for monday

For Monday Read Weiss, chapter 7, sections 4-6 Homework: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

For Monday Read Weiss, chapter 7, sections 4-6 Homework: Elementary sorting homework described on Blackboard in Notes and Homework Programming Assignment 1 Any questions? Instructor vs. Book Bubble Sort Concept is to bubble

  1. For Monday • Read Weiss, chapter 7, sections 4-6 • Homework: – Elementary sorting homework described on Blackboard in Notes and Homework

  2. Programming Assignment 1 • Any questions?

  3. Instructor vs. Book

  4. Bubble Sort • Concept is to bubble the largest to the top (or the smallest to the bottom) • Also called exchange sort. • Naïve vs. improved bubble sort.

  5. Selection Sort • Basic concept to the find the smallest (or largest) remaining element and put it in place.

  6. Insertion Sort • Basic concept: – Conceptually split the list to be sorted into two parts: one that is sorted and one that is not – Repeatedly insert the first element from the unsorted part into the sorted part.

  7. Performance of Sorting • What is the performance? • Each sort would be the best choice (of the simple sorts, at least) in certain situations — what situations? • What’s the space cost of these sorting algorithms?

  8. Shellsort • What’s the concept? • h-sorting • increment sequence • Shell’s sequence {1, 2, 4, 8, …} • Hibbard’s sequence {1, 3, 7, 15, …} • best sequence known { 1, 5, 19, 41, 109, …}

  9. Performance of Shellsort

  10. Heapsort • What’s the concept?

  11. Heapsort • Use max heaps instead of min heaps • Use BuildHeap to turn the array into a heap • Use deleteMax to remove items from the beginning of the array, continually moving them to the end of the tree

  12. Performance of Heapsort


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