Cha1"."1.rt cr^cs a^1" s.7<**rc $,.., t+ro\- Sta.lel .heq/ ?}sres Zrro,Âr(ç fo5 ,0,frha..< t^aû" xr.^e*83 Tbrcr *Lçtt( 4.he1 | EFTL l-r,,.sry
t .--. nry|'tv> 1n9 f r-urr o / rl1pTl l..4.Ltros 4tn"l ' r#s o ô-.-6ne-o u t\.?t'Y)\iLo rr''r, 1uyn{,r hrtrn vËansu o ri.îse \rstU 4*rè ,r.f-.'rop l, qt.1
' (1*4*rr) .îr.r.-ong 4o" l. <a-'r-..[,-rt,, '*ry " r-j, pTl ap.N qp + *r.rrd ,i.^ùa+_ -r+d : ær..21{ .\.r./ '}}\acD (*l *vrr'va nrzqv î-p .' d r-orrr, {E . xrl r,bcà?w i -rqttd- îÀ . lp l,?,-\r;h"î frrrrreç1p ,t . /ro*î y lp .b1.r?.s^e I -XvJ *.lh rr o Ye1wy' )r>\cÙ,6' r?t lV ?r2)t /n"n-/.rrô". : trfya".,rrq È 'i,o**{trë_,
Problem gauge + gauge massless nonabelian symmetry bosons Local Solution Higgs mechanism qymmetry (spontaneously): . State of lowest energy breaks UarO, ntO M2<0, A>o ho E-)t2h2+.1 parameter +-+ -\/ mâss < O ist necessary -\12 field: Higgs boson mechanism + additional Higgs with all particles proportional with the strength interacts of the particle to mass (yet) --- LHC (CERN) not observed - experimentally
Weaknesses of the Standard Model r Higgs mechanism not really understood lvr2 < O . Higgs boson not observed (pt) Mass of the scalar Higgs boson unkno^rn + experimental difflcult (110 search - 2OOGeV) o Many free parameters r Gravlty not involved in unlflcation (Planck scale) r Uniflcation of electromagnetic, weak and strong fcce. Indlcations: . quarlG, leptons gauge q/mmetry compatible with higher o unlflcation of coupling constants at higher scale Ir 50 Q 30 n l0 tr f-J.--.--la/+-i---------r- -0 5 l0 15 ttogQ
problem Haerarchy corrections to Higgs boson mass: Quantum Higgs Higgs + sensitivity to highest scale in the theory Quadratic Planck Standardmodel (,. levl After inclusion in larger theory: No stabilisation of the Higgs mass boson at the SM scale Photon and quark masses protected by gauge C:mp:r-,s:n symmetry and chiral respectively symmetry,
Indirect Search for Supersymmetry hy prob . H iera rc le m : Higgs /-\. Higgs -'\----- Planck IeVI (Boson Supersymmetry Fermion Symmetry) stabilizes the low-energy theory Higgs /-\ Higgs =0 SM (MSSM) SM + Supersymmetric .reeds a SuOerpartner, -\1r,.r < 1000Gel' E'",eryccCr data: SM .-' MSSM Global fit to electroweak (Susy contributions decouple) Mechanism of necessary SUSY breaking unknown free parameters ---+ rrrânv problem Many other solutions to the hierarchy on the market: little higgs models, extra dimensions, ... However: Coleman-Mandula Theorem
Coleman-Mandula Theorem internal and space-time There is no nontrivial relation between quantum field theory. in relativistic symmetries is the maximal symmetry of space-time. Poincaré-Symmetry n. n- Ma ndulJ C I1.. a However: does connect these two kinds of symmetry Supersymmetry tra nsform ations: -f nf BoG( I SUSY SUSY Fermion Boson Fermion (as- generalizes the former symmetry concept Supersymmetry by connecting theorem) within the Coleman-Mandula sumed bosons I fermions and
Further Arguments for Supersymmetry with all present data (SUSY de- compatibel contributions ple!) cou prediction . model-independent of the Higgs boson mass: (;, \ ' 130 . allows for deeper understanding of Higgs mechanism E M4o, A'o M2.0, AtO ]'tf /:- - \ /- * ',- para mass meter <--+ I / n € C € SSârV --t tvl Planck- Standardmodel J of top quark (1982 l!). large mass necessary
problem . offers solution of the hierarchy Higgs Higgs Hiæs =0 + Planck Standardmodel E 1012 levl o ElGrapolation: Unification of the three forces of SM E rf 60 fl) 50 50 40 Æ :n 30 m m l0 l0 0 0 0 l0 l5 0 l0 l5 tIoeQ tolog Q
Flavour Problem Supersymmetric . In the MSSM two kinds of new contributions to flavour violation - CKM induced contributions from ÀI+, 1* exchanges - flavour mixing in the sfermion mass matrix persym problem + metric flavour Su Dynamics of flavour - Mechanism of SUSY breaking Tvro approaches: may provide Model-independent important hints anallrsis on the more fundamental theory of soft SUSY breaking FCNC processes also allo\^/ for stringent constraints on models (mSUGRA, specific supersymmetric GMSB, AMSB). to the mechanism B - .Y. r- is sensitive of SUSY breaking, because in the limit of exact supersymmetry:
= (.-") (:t (,-.v-È*'"t ltv:r/..'o a.',v rv tflrd ",p-. ,-r,\L) t "^r oF ræ 1nl'rw ("'rT) m)" -'-rÈ/'t'1 (o,, 'v) nè .ê ,n) / Sot,", rn.scal f.1 (o 'q, '! "I o|.1'-ft| "+/.-,,1" g 'e) (" È 'Y .4t1',s {ç,1n 71 3Js Tr)',= ":}- qjd3y1..'r À-og . 1/a!t .- i'tu = Bv) (r-r(moJ''" -Ûtl *O t..s'-.rl /rn f*olç,oz-a\t -"tt t4-:1at wlyr rrap:s r{l-'.1 *la tnnt o-îds sy){ (t1'l$ (:tr ' :n) Y1 (1-'z'v) top,J\*r, I'È,|t |r:r'J$ ';o; ) {:u ('rr+r ?'v) "Tl la ]a (v'v'v) ? E). ('a'^) ('l r) (',r. ' v'r) '1 *.y'1/-fù1t ("r, ' ,' s) lE p tm*1 1r (sz. a Éx ïr ln - ' 7'g; o ('P ''Ù ('!,''l) ry'*/*1."'b= (tz, '3'8) 1ç1rs')($ns 11r;n' o:È ?ry :tês rrdr,g rf € .t,tA '; ho.T'aloN 4tiÉn-
s*^tl./el A ô*tr ce.,rlo..rr e. sfuzl vcâ.l losr'.. . * r^c.sdecs spù.f âo.s fu' tor-. ^* SLh.s hg -2 s1,vç ,rs1*rf-tt . Ils 4 a,.assQtss sçr.^{ trrTt fir....o.. h+ =2 ! }F gô.1c boso.r v,^,.s! {ra-sdan^ c.r rfira a\;,-} Tclrcsaelahr'e l- i*T , :o t|.ir t<n.Uc T"t "T ça.ltrcrr r Alù4 r^r3l alro q 6i.^?*o" '7Lc a41",*l 1*cu^tùb. o1oi*?. rs alre?a Îi.y StPfcoulrçtr , ttt^r 66q35 Âaw gortr;. | {Àc calre {v ;s1rfu:.r toltra*1..'..,trq. I'a,^t"41 qtà ,1* .T^l- ec,rrfonr-k. &rcl^t l\t-
ST^rsr,.*.r{^è Vlarris: : O 'tÂc ùLveoL"..s Wd rtttccç.J f-t..&" "t.ft ôr( y 6 tln.^r1.,.^e.1iou d".t.a/ e*tr çroputi^r uA Ll lLt s\ufrt-L.-f W. ""1' € *tr 7**r.U, b,t.r-,-1: o î.^ ..1+l .r,-uY-ôxatrirl stou&ttc -*pt.l.iïp s.F ({ posiLrzr t|',q',t aula^s.-..) t^ arâ; Ti L{ c5q '*o t.".L^ratC2 h^eùtod a- Làc-touc;l.2 6r*,"'cer" t(t rQet"rrwrcÀ soat a..^'f {-î("..à sc,,0{. ,..,.is Ïluir ui p.$r'<Jer rttab drsrgsic.trS 4.^.-^r Sctr,rl - -"*9 Etrorld k dcn^,t; )rvrw..rr2 -"f-f 'Ihc rorr} { carcr0Cotr.r ol 1rr,dnâJcdf, A.rVu1Â ÀrJ ltr es$êcL4 dL{q.rù'lirr p,lcrl rclsÈs Lt xQatca ar si te,rLrctrsr s\rJô corpeaT 1T'7* ".ffiL*9 Àr Sht( l" ç.t..rrL a l[ t,'ot*- :-?ntf* rttAr-.cËro îr^^o..rr,h^ \i,.rr.l.^ eocpt.,t^ r ù Lr çr tr.l rCrr,'l I rv.t a*t - ]*if, lÈ. À (*)* l petsl-r,ra . S..r; :F&ror^' t .[ + ld[*..-.À-^' -^ èrlf s.ft À^r,r-s
HSSM +- o Su1.r çrla^La-l lfr + N..'- - u t^ Q !\. -I Lsa *f 'nQ Ra Yt"" 27. q(r). s^(2\ Su t ?tgsL'?t : r,^\Àrcrc . (rù 0.). r g*f (n)+ È"0 Q;.a. a'" (t),.0 o rr- l. Q ll. -+ cc{rc ûÀu 6r..t,213 thÀ.r i e.t12 s3 {qx^}l .*t $& s1u.l^u-"lr/ ùx<t. ui.ll^ryl5st-) 1 U:il = +rxÈt +e...) -g ("" +rt?Èfi 5T -Ë "nd *. - È çË\a"') $g^fr1+. -d*g'.d -î*g."È -Ë :rïd* = r- !+ e iË.F st lll^eè -ç.rr.t!,Q -d - *.ï, ïfîl+" - ra',u tû tt. - (s*.tt1+ce)
'd1o1--"-,.Lr \,rÏlsvrDYl 1q^r/ rrorrrn.rJ /ï-p* -1P.æ- e, <-- l^gY r- = (:e )-l t ,+ = oo1 iËtl'rny1. (tr) f *qtc o- E ! T/r- (f)t= ('l )e ' t/, * - ('rc)u r 1-.rrrr>tt!,s:v 'l'f zr!'y-y "î:.4,*f c\rlp tI !:,,,\0 + v- 8v* - È ntl tp tot-l tt ,/* llv,S+ ,=.o^{ -+ vo l-1 rf .,*\ + _- , (r/ q-'nu (A) .yterîrr. -oG'1 '-1&y nrgy - rôe :.r\L fYrltYà Flq^ 3urùf Y".*lm }.',".lt}, D z^(y'o -ffi tr F a+D-\re^tt fi rrrrTo trt'h/Yt'd#-S >tFY:3/ l.Ytl r.ct? ffi ru alrn /*.* "
aa-^ &.^, ( ag -ÀL -a) /l r[ L4" ùt ar^a ù'l co,^1n-^r. * prcr".-\ a^-\ r"^srp7<src/ | rtLr^ t. pho-.. tt[<l-,a^^< tror*t{ Sr- Attc.{.9 a!r.\, L . T bor"fu{ h^rdict( \^4<^s ol*sasGo*rÇ }e;rot / jrctor lt.a.r ' / P* f t'lfru^ \ g+lto P -r rr,rtdr.* 'e b2 sr'"'a# .y^.n o lq r-- rx a.^.rÀr : e-+ lc" +lco rrt*,rkl, r. . ,rr^+ ôf ùp,.&,( o"n' rercd orr oo,r^ Fo*...*r t*et, U, *^4 ,;' 4rr. L.-.Vy'., ù' r,...r$ L. ar.k9*^r-,olÀc, ri, Àln. ]t --*dï f"c g.'drcrs ..*i( /isb ,tlr cr{rt lL-* r,ùlrcr-r i;:iHëïil;ilïT_ u.d qrcrLr ,e;lar polo+ !
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