for r th the e fhfc fc 9 9 hous using ng cr cred edits ts

For r th the e FHFC FC 9% 9% Hous using ng Cr Cred edits ts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RFP P HES ES.20 2020 20.2 .2 Local cal Govern ernment ent Area ea of Oppor ortun tunity ty Fundin nding For r th the e FHFC FC 9% 9% Hous using ng Cr Cred edits ts RFA A 20 2020 20-202 202 Pre-Submittal Conference

  1. RFP P HES ES.20 2020 20.2 .2 Local cal Govern ernment ent Area ea of Oppor ortun tunity ty Fundin nding For r th the e FHFC FC 9% 9% Hous using ng Cr Cred edits ts RFA A 20 2020 20-202 202 Pre-Submittal Conference August 19, 2020 1

  2. Mee eeting ting Inf nform ormation tion Website: Access Code: 160 547 9572 Password: pVVst9xnd82 Phone: 904-900-2303 • Microphones are muted • Submit questions via chat function 2

  3. Sta tatement tement of of Pur urpose pose To select 1 affordable rental housing project for the LGAOF match for that project’s application to FHFC 9% Housing Credits RFA 2020-202. 3

  4. RFA 20 2020 20-2 2 ver ersus sus RFP FP HES.2020.2 .2020.2 RFA 2020-2 State administered process (FHFC) 9% Housing Credits Program RFP HES.2020.2 County administered process (HES) HOME funds for LGAOF match 4

  5. FH FHFC FC RFA 20 2020 20-202 202 Before applying to this RFP HES.2020.2, be certain that you will apply to FHFC for 9% Housing Credits through RFA 2020-202: s-multifamily-programs/competitive/2020/2020-202 5

  6. Fu Fund nding ing Availa ailable le Federal HOME funds of $670,000 for a grant for the LGAOF match for a rental housing project seeking 9% Housing Credits through RFA 2020-202. 6

  7. Lo Loca cation tion Li Limi mita tations tions The project must be located in the Palm Beach County HOME Program jurisdiction. Excludes municipalities: • Boca Raton • Ocean Ridge • Boynton Beach • Palm Beach Gardens • Delray Beach • Wellington • Highland Beach • West Palm Beach • Jupiter • Westlake 7

  8. Eli ligib gible le Proj ojects ects Per RFA 2020-202, affordable rental housing, including ALFs, but excluding shelters, transitional housing, group homes, and condominium units. 8

  9. Eli ligib gible le Proj ojects ects Development categories: • New Construction • Rehabilitation • Acquisition and Rehabilitation • Redevelopment 9

  10. Eli ligib gible le Proj ojects ects Development types: • Garden Apartments • Townhouses • Duplex/Triplex/Quadplex • Mid-Rise / High-Rise Heed minimum/maximum size limits established by RFA 2020-202 . 10

  11. LGAOF OF Ter erms ms Commitment for $670,000 HOME grant award contingent on FHFC approval of 9% HC award. If no award by FHFC, commitment is null. Grant secured by encumbrance on title and requires a $2k annual monitoring fee. 11

  12. HOME-Ass Assisted isted Hou ousing sing Uni nits ts Project must assign “fixed” HOME units. Maximum HOME subsidy: • Up to $50k / unit for 1 & 2 BR units • Up to $75k / unit for 3+ BR units Representative distribution of sizes. Example: Project with 4:1 ratio of 2BR/3BR units requires no less than 11 2BR units ($536k/$50k) and 2 3BR units ($134k/$75k). 12

  13. Eli ligib gible le Ben enef eficiarie iciaries All HOME-Assisted units must be occupied by Very Low Income (<50% AMI) or Low Income (<80%AMI). At least 20% of the HOME-assisted units must be set aside for Very Low Income and priority given for tenants referred by PBC CSD. 13

  14. HOME E Inco come me Limi mits ts (2 (202 020) 0) Persons sons in Low Incom come e Moder derate te Househo sehold 50% 50% Income come 80% 1 $30,750 $49,200 2 $35,150 $56,200 3 $39,550 $63,250 4 $43,900 $70,250 5 $47,450 $75,900 6 $50,950 $81,500 7 $54,450 $87,150 8 $57,950 $92,750 14

  15. Per eriod iod of of Affor orda dability bility HOME-assisted units must remain affordable for no less than 30 years: • Low Income (<80%AMI) = High HOME Rent • Very Low (<50%AMI) = Low HOME Rent Maximum allowable rent is applicable HOME rent less an allowance for tenant-paid utilities. 15

  16. HOME HO ME Rent nts Number ber of Low w HOM OME Rent nt High h HOM OME Bedr drooms ooms (50% 0% AMI) I) Rent nt (80% 0% AMI) I) Efficienc iciency $768 $979 1 $823 $1,050 2 $988 $1,262 3 $1,141 $1,450 4 $1,273 $1,598 5 $1,405 $1,744 6 $1,536 $1,891 16

  17. El Elig igib ible le Co Costs ts Project development costs directly attributable to HOME-Assisted units: • Acquisition • A&E Services • Construction • Development permits / fees • Developer Fee Determination of cost eligibility and reasonableness is at County’s sole discretion. 17

  18. Schedule edule / D Deadli adlines nes December 31, 2021 Execute Agreement September 30, 2023 100% HOME Expended September 30, 2024 100% Lease Up 18

  19. Fed eder eral al Req equir uirements ements HOM OME funds ds carry ry Feder eral requir uiremen ements: • 2 CFR Part 200 (Super Circular) • 24 CFR Part 92 (HOME Program Regulations) • 24 CFR Part 58 (HUD Environmental Regulations) • Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (URA) • Davis-Bacon Act (Labor Standards) • Fair Housing Act (Non-discrimination in Housing) • ADA/Section 504 (Accessibility Requirements) All feder eral al requir quireme ements nts include lude in in HOM OME agreemen eement. 19

  20. Prop oposal osal Req equir uirements ements Submittal requirements in RFP Section II.A. • Certifications and disclosures • Detailed project description • Market analysis • Respondent past experience • Evidence of site control • Appraisal (if acquisition) • Development and operating / sales pro forma • Documentation of non-HOME funding sources • Detailed Project Schedule Submissio missions ns faili ling ng to inclu lude de all requir iremen ments ts will l be deemed non on-respon esponsiv sive / n not t be conside sidered d for funding ding. 20

  21. Review w / Se / Selec ecti tion n Pr Proce cess Deadl eadline ine to to sub submi mit RF RFP is is Tue uesd sday, Se September ptember 8, 2020 2020 at at 4:00 00pm pm at at HES ES Offices ces • Notice of proposals received • Responsiveness review by DHES staff • Notification of review results • Responsive proposals to Selection Committee 21

  22. Revi view w / Se / Selec lection tion Process ocess (c (con ont.) t.) Public meeting of Se Selection lection Co Committe mmittee on on th at Se September ptember 18 18 th at 9:00 00am am to discuss and score responsive proposals per RFP criteria (Section III.A.): 30 points – Quality of Proposed Project 25 Points – Qualifications and Experience 20 Points – Financial Viability 15 Points – Project Schedule 5 Points – Geographic Preference 5 Points – Targeted Population Preference 22

  23. Revi view w / Se / Selec lection tion Process ocess (c (con ont.) t.) • Selection Committee will recommend award to one proposal • Notification of Selection Committee funding recommendation • Protest period (file within 3 days from notification) 1. HES Director 2. Special Master ($1,500) • BCC meeting to approve funding award tentatively scheduled for October 6, 2020. 23

  24. PBC Lobbyist Registration Ordinance • “Cone of Silence” means a prohibition on any non-written communication regarding this RFP between any Respondent or Respondent's representative and any County Commissioner or Commissioner's staff. • The Cone of Silence is in effect upon the submittal deadline. • The Cone of Silence terminates when the BCC approves a funding award, or otherwise ends the RFP process. • Violation punishable with $250 fine, and makes a contract entered into pursuant to the RFP voidable. 24

  25. Que Questions? stions? This presentation and Q&A will be posted on the HES website. 25

  26. Con Conta tact ct Carlos los Serrano ano, , SPO O Direc ector tor Dept. t. of Housing sing & Economi nomic c Sustaina stainabil bility ity 100 Aust stralian alian Aven enue, , Suite ite 500 West st Palm lm Beach, h, FL 33406 06 (561 61) ) 233-3608 3608 cse serrano@p ano@pbcg bcgov.or .org 26

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