω 1 ) -gaps ? The problem is still open , and, it looks like it is the oldest concrete open problem in set theory . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 17 / 35

  38. The problem of gapless pantachies Problem (Hausdorff 1907) Is there a pantachy (in � R ω ; ≺� ), containing no ( ω 1 , ω 1 ) -gaps ? The problem is still open , and, it looks like it is the oldest concrete open problem in set theory . Gödel and Solovay discussed almost the same problem in 1970s. Back Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 17 / 35

  39. The problem of effective existence of pantachies Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 18 / 35

  40. The problem of effective existence of pantachies Problem (Hausdorff 1907) Is the pantachy existence provable not assuming AC ? 1 Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 18 / 35

  41. The problem of effective existence of pantachies Problem (Hausdorff 1907) Is the pantachy existence provable not assuming AC ? 1 Even assuming AC , is there an individual, effectively defined 2 example of a pantachy ? Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 18 / 35

  42. The problem of effective existence of pantachies Problem (Hausdorff 1907) Is the pantachy existence provable not assuming AC ? 1 Even assuming AC , is there an individual, effectively defined 2 example of a pantachy ? Solution (K & Lyubetsky 2012) In the negative (both parts), Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 18 / 35

  43. The problem of effective existence of pantachies Problem (Hausdorff 1907) Is the pantachy existence provable not assuming AC ? 1 Even assuming AC , is there an individual, effectively defined 2 example of a pantachy ? Solution (K & Lyubetsky 2012) In the negative (both parts), whenever P is a Borel partial order, in which every countable subset has an upper bound . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 18 / 35

  44. The problem of effective existence of pantachies Problem (Hausdorff 1907) Is the pantachy existence provable not assuming AC ? 1 Even assuming AC , is there an individual, effectively defined 2 example of a pantachy ? Solution (K & Lyubetsky 2012) In the negative (both parts), whenever P is a Borel partial order, in which every countable subset has an upper bound . This result, by no means surprising, is nevertheless based on some pretty nontrivial arguments, including methods related to Stern’s absoluteness theorem. But no algebraic structure on P is assumed. Back to surreals Back Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 18 / 35

  45. Section 4 Section 4. Technical shortcomings of the surreal Field Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 19 / 35

  46. Shortcomings of the surreal Field Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 20 / 35

  47. Shortcomings of the surreal Field Observation There is no clear way to naturally define sur-integers , most of analytic functions (beginning with e x ), accordingly, sur-sequences of surreals , sur-sets of surreals , etc , etc , in F ∞ Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 20 / 35

  48. Shortcomings of the surreal Field Observation There is no clear way to naturally define sur-integers , most of analytic functions (beginning with e x ), accordingly, sur-sequences of surreals , sur-sets of surreals , etc , etc , in F ∞ — so that they satisfy the same internal laws and principles as their counterparts defined over the reals R . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 20 / 35

  49. Shortcomings of the surreal Field Observation There is no clear way to naturally define sur-integers , most of analytic functions (beginning with e x ), accordingly, sur-sequences of surreals , sur-sets of surreals , etc , etc , in F ∞ — so that they satisfy the same internal laws and principles as their counterparts defined over the reals R . Example The own system of sur-integers in F ∞ defined by Conway 1976 has √ the property that 2 is sur-rational , Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 20 / 35

  50. Shortcomings of the surreal Field Observation There is no clear way to naturally define sur-integers , most of analytic functions (beginning with e x ), accordingly, sur-sequences of surreals , sur-sets of surreals , etc , etc , in F ∞ — so that they satisfy the same internal laws and principles as their counterparts defined over the reals R . Example The own system of sur-integers in F ∞ defined by Conway 1976 has √ the property that 2 is sur-rational , which makes little sense. Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 20 / 35

  51. Shortcomings of the surreal Field Observation There is no clear way to naturally define sur-integers , most of analytic functions (beginning with e x ), accordingly, sur-sequences of surreals , sur-sets of surreals , etc , etc , in F ∞ — so that they satisfy the same internal laws and principles as their counterparts defined over the reals R . Example The own system of sur-integers in F ∞ defined by Conway 1976 has √ the property that 2 is sur-rational , which makes little sense. This crucially limits the role of surreals F ∞ as a foundational system, in the spirit of the Problem of foundations of infinitesimal calculus. Back Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 20 / 35

  52. The problem of surreals Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 21 / 35

  53. The problem of surreals Problem (upgrade of surreals) Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 21 / 35

  54. The problem of surreals Problem (upgrade of surreals) Define a compatible Universe over the surreals F ∞ , sufficient to technically support “full-scale” treatment of infinitesimals. Back Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 21 / 35

  55. The problem of surreals Problem (upgrade of surreals) Define a compatible Universe over the surreals F ∞ , sufficient to technically support “full-scale” treatment of infinitesimals. Back To define such a Universe, we employ methods of nonstandard analysis . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 21 / 35

  56. Section 5 Section 5. Nonstandard analysis Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 22 / 35

  57. Nonstandard analysis Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 23 / 35

  58. Nonstandard analysis Nonstandard analysis (Robinson) studies elementary extensions ∗ V of different structures over the reals R , in particular, elementary extensions ∗ V of Universes V over R . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 23 / 35

  59. Nonstandard analysis Nonstandard analysis (Robinson) studies elementary extensions ∗ V of different structures over the reals R , in particular, elementary extensions ∗ V of Universes V over R . Such an extension ∗ V accordingly contains an extension ∗ R of R . 1 Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 23 / 35

  60. Nonstandard analysis Nonstandard analysis (Robinson) studies elementary extensions ∗ V of different structures over the reals R , in particular, elementary extensions ∗ V of Universes V over R . Such an extension ∗ V accordingly contains an extension ∗ R of R . 1 Any such an extension ∗ R is called hyperreals . 2 Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 23 / 35

  61. Nonstandard analysis Nonstandard analysis (Robinson) studies elementary extensions ∗ V of different structures over the reals R , in particular, elementary extensions ∗ V of Universes V over R . Such an extension ∗ V accordingly contains an extension ∗ R of R . 1 Any such an extension ∗ R is called hyperreals . 2 Each ∗ R is a rcof (or rcoF ) and (except for trivialities) a 3 nonarchimedean one. Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 23 / 35

  62. Nonstandard analysis Nonstandard analysis (Robinson) studies elementary extensions ∗ V of different structures over the reals R , in particular, elementary extensions ∗ V of Universes V over R . Such an extension ∗ V accordingly contains an extension ∗ R of R . 1 Any such an extension ∗ R is called hyperreals . 2 Each ∗ R is a rcof (or rcoF ) and (except for trivialities) a 3 nonarchimedean one. ∗ V is a compatible Universe over ∗ R . 4 Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 23 / 35

  63. Set-size-dense nonstandard extensions Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 24 / 35

  64. Set-size-dense nonstandard extensions Elementary extensions ∗ V of the ZFC set universe V can be obtained as ultrapowers or limit ultrapowers of V . Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 24 / 35

  65. Set-size-dense nonstandard extensions Elementary extensions ∗ V of the ZFC set universe V can be obtained as ultrapowers or limit ultrapowers of V . Theorem (K & Shelah 2004) Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 24 / 35

  66. Set-size-dense nonstandard extensions Elementary extensions ∗ V of the ZFC set universe V can be obtained as ultrapowers or limit ultrapowers of V . Theorem (K & Shelah 2004) There exists a limit ultrapower ∗ V of V such that Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 24 / 35

  67. Set-size-dense nonstandard extensions Elementary extensions ∗ V of the ZFC set universe V can be obtained as ultrapowers or limit ultrapowers of V . Theorem (K & Shelah 2004) There exists a limit ultrapower ∗ V of V such that the corresponding hyperreal line ∗ R ∈ ∗ V is set-size-dense, 1 Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 24 / 35

  68. Set-size-dense nonstandard extensions Elementary extensions ∗ V of the ZFC set universe V can be obtained as ultrapowers or limit ultrapowers of V . Theorem (K & Shelah 2004) There exists a limit ultrapower ∗ V of V such that the corresponding hyperreal line ∗ R ∈ ∗ V is set-size-dense, 1 ∗ V is an elementary extension of the universe V , and 2 Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 24 / 35

  69. Set-size-dense nonstandard extensions Elementary extensions ∗ V of the ZFC set universe V can be obtained as ultrapowers or limit ultrapowers of V . Theorem (K & Shelah 2004) There exists a limit ultrapower ∗ V of V such that the corresponding hyperreal line ∗ R ∈ ∗ V is set-size-dense, 1 ∗ V is an elementary extension of the universe V , and 2 ∗ V is a compatible Universe over ∗ R . Back 3 Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 24 / 35

  70. Set-size-dense nonstandard extensions Elementary extensions ∗ V of the ZFC set universe V can be obtained as ultrapowers or limit ultrapowers of V . Theorem (K & Shelah 2004) There exists a limit ultrapower ∗ V of V such that the corresponding hyperreal line ∗ R ∈ ∗ V is set-size-dense, 1 ∗ V is an elementary extension of the universe V , and 2 ∗ V is a compatible Universe over ∗ R . Back 3 This theorem leads to the following foundational system , solving Kanovei (Moscow) Foundations of infinitesimal calculus sdf60 2013 24 / 35


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